*Official Fitness Thread*

keep at it paul... shane i think stopped.. idk as for me im 205lbs at 13%bf now, im start leaning out at the end of the month. goal is 195lbs at 8%bf then i can start getting my legs back. good work paul, keep it coming
down to about 275..
alight took some crap pics

this is me day1-

and this is me 60 days later-


started at 305 and now im down to 260. ive got alot more togo (tryn to get to 200) lots of work, no quiting.

yes a picture of my s14 in my bathroom lol
damn son you done lost a whole lotta wieght.. and your hair is all did... and lawls on that picture.. oh and i spy a jersey wing nut.. lol
attah boy..

i didnt hit 228 like i wanted to by now.. new GF derailed that.. but 234 as of right now.. with a food baby inside me

i will be 205 by the time i test for the FD here in nov
I know i haven't read the last 38 pages but what u guys think about strictly jump rope running and push ups? I don't have space for any workout equip at home and don't have time to go to the gym.
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