*Official Fitness Thread*

sorry i havent updated in a bit, but ive been hitn the gym everyday for 1 hour. suprisingly the easiest think is keeping to a good health diet.
gym tonight a 9 cant wait!
Well here is a bit of progress and an update.
First the update. I'm @ 184lbs from 209ish when I started. I have been riding my bike to and from the gym on clear days ~9 mile round trip at ~ 16 or so MPH. I am going to route a different route so I can get more time in.

I have a new split, I have been doing:
Bis & Tris
Chest & Squats
Shoulders & Leg Press & Calfs

Abs & Bike everyday I go, I usually have 1 day off between.

I also order Resistance Bands, I went 50/50 with my friend. Plans are to get BIG! I'll keep the updates when those come and maybe some vids!




ahh i guess i will jump in here i am 300 6'4 and trust me there is an athlete hiding behind all my extra love. but i want to lose some weight, joining LA Fitness this weekend. after a test workout today. i will post. broke my back and got really heavy due to lack of exercise and no self control. blessing in disguise tho because i got more into cars and lost interest for football.
Well here is a bit of progress and an update.
First the update. I'm @ 184lbs from 209ish when I started. I have been riding my bike to and from the gym on clear days ~9 mile round trip at ~ 16 or so MPH. I am going to route a different route so I can get more time in.

I have a new split, I have been doing:
Bis & Tris
Chest & Squats
Shoulders & Leg Press & Calfs

Abs & Bike everyday I go, I usually have 1 day off between.

I also order Resistance Bands, I went 50/50 with my friend. Plans are to get BIG! I'll keep the updates when those come and maybe some vids!


Alright, past 2 weeks I've been trying to cut up a bit, been running more than usual and I've lost about 5lbs. Trying to get my abs back the way they used to be, shouldn't be much longer...
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Alright, past 2 weeks I've been trying to cut up a bit, been running more than usual and I've lost about 5lbs. Trying to get my abs back the way they used to be, shouldn't be much longer...

i would die to look like that!

well just got back from the gym my first 2 hr. visit lol and i feel great. did 1 hr. on the bike. rode 16miles towards the end my legs were burning but i didnt give up. then the last hr, my friend showed up and we did some weight lifitng with the machines(no free weights) i feel good.

sticking to the diet is the easy part for me, its getn to the gym everyday is killer. watchn my 2 year old son everyday is killn my gym time. i usually go at night with my roommate since we motovate each other but the kid care is closed. after going today by myself for an hour im motivated enough togo by myself. so everyday for 2 hrs is my goal! the past 2 weeks ive gone like 3 times(i know bad)

i jumped on the scale before i got workn out to day and............... i lost more weight!!!!!! might not seem lots to you guys but i havent excersided in 6 years and have lost weight in those 6 years either!
started with 305 now-294 thats 11 lbs!:D:D:D:D
39lbs togo to reach my target!!!!!!!
^^ lol thanks man. Seems like your really sticking to it. You have a stronger will power than 90 percent of people in this country. Good stuff! Keep it up
^^ lol thanks man. Seems like your really sticking to it. You have a stronger will power than 90 percent of people in this country. Good stuff! Keep it up

yeah ive just got a lot of shit going on in my life, and i wouldnt really say it motivates me to work out, just working out clears my mind. plus i gotta be health for my son. i wanna be around. plus i see all these nigs at the gym that are ripped and pimpn and i wanna be like that. fat guys dont pull girls so, got drop the weight and build some muscle
yeah ive just got a lot of shit going on in my life, and i wouldnt really say it motivates me to work out, just working out clears my mind. plus i gotta be health for my son. i wanna be around. plus i see all these nigs at the gym that are ripped and pimpn and i wanna be like that. fat guys dont pull girls so, got drop the weight and build some muscle

Yea man, what your going through is hard I bet. I can't say I've been there but I can understand its gotta be hard. But working out and getting in shape does help you forget shit and feel better about yourself.:bigthumbu
yeah ive just got a lot of shit going on in my life, and i wouldnt really say it motivates me to work out, just working out clears my mind. plus i gotta be health for my son. i wanna be around. plus i see all these nigs at the gym that are ripped and pimpn and i wanna be like that. fat guys dont pull girls so, got drop the weight and build some muscle

Move to the Islands, women love big guys there! They think you got mucho dinero since your so big you can afford to eat a lot. True Story.

On a serious note: Great job keeping up with it Paul, it may not seem like a lot to you but 3 days in 2 weeks in MUCH more then most in this Country like Shane said! Keep it up. BTW Do your Cardio after the weights BUT NEVER SKIP IT! 16 miles is going to deplete your energy storage and it is better to weight train first. Also Cardio with help release Lactic Acids to help heal your muscles and fight the Free Radicals the Exercise creates.
yeah ive just got a lot of shit going on in my life, and i wouldnt really say it motivates me to work out, just working out clears my mind. plus i gotta be health for my son. i wanna be around. plus i see all these nigs at the gym that are ripped and pimpn and i wanna be like that. fat guys dont pull girls so, got drop the weight and build some muscle

speak for you self... lol well man congrats on keeping it up.. im going to start working out hardcore again.. I let myself get lazy..
speak for you self... lol well man congrats on keeping it up.. im going to start working out hardcore again.. I let myself get lazy..

for real, i was pulling decent chics when i was heavy. but now that im smaller it is easier, but it all comes down to confidence
^^ Yea confidence is key, but you obtain that so easily after you start seeing yourself get more in shape. It's kinda cool how that works.
^^ Yea confidence is key, but you obtain that so easily after you start seeing yourself get more in shape. It's kinda cool how that works.


when i look at myself and i get discusted i can only image what girls think about me. so getn in shape is a must. not just for chicks but i wanna live a health happy life

oh and 2hr gym session again tonight! woot!!!
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well nigs, havent updated but the weight keeps sheadne off and im loven it. i am now at $281!!! started at 305. i havent stuck to the gym routine as much as i wish i could but eatn healthy is awsome. i feel so lively and have lots of engery! going to the gym in 30mins so ill post more later!
havent updated my weight in a bit, i been bad :mad: cheated a few times on the diet and havent hit the gym in about a week or so.. well im at 271 and it sucks.. Im going to start working out again very soon.. gotta get my routine down again..
havent updated my weight in a bit, i been bad :mad: cheated a few times on the diet and havent hit the gym in about a week or so.. well im at 271 and it sucks.. Im going to start working out again very soon.. gotta get my routine down again..

good shit sir, i wish i was at 271! do work son. no gym for me tonight i wanted togo but i pushed my arms to hard and well houlder is killn me. im a rest up tonight and get back at it tommorw after noon
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