*Official Fitness Thread*

What chest workout has had the best results for you guys?

push ups. do some with elevated feet. them some up on fists. spread arms and close together that gives you 4 sets to do and if you do it daily when you wake up or whatever i promise you'll see it soon
Well I reached my goal of 180lbs. Now time to get BIG and drop BF. Last I checked I was at 13.7% I want to get to 10% or less. I recently bought a Set of Resistance Bands for Lifting and OMG what a difference. The Negative Reps and the FORCE to explode out of the hole makes an INSANE difference. NO more sets of 8-10, All sets are max of 6 Reps more sets HEAVY ASS WEIGHT! I'll post pics soon.

As for great routines check out: http://fitness.scoobysworkshop.com/index.htm

He as tons of useful information and awesome Work Outs you can do from home. Check it out!
YAY 200lbs @ 12% body fat(suck on that shane-o-mac)..... YAY... now what?....


ill post noodz when i get to 9% fat for shane


Well I reached my goal of 180lbs. Now time to get BIG and drop BF. Last I checked I was at 13.7% I want to get to 10% or less. I recently bought a Set of Resistance Bands for Lifting and OMG what a difference. The Negative Reps and the FORCE to explode out of the hole makes an INSANE difference. NO more sets of 8-10, All sets are max of 6 Reps more sets HEAVY ASS WEIGHT! I'll post pics soon.

As for great routines check out: http://fitness.scoobysworkshop.com/index.htm

He as tons of useful information and awesome Work Outs you can do from home. Check it out!

Yea thats what I do, 6 reps on everything with heaviest weights I can for 3 sets.

What chest workout has had the best results for you guys?

I do incline, decline, regular bench press, along with punching bag after workouts.
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Its so hard for me to gain weight. I recently just hit 145 from being at 135 for a very long time. Im goal is 160.
dam havent updated in awhile.

ive been sticking to my diet stickly but the past week and half have been really bad with the gym. just lots of shit goin on in my life leaves me with no time. but im now down to 270!! im happy as fuk but still gots ways togo. im startn fresh on monday getn back to the gym daily!
dam this sure as hell died out. well down to 264! still dropn lbs! ill update with a pic this week. still got a stomach and tits lol but smaller and u can really see it in my face. lots more work todo but im getn there
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