*Official Fitness Thread*

Dunno if its been talked about before but with almost 40 pages.. ill ask..

Do any of you take creatine? is it worth it? what does it do?
I just started Creatine Monohydrate. I definitely fell a solid pump during & after. I currently take:
Maxpro Protein
Creatine Monohydrate
Mega Man Multi Vitamins
what about creatine hydrochloride?.. i just started few days ago.. cant really tell if theres any difference in my workouts yet
what about creatine hydrochloride?.. i just started few days ago.. cant really tell if theres any difference in my workouts yet

Creatine you have to drink water all day, PERIOD, or you won't notice a thing. AT LEAST a gallon a day, you should feel like you have to piss every hour.
Creatine you have to drink water all day, PERIOD, or you won't notice a thing. AT LEAST a gallon a day, you should feel like you have to piss every hour.

monohydrate Creatine is what u want. i got on tht and it has a loading time which means u have to take it with 8oz of water 3 -4 times a day but after 3weeks ull have a 24/7 swell like u were just at the gym. there are many types of creatine but monohydrate is the only one u need.:bigthumbu

where is ur update shane???? i drop down to 194 but im 12% bodyfat... cant wait for my new shit coming!
monohydrate Creatine is what u want. i got on tht and it has a loading time which means u have to take it with 8oz of water 3 -4 times a day but after 3weeks ull have a 24/7 swell like u were just at the gym. there are many types of creatine but monohydrate is the only one u need.:bigthumbu

where is ur update shane???? i drop down to 194 but im 12% bodyfat... cant wait for my new shit coming!

No updates for right now. Been super busy to work out lately and dislocated my knee 2 days ago at skate park, and just got a new job so. When knee heals I'm going to start getting back in the routine.
any swimmers oh here? i swim in high school (for the past four years, 3 hours a day) + water polo (greatest sport ever)
however, swimming does not help me gain weight, so i am thinkin about doing some weights. I am good cardio wise tho. I dont have any weights, so what can i do just with push-ups and sit-ups?
any swimmers oh here? i swim in high school (for the past four years, 3 hours a day) + water polo (greatest sport ever)
however, swimming does not help me gain weight, so i am thinkin about doing some weights. I am good cardio wise tho. I dont have any weights, so what can i do just with push-ups and sit-ups?

Just add Pull ups to the mix and you will do pretty good.

Check this out:T-Mag: Big Back Big Chest

damn ive been slacking like theres no tom. im starting my work outs and diet today!!
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