*Official Fitness Thread*

I already assumed the BM's were happening lol.

I would never have started a thread about this. :/
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finished my 3rd week of running every morning for an hour.. 9 more weeks to go.. down 20lbs!!

30 to go

Very nice! I just bought a bicycle so I wan to try to get a ride in the mornings before work. Plus I wall be riding ~ 12-15 miles round trip to my gym and back home. Should be great!

Ok so Water Therapy has so far shown no real changes for me. I am still tired-I need more sleep. I never really get head aches. I don't really know what to be looking for?
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a lot better man, take your time and concentrate on your cadence... dont worry about going fast and concentrate on building your endurance.
pancho where u at man, hows the progress going

Ive hit another plateau. Last time I checked I jumped on the scale was 280, checked yesterday 279. My body hates me right now and isnt letting me drop as fast i was before... I also havent been working out as much... damn rain and work... Ill start again soon. will keep everyone updated.
Ive hit another plateau. Last time I checked I jumped on the scale was 280, checked yesterday 279. My body hates me right now and isnt letting me drop as fast i was before... I also havent been working out as much... damn rain and work... Ill start again soon. will keep everyone updated.

alright man, just dont quit!

you've come far, keep it going!

ladies and gents, it is time. i have offically gotten myself out of shape beyond belife!
ive hit my limit and im sad to say its bad. i now weight 305 and look that fat.

life style must change and so does my weight. so im here for motivation. me and my roommate have decided to start a diet and gym program to get back in shape.
just signed up for 24 hour fitness gym. also i am looking into suppliments to help burn the fat and build muscle, pls take my dialy doeses of vitamins. i have lots of questions since staying in shape was never on my list. ive read all pages in this thread so got some questions to ask

-what should my gym work out routine be?
-can i work out to much?
-im looking to drop body fat and build muscle, whats the best/fastest ways to get there?
-what supplements should i be taken (if any) to help this process along.
-what diettary foods should i be eating?

any other support/ help would be greatly appreciated. i will be documenting my changes on this thread with pics so i hope i can share my experiences with all

target goal is to drop 50lbs!!!!!!!!!!
DAY 1-
weight 305lbs

small goals so far-i quit drinking alchol. its been exactly 1 week 2 days.
joined a gym. today will be the first day
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