*Official Fitness Thread*


ladies and gents, it is time. i have offically gotten myself out of shape beyond belife!
ive hit my limit and im sad to say its bad. i now weight 305 and look that fat.

life style must change and so does my weight. so im here for motivation. me and my roommate have decided to start a diet and gym program to get back in shape.
just signed up for 24 hour fitness gym. also i am looking into suppliments to help burn the fat and build muscle, pls take my dialy doeses of vitamins. i have lots of questions since staying in shape was never on my list. ive read all pages in this thread so got some questions to ask

-what should my gym work out routine be?
-can i work out to much?
-im looking to drop body fat and build muscle, whats the best/fastest ways to get there?
-what supplements should i be taken (if any) to help this process along.
-what diettary foods should i be eating?

any other support/ help would be greatly appreciated. i will be documenting my changes on this thread with pics so i hope i can share my experiences with all

target goal is to drop 50lbs!!!!!!!!!!
DAY 1-
weight 305lbs

small goals so far-i quit drinking alchol. its been exactly 1 week 2 days.
joined a gym. today will be the first day

All the big men on the site will soon be gone lol.. well bro its simple dont eat any fast food lol eat alot of protien, so grilled chicken, veggies, salads, fish, and some red meat to. As for working out start off with alot of cardio and get some stamina under your belt. Also target specific muscle groups on certain days but dont forget to give your body rest to, your muscle have to rebuild them selves. I started off with a 30lb free weights and a staionary bike, I did about an hour on the bike and did some weights to tone my arms. Do alot of push ups and ALOT of sit ups you want to tighten the skin on your tummy or your gonna loose weight and have all this flabby skin hanging.
Badass Paul! Thats good to hear you want to get in shape. Cardio is key to loosing body fat. You need at least 30min of a aerobic excersize to burn fat. Doesnt have to be hard 30min though! Get on a bike in the gym and just ride, easy pace, or if your willing, pick up the pace, but aim for at least 30min or you get nothing out of the workout. Working on abs and such is not needed right now, but if you do work them out, they will only look even better once the fat is lost and the sparkley abs surface =) Good luck man!
All the big men on the site will soon be gone lol.. well bro its simple dont eat any fast food lol eat alot of protien, so grilled chicken, veggies, salads, fish, and some red meat to. As for working out start off with alot of cardio and get some stamina under your belt. Also target specific muscle groups on certain days but dont forget to give your body rest to, your muscle have to rebuild them selves. I started off with a 30lb free weights and a staionary bike, I did about an hour on the bike and did some weights to tone my arms. Do alot of push ups and ALOT of sit ups you want to tighten the skin on your tummy or your gonna loose weight and have all this flabby skin hanging.

pancho ftw!

Badass Paul! Thats good to hear you want to get in shape. Cardio is key to loosing body fat. You need at least 30min of a aerobic excersize to burn fat. Doesnt have to be hard 30min though! Get on a bike in the gym and just ride, easy pace, or if your willing, pick up the pace, but aim for at least 30min or you get nothing out of the workout. Working on abs and such is not needed right now, but if you do work them out, they will only look even better once the fat is lost and the sparkley abs surface =) Good luck man!

thanks shane! its great to know theres support out there.

yeah i was gonna do a work out plan like-

mornings go out for a skate like 30-45 mins

late afternoon hit the gym up and do lots of biking and running.

eat small but healthy foods 6-8 times a day

situps at night
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^^ That sounds like a really good plan Paul and this thread is all about support so feel free to ask anything here. The main thing is to keep it up, there is a 2 week hump, most people can't get past it and they quit, but if you can get past it, you'll not want to quit. It's a weird pshycological thing. You'll start feel benefits and never want them to end, its cool stuff.
good shit paul..

id stay away from situps, they do more hurt then anything.. id do planks and leg lifts. also push ups help ur core, and body squats..

just get to running man lol, use the elliptical as its easier on the knees
It's god too see more and more wanting to get in shape! Like Shane said beat that 2 week hump and you will be good Paul! You can do it!

I would stick to Cardio and Light weight training to get started. At least 30 mins of Cardio, like said before. Do what ever is most comfortable on you body(knees). I prefer Bike and Elliptical Machines.

To answer one of you questions YES you can train to much. But I don't think it is something to worry about yet. I would do 4 - 5 days of training and make sure you get rest. If you miss a day don't sweet it. As soon as you start feeling guilty about missing a day or working for less time you sill start to dislike it.

As Pancho said WATCH YOUR DIET! That is one of the MOST IMPORTANT things you can do. Cut the Liquor, Soda, Fast Food, Junk Food etc...6 small meals through-out the day is great. Get plenty of rest and DON'T GIVE UP!

Calorie Calculator - That Link has a lot of good calculators to help you plan meals, etc.
well guys just got back from the first time ever going to a gym. and well....


i did 30mins on the bike, then jumped on some weights. did lots of arms and legs. lifted 30-40lbs with did 3 sets of 20 reps. then to round off the day i did some speed walking for 15mins to cool off. me and my roommate went together so time flew by. was there for a solid 1hr. and will be going back tommorw morning. i feel great, and loving it. 2 week hump here i come.

i will be sticking to a 6-8 small meals a day icluding chicken breast, tuna, steak fruits and veges. with some suppliments/vitamins and hope the weight sheds off and muscle builds.
Try not to do both at the same time, first shed off unwanted fat, then build muscle.

wasnt really tryn to build muscle just getn my body loose again. its been 6 years since any type of excersie at all. im just tryn to 1-drop body fat/weight 2- tone the body.

i cant wait to get back
Try not to do both at the same time, first shed off unwanted fat, then build muscle.

i beg to differ, hes not gunna get huge by building muscle now, im gunna guarantee theres a lot of muscles he hasnt fully trained.. so they will grow, and the best fat burner is a hungry muscle
so exactly how many times should i be eating a day? i know small health meals but how long should i wait between meals/snacks.

-today, after i got home from the gym, for dinner i had half a hamburger(cooked on the george forman grill) half a chicken breast, some green beans and corn. that was at 4:45. now its 6:32 and im hungry. do i fight the hunger pains and last longer till a snack or do i eat a small meal again?
Eat about 5 times a day, all small meals. Your body will get used to it after a few weeks. Just watch your fats and keep your electrolytes and protein up when working out. And stay hydrated always!
Yeah definitely keep up the electrolytes and hydration when working out I have made myself throw up on a couple occasions, by just going in early morning on like some water and a banana, not a good idea.

Cut you your sugars out by 3pm and your carbs by 6pm. Do one of those calorie counter things that tells you what you need to sustain, and then decided from there how many calories you would want to take in.
awsome, thanks guys. well ive been sticking to my diet plans well, and off 2 the gym now! goin for another 1hr workout. carbio 30mins. weight machines for 20mins. running/cool down for 10mins.
woot! back from the gym and i feel great! 15 mins on the ellipical machine, 35 mins of arms, little of legs and lots of crunches, then speed walking 10mins, to cool off. i feel great, my cores alittle sore, workn out these abs are hard. they barley got worked over the past 6 years lol. but gym again tommorw, cant wait!!
so uhh, just thought i should share a little and get a little insight. ive been working out on and off for the past few years, i just recently started going 5 days a week again the past 2 months, ive noticed ive gotten quite a bit stronger, and i dont have much fat on me to begin with, but since i started going, i went from about 155 to less than 150 and im 5'11"... i dont eat great but i drink a lot of water and im really trying to bulk up... since everyone in the thread seems really willing to help out any insight on what i can do or why im losing weight?
wow well if paul has the time and patience and courage to get some excercise than that makes me feel like should follow plus i just weighed myself the other day and im heavier than ever. so i gonna start to think about what i eat and try to convince myself to do some sort of excercise.
yea good shit paul...stay with it bro. bill your tall so its ok to be a lil heavy. you should be a bouncer.

yea im been back at the gym for a few months now. was away from the gym for almost 6 years. had a horrible accident 4 years ago and now im trying to get my body back to somewhat a normal state!
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