*Official Fitness Thread*

Official: Water Therapy Thread

I do water therapy every day and it makes me poop a brick in the morning haha. Look it up, crazy shit but it works. I don't have anywhere near as many migraines as i used to get (was about every other day now its about once every few weeks) and my joint pains have gone down significantly. Knowing i'll poop a fatty every morning is reassuring too.

Anyway, i always check my weight on the same scale and the same way. Workout, pee, weigh myself. So whatever i think i actually gained that lb. :/
Haha seems like an interesting thing to do.

I was skeptic but its free and i was at wits end with my headaches. BTW - haven't gotten one tension headache at the gym since i started. I used to get them a lot, especially on back days. They would sometimes knock me on my ass they were so intense. It got to the point where i was almost afraid to lift weights.

What I do is immediately after I wake up, I drink about 1.25 liters of water with a little bit of sea salt (enough to barely taste it when im about done, like 1/4 teaspoon). It does flush your body and will cause your colon to produce new blood - you'll notice a runny nose for about 10mins and during that time, you'll probably have to take a dump. Like a freakishly huge, but easy going one.

I then don't eat or brush my teeth for 45mins. You'll piss like a race horse about an hr later but its nothing when you weigh the benefits. I stopped telling people about it b/c nobody tries or listens to me for that matter. If you are curious, try it for a few days. You'll be a believer. http://www.knowledgebase-script.com/demo/article-113.html
I pretty much do the same thing, just not with salt in the water. I have to piss every 45min of the day I drink so much.
I worked out today for the first time in 4 months. I know im going to feel it tomorrow
I was skeptic but its free and i was at wits end with my headaches. BTW - haven't gotten one tension headache at the gym since i started. I used to get them a lot, especially on back days. They would sometimes knock me on my ass they were so intense. It got to the point where i was almost afraid to lift weights.

What I do is immediately after I wake up, I drink about 1.25 liters of water with a little bit of sea salt (enough to barely taste it when im about done, like 1/4 teaspoon). It does flush your body and will cause your colon to produce new blood - you'll notice a runny nose for about 10mins and during that time, you'll probably have to take a dump. Like a freakishly huge, but easy going one.

I then don't eat or brush my teeth for 45mins. You'll piss like a race horse about an hr later but its nothing when you weigh the benefits. I stopped telling people about it b/c nobody tries or listens to me for that matter. If you are curious, try it for a few days. You'll be a believer. http://www.knowledgebase-script.com/demo/article-113.html

Im going to try it.. whats the worst that can happen? I have to take a dump and pee alot..
I was skeptic but its free and i was at wits end with my headaches. BTW - haven't gotten one tension headache at the gym since i started. I used to get them a lot, especially on back days. They would sometimes knock me on my ass they were so intense. It got to the point where i was almost afraid to lift weights.

What I do is immediately after I wake up, I drink about 1.25 liters of water with a little bit of sea salt (enough to barely taste it when im about done, like 1/4 teaspoon). It does flush your body and will cause your colon to produce new blood - you'll notice a runny nose for about 10mins and during that time, you'll probably have to take a dump. Like a freakishly huge, but easy going one.

I then don't eat or brush my teeth for 45mins. You'll piss like a race horse about an hr later but its nothing when you weigh the benefits. I stopped telling people about it b/c nobody tries or listens to me for that matter. If you are curious, try it for a few days. You'll be a believer. http://www.knowledgebase-script.com/demo/article-113.html

started today... everything Tmac has mentioned has happened so far...
I did it! WOWSER it is hard to drink 6.5 Cups of Water! Bowels Definitely moved, I didn't think there was more in there after dinner last night!
lol just make sure you aren't using cups to big. I have it measured out so i know exactly how much 1.25ltrs is. you don't want to kill yourselves on water haha. If you drink it fast enough, you get a sweet buzz too.
Today the water was much easier to get down. I may have miss counted yesterday n drank 8 glasses =X
Today the water was much easier to get down. I may have miss counted yesterday n drank 8 glasses =X

LOL bro I did the exact same thing... hahahaha. At first I thought this shouldn’t be too hard then after the first 5-6 cups I felt it. Then pounding down the last two sucked... This morning I got out the measuring cup and did it the right way...
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