*Official Fitness Thread*

yeaaaa, i rather hit the gym. 205lbs finn!


I havent had time in the past 3 or so months to work out. But it looks like things are falling into place right now and I'll have my time back again soon, I'm down to like 170lbs from 185-195 so wont be much to work for, probably be in the 200's after a few months.
any good reviews for p90x, i love watchin infomercials in case you didnt notice. :p

Thought I would chime in here since I am currently doing P90x. P90x is awesome if you can committ to the program. It's basically 6 days a week for an 1 1/2 hours a day for 90 days. So at that intensity level I think alomst any workout program will do good things.

That being said P90x will kick your ass and get your overall level of fitness to a point you likely thought was not possible. I am in the begining of phase three right now (last 30 days) and I am already stonger and more flexible then I have ever been in my life. I specifically did P90x to do just that to help my surfing. I am 6 times a strong and 3 times as felxible now then I was 60 days ago.

I highly recommend this program for people looking for overall fitness but ultimately it is up to the user to get the results.

I started out 60 days ago at a soft 6'2" 198 lbs, as of today I am a much harder 182 lbs and dropping.

My results after 60 days (30 days to go!):

Day 1:

Day 60:

Day 1:

Day 60:

Day 1:

Day 60:

Will update in another 30 days. Wish me luck.
nicee, i did p90x for about 30 days and i saw a huge improvement too. i wish i had kept doing it. i might start again soon
^Thanks! Yeah it's all the damn pull ups they make you do. They are killer for the back. When I started I struggled to do 5, now I can do 20 so it's a large improvement.
No, no supplements and I know that's holding me back big time... I started using muscle milk after 30 days but that stuff just tore my stomach up and it was difficult to drink. I need to find a recovery drink that I can take asap. I'm new to working out so I don't know much about supplements but I need to get a good recovery drink so if you have any suggestions let me know.
Yes absolutely. You need a fast digesting protein - whey protein. I always recommend Optimum Nutrition - very high quality but not the best tasting. BUT if you're taking it post workout, you need carbs too. That's where the maltodextrin and dextrose come in. You add a a couple tablespoons of each to your whey which will cause an insulin spike and assist in getting the protein to your muscles. You will pay a lot more buying the pre-made post-workout shakes, but if you read the ingredients you'll see they all contain maltodextrin and dextrose. Muscle Milk is garbage.



Protein (try caramel toffee fudge - best one ive had from them)

Article for you to read:
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160lbs in april

205lbs in nov

No, no supplements and I know that's holding me back big time... I started using muscle milk after 30 days but that stuff just tore my stomach up and it was difficult to drink. I need to find a recovery drink that I can take asap. I'm new to working out so I don't know much about supplements but I need to get a good recovery drink so if you have any suggestions let me know.

thats casein protein... try something with whey protein. muscle milk is a meal replacement and had th effect on some ppls gut. whey is leaner and better for you. http://bsn-syntha-6.com/BSN-Syntha-6.jpg
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New P90x Grad!!!

Damn KP looking diesel!

Thanks for the advice, I'm going to get on some protein soon and start trying to build up some muscle now that I've lost a lot of fat.

Done as of two weeks ago with P90x and I'm about to start their "Graduate" program. I love this shit and would recommend it to anybody looking to increase their strength, cardio, and flexibility. I can honestly say that I'm more fit now then I have even been in my life and I'm 29. Wish I didn't wait so long but better late then never. On to my final results.

Started out at 198ish and am now at 178 and have been for the past 3-4 weeks. I seemed to have leveled off at 178 but I was as low as 176 which is borderline skinny for my 6'2" frame. Looking to put some muscle on now and try to get back to between 180-185.


Day 1 @ 198lbs


Day 90 @ 177.4lbs


Day 1 @ 198lbs


Day 90 @ 177.4 lbs


Day 1


Day 90


Day 1:


Day 90:

your back shaped up quick... you need to do some incline bench pressing and dead lifts. im a gym rat, p90 seems to take too long for me.
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Today starts a New Routine for me also! 2010 is for getting big!

I plan to get a bit more size then focus on endurance. I plan to goto Paramedic/EMT & Fire Academy in the up coming years. Also I'm joining a gym to get into BJJ & MMA. Should be pretty dope!

I'll post updates in the next couple of days!
Today starts a New Routine for me also! 2010 is for getting big!

I plan to get a bit more size then focus on endurance. I plan to goto Paramedic/EMT & Fire Academy in the up coming years. Also I'm joining a gym to get into BJJ & MMA. Should be pretty dope!

I'll post updates in the next couple of days!

My bro just finished the EMT part of the course now hes getteing ready for fire Academy. Its alot of stuff to rememeber
Been so busy working, and my dislocated knee took a while to heal. But I'm just about ready to start again aswell, dropped about 30lbs :eek: No good.
my shoulders are gay, workout intensity has been shit...seeing a dr soon. :( Been running more though.
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