Z06 Vs R35.

failed at a str8 line race with a more powerful lighter car. so how does it feel knowin the more powerful lighter z06 got mopped on a fuckin track by a lower hp cow?

i honestly can give 3 shits. i dont own either and this thread wasnt made on the facts of a track race.. these were straight line races.. i never said the Z06 is a track god..and i dont have to say its faster down the strip.. let the videos speak the truth..
What this thread has become is so stupid. This Nissan vs. Chevy deal is so stupid to me because most people that have an S chassis would love an LS1 in their car. Where is the loyalty here? Rob, the video was cool, the rest of the thread is fail.
everyone shut up. i say respect both cars for what they are. Nissan aimed at Porsche not Chevy to begin with. The Z06 is faster in the str8 line but comes up short in a race course and vice versa for the GTR. Consider them friendly rivals cuz theyre in the same price bracket and are hungry to humiluate exotics.
You are only the 2nd person to ever fully annoy me on this site.

If you think any of the previous GTR's aftermarkets simply emerged out of thin air, you're retarded. It took years and years for its upgradability to become what it has. In due time, the same will be possible, if not more, with the newest GTR.

R32's, R33's, and R34's all became famous for their high-tech, cheap, out of box performance. They have been known as Porsche killers since their conception. Aftermarket enthusiasm no doubt fueled the fire for fanboy-dom, but ignorance would lead one to believe that this is what created the bulk of its buying market. GTR's are the Japanese's answer to supercars, not the aftermarket.
Where did I ever imply or say that the after market of the Skyline appeared out of thin air? Please inform me because that never came out of my mouth. I know it took time for the after market to produce parts for the Skylines but with this Skyline(I am not sure about this but I heard it) you can't put rims on it because the ECU won't allow it to run with anything but the stock rims. GTR's stock in my eyes are not super cars, they don't compete with any reputable super car unless highly modded(I'm not saying the new GTR but the older R32-34).
only 6 pages! i thought by now it would be 20 and atleast 1 post from evey member in here!
Where did I ever imply or say that the after market of the Skyline appeared out of thin air? Please inform me because that never came out of my mouth. I know it took time for the after market to produce parts for the Skylines but with the GTR(I am not sure about this but I heard it) you can't put rims on it because the ECU won't allow it to run with anything but the stock rims. GTR's stock in my eyes are not super cars, they don't compete with any reputable super car unless highly modded(I'm not saying the new GTR but the older R32-34).

According to Jeremy Clarkson they're specially designed so that they don't fly off of the car, lol.

I don't think anybody who purchases a GTR really is all that concerned with straight line performance. Especially when you consider what it lost to. I mean, anyone can read the drag time slips - GTRs trap slower than z06's. I didn't need a video or your moot point to realize that. The GTR still pwns.

Impossible. You can't have a 6cyl faster than an 8. Emposibley.
Where did I ever imply or say that the after market of the Skyline appeared out of thin air? Please inform me because that never came out of my mouth. I know it took time for the after market to produce parts for the Skylines but with this Skyline(I am not sure about this but I heard it) you can't put rims on it because the ECU won't allow it to run with anything but the stock rims. GTR's stock in my eyes are not super cars, they don't compete with any reputable super car unless highly modded(I'm not saying the new GTR but the older R32-34).

You made implications. And what makes you think the aftermarket won't solve these dilemmas? Its like when OBDII came out and everybody freaked. And yes they did compete with supercars - of the time. Think about the early 90's until now - things change pal.
This whole thread is very simple: I will laugh at the face of the GTR owner that says his car is 10 seconds faster than a Z06 on a 13 mile track. Unless he can show me the same numbers himself, then 10 seconds on a 13 mile track is simply redundant.

In the end, it's still neck and neck and more of a matter of who's driving the damn car.
I simply say who gives a damn because non of us here will ever afford one of thsoe cars anytime soon!

And if you can afford one, then you are fucking pimpin'
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I simply say who gives a damn because non of us here will every afford one of thsoe cars anytime soon!

And if you can afford one, then you are fucking pimpin'

YOU SIR ARE VERY RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...... little girls fighting over a boyfriend here...lmao... Raffi said the truth.... so why so much drama, we cant afford them... the GTR maybe in a future but the ZR1 cmon man you can buy a house for the price of that car... so stop the queer fighting and STFU...
This whole thread is very simple: I will laugh at the face of the GTR owner that says his car is 10 seconds faster than a Z06 on a 13 mile track. Unless he can show me the same numbers himself, then 10 seconds on a 13 mile track is simply redundant.

In the end, it's still neck and neck and more of a matter of who's driving the damn car.

I bet an everyday driver could make it around a course faster in GTR than a Z06. Kind of the point of the car.

I simply say who gives a damn because non of us here will ever afford one of thsoe cars anytime soon!

And if you can afford one, then you are fucking pimpin'

Give me a few years... :D
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I bet an everyday driver could make it around a course faster in GTR than a Z06. Kind of the point of the car.

You might lose. The difference is minimal (assuming both drivers that clocked the times at the Ring are of similar skill). It's 10-15 seconds over 13 miles!
RWD and gobs of hp is not easy to handle. The GTR is supposed to make a shitty driver look good. I don't think there's any doubt that Joe Schmo would put down better times in an AWD computer controlled car w/ a sequential than a purists sports car. Even if the driving was exactly the same, the sequential would make up for it. That's the point of the car! zo6 = no compromise brute force. GTR = computer gadgetry and modern power/delivery
only thing i give the gtr is that ^......its of course easier to drive...retard prrof....z06 on the other hand can be a little unforgiving
here is the truth the GTR is aimed for that middle class man or woman, who is making over 60K a year with a 700+ credit score.... Thats what nissan is aiming to, they want this newly law school graduate to think about the gtr before he/she moves on to a 5 series, vette, 6 series, 7 series etc..... Is like here is a good user friendly car which would be fun on the weekends.... so now, when this new doctor, entrepeneur, attorney, or business owner gets his/her paycheck he does not have to go to lezus to get an IS-F, nor he needs to go to Merc, Posche, nor BMW... he will just go to a nissan dealer and pick up an automatic user friendly fun car. Simple as that, nissan is not advertising the GTR as a super car, idiots like us and reporters are the ones giving it those qualifications. Nissan is just saying; "Here is an idiot proof, super high tech car which will get you pussy, and all you need to know how to do is play with some paddles in the steering wheel"
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