*Official Fitness Thread*

yea i lost about 100 lbs or so and gained all of it back and then some when i started a dating my current ex. shes out of the picture right now an im focusing on getting back on track and becoming more of an animal than what i was. thanks for the tips to ill try some out today after racketball.

women seem to do that lol.. when i was with my ex i gained like 10 lbs back and then had been too lazy to fix my shit.. but now im ready and willing

go slow and work on the form today
^^ For real.
Creatine owns my stomach. i started out nothing but good eating and a lil bit of protein at 160lbs and then introduced test boosters, Creatine, and sizeon. im now about 183lbs and leveling out at 4weeks now. ive leveled out now and need to eat more and start uping everything. i wanna get to 200lbs. "shane whos ur dealer?"jk
183....its was 80's night...hahaha

Looks good, but also looks like your putting on alot of fat. Maybe lower your calorie intake and get out and run. I run 3 miles a day to keep it down.
^^ For real.

Looks good, but also looks like your putting on alot of fat. Maybe lower your calorie intake and get out and run. I run 3 miles a day to keep it down.

omg your calling me fat.... :-( haha i know im a soft 185ish i wanna get to a soft 200 then lean out....
I dont see a reason to be paying for a Gym when you are trying to loose weight....
Just diet and do regular exercises like: ride a bike, jog, push ups, sit ups, lite weight curls and presses etc..... by busting your ass at the gym and lifting all that cool weight you are incresing your muscle mass, and muscle weights more than fat... If you look at all the exercises advertise in TV to make you look rip and loose weight (Fitness made simple, PX90) they are all about being explossive and shocking your muscles, bench pressing, curling, etc at the gym will not help you loose the weight... If you want to loose weight look up the training use by MMA fighters, Triathlon participants, gymnast, boxers etc... also, watch what you eat....
I dont see a reason to be paying for a Gym when you are trying to loose weight....
Just diet and do regular exercises like: ride a bike, jog, push ups, sit ups, lite weight curls and presses etc..... by busting your ass at the gym and lifting all that cool weight you are incresing your muscle mass, and muscle weights more than fat... If you look at all the exercises advertise in TV to make you look rip and loose weight (Fitness made simple, PX90) they are all about being explossive and shocking your muscles, bench pressing, curling, etc at the gym will not help you loose the weight... If you want to loose weight look up the training use by MMA fighters, Triathlon participants, gymnast, boxers etc... also, watch what you eat....

yea i am trying to loose weight and get lean, im not maxing out on any exercise i do .. im doing light weight high reps.. and yea i could work out at home but to be honest it gets old.. at the gym i get the eye candy its more motivation to work out harder.. i know muscle weights more than fat, im not trying to be an exact pound but to look a certain way while i might be gaining lbs from muscle mass im still loosing body fat and sliming down inches from my waist and stomach etc..
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yea i am trying to loose weight and get lean, im not maxing out on any exercise i do .. im doing light weight high reps.. and yea i could work out at home but to be honest it gets old.. at the gym i get the eye candy its more motivation to work out harder.. i know muscle weights more than fat, im not trying to be an exact pound but to look a certain way while i might be gaining lbs from muscle mass im still loosing body fat and sliming down inches from my waist and stomach etc..

It will take you a lot longer, I just dropped over 40 pound in 4 months. I am ripped, my arms are as big as they were before. Unless you are a serious about working out, going to the gym for eye candy is the wrong reason. I am guessing you are one of those peeps, who stop to talk crap instead of working out. That's the reason i stopped going to the gym, too much "bla blah blah, check that girl out, blah blah blah" at home i get in my bike ride for around 9 miles as soon as i get home I do around 200 decline push ups, 200 incline push ups, 100 crunches, 100 reps on the ab wheel, light curls w/ 30lbs, one legged squats and 10 minute non stop shadow boxing. All this w/o stopping with the aim of increasin my core endurance and explisiveness. try doing that at the gym while you are checking out the eye candy, but then again we all have different levels of commitment, i told myself i was going to drop all the weight, eat healthy, increase my endurance, and I set myself a goal. Now that goal is within sight, so i seat here telling you a good diet and commitment will help you loose your weight.
It will take you a lot longer, I just dropped over 40 pound in 4 months. I am ripped, my arms are as big as they were before. Unless you are a serious about working out, going to the gym for eye candy is the wrong reason. I am guessing you are one of those peeps, who stop to talk crap instead of working out. That's the reason i stopped going to the gym, too much "bla blah blah, check that girl out, blah blah blah" at home i get in my bike ride for around 9 miles as soon as i get home I do around 200 decline push ups, 200 incline push ups, 100 crunches, 100 reps on the ab wheel, light curls w/ 30lbs, one legged squats and 10 minute non stop shadow boxing. All this w/o stopping with the aim of increasin my core endurance and explisiveness. try doing that at the gym while you are checking out the eye candy, but then again we all have different levels of commitment, i told myself i was going to drop all the weight, eat healthy, increase my endurance, and I set myself a goal. Now that goal is within sight, so i seat here telling you a good diet and commitment will help you loose your weight.

i dropped about 60 lbs in the last 3 months or so.. i dont go to the gym just for the eye candy.. i like the equipment they have and the racquetball courts are nice there. the pool is i believe 50m but i havent used it yet. im on a strict diet. I dont stop in between sets to talk about girls here and there, i check them out between moving to machines and getting water and on the way in and out of the gym. as for levels of commitment mines is there.. i passed what i projected for the first 3 months. i also dont go to the gym solely to lift weights i do cardio as well if its not the bike its the treadmill. I dont know if you remember what i looked like before i started any of this dieting or exercise but ill try to make it out to the next Wednesday meet..
cool meng, i wont be there....lol... i dont go to the meets no moe, i dont do nothing drif related lol...

other than post on this forum
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cool meng, i wont be there....lol... i dont go to the meets no moe, i dont do nothing drif related lol...

other than post on this forum

lmao im kinda on the same boat.. no more drift or meets.. forum helps me pass time at work. soo.. lol
yea i am trying to loose weight and get lean, im not maxing out on any exercise i do .. im doing light weight high reps.. and yea i could work out at home but to be honest it gets old.. at the gym i get the eye candy its more motivation to work out harder.. i know muscle weights more than fat, im not trying to be an exact pound but to look a certain way while i might be gaining lbs from muscle mass im still loosing body fat and sliming down inches from my waist and stomach etc..

i see it as this.. when im paying for the gym membership the cost is a big incentive to go. because its money being spent so i should use it.

the high rep light weight is perfect man, do what works for you!

MMA training is fun and a good exercise

It will take you a lot longer, I just dropped over 40 pound in 4 months. I am ripped, my arms are as big as they were before. Unless you are a serious about working out, going to the gym for eye candy is the wrong reason. I am guessing you are one of those peeps, who stop to talk crap instead of working out. That's the reason i stopped going to the gym, too much "bla blah blah, check that girl out, blah blah blah" at home i get in my bike ride for around 9 miles as soon as i get home I do around 200 decline push ups, 200 incline push ups, 100 crunches, 100 reps on the ab wheel, light curls w/ 30lbs, one legged squats and 10 minute non stop shadow boxing. All this w/o stopping with the aim of increasin my core endurance and explisiveness. try doing that at the gym while you are checking out the eye candy, but then again we all have different levels of commitment, i told myself i was going to drop all the weight, eat healthy, increase my endurance, and I set myself a goal. Now that goal is within sight, so i seat here telling you a good diet and commitment will help you loose your weight.

good shit man! you were already a brick house. whats ur bf% now? Where are u training mma now too
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No more MMA man, really fucked up my ankle last time training. But I still love that shit, I grapple whenever i have a chance. I really would love to get my purple on BJJ but now i am concentrating on endurance, I want to do a triathlon this year or next year...
No more MMA man, really fucked up my ankle last time training. But I still love that shit, I grapple whenever i have a chance. I really would love to get my purple on BJJ but now i am concentrating on endurance, I want to do a triathlon this year or next year...

sick man, what about doing an ironman?
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