*Official Fitness Thread*

Yes (no homo). It just passed but if you want to next year, im down. Im even more down if you can teach me to swim and breathe properly. I tend to gas out in like 5 seconds b/c i know im doing it wrong but idk what I should be doing.
no homo. lol.. well update on me.. dropping slowly.. not as fast as before.. i havent weightd myself in a couple of days so later today ill see what im at.
Sweet, if I'm stilll here next year we are definatley doing it.

you guys count me in..... I just picked up this bad boy...


Ok so I decided why get BIG if I am not Strong. I figured I'd get strength , that would burn fat, and grow muscle then I can Isolate etc once I get my strength up.

That being said I looked into 2 different Strength Programs both are very similar, Strong Lifts 5x5 & Starting Strength Rippetoe's. I decided to go with Rippetoe's for no reason in particular.

The work outs are as follows:
Week 1:

Monday - Workout A
Wednesday -Workout B
Friday - Workout A

Week 2:

Monday - Workout B
Wednesday - Workout A
Friday - Workout B


Workout A
  • 3x5 Squat
  • 3x5 Bench Press
  • 1x5 Deadlift
  • **2x8 Dips

Workout B
  • 3x5 Squat
  • 3x5 Standing military press
  • 3x5 Power Cleans(or Bent Rows)
  • **2x8 Chin-ups (recommended mainly if doing the cleans)

The program doesn't recommend Cardio if you are under 15% BF. AB work is ok, Decline Sit-ups/or Hanging Leg Raises are recommended for ABs.

No Assistance or ISOLATIONS. The compound lifts really do work every muscle pretty well. Isolation will come when it is time to get BIG and less focus on strength.

As far as weight is concerned:
As for the weight, make sure that you use the SAME weight throughout the sets. For example if I do the first set if Squats with 200lbs then I do the other 2 sets of squats with 200lbs.

Every week make it a goal to increase each of your lifts by 2.5%. Meaning if I lifted 100lbs for my Bench Week 1 then Week 2 I would try for 102.5lbs. If I did 200lb Squats Week 1 I would try for 205lbs in Week 2. Sometimes you will be able to do more but don’t mess with your form just to lift more.

So my starting stats are on my first week:
Weight: 185LBS
Height: 6'0"

SQUATS: 150 (worked on form on free Barbell vs Smith Machine)
DEADLIFTS: 255 (Alternating grip, Weight belt)
DIPS: 3x10 @ Body-weight (Need to buy Dip Belt for weight)
POWER CLEANS: 110 (First time doing them, wanted to work on form)
CHIN-UPS: 3x6 @ Body-weight
I have been working on core strengh workouts, I have been working out at home, and doing a lot of cardio (running a total of 12 miles a week). I dont feel like going back to a gym, i spent way too much time there when i was a Jr.Bodybuilder. I am using the ab wheel, Ab roller, 50 lbs dumbells, 30lbs dumbells, perfect pushup, yoga mat and a broom stick. In thursdays i do a couple of hours of grappling with the local HS wrestling team, still waiting for the bicyle to be fitted for my size and tuned, as soon as the bike is ready i am planning a good 100 miles a week plus the regular 12 miles i am running.
yea im still up in the air about a gym membership i like working out on my own and doing my thing. i have a couple 30lb dumbells and then my staionary bike and kayak. i might just buy a few more weights and possibly a bench.. but for an update.. ive had a cold since last thursday and havent been able to do any exercise.. ive been kinda scared to get up on the scale and see what im at, ill check later today..
la fitness west pines any one? i might join up there. my bro did 0 down $30/month and no contract.
la fitness west pines any one? i might join up there. my bro did 0 down $30/month and no contract.

Thats where I go. But probably not for much longer. $34 a month vs $10 or $15 at Planet Fitness or somewhere smaller. Thats a lot of $$$ to save. Just need to make sure they got the right equipment.
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