*Official Fitness Thread*

^^^ Lat Pull downs. Grab the bar with hands little wider than shoulder width and pull it down to your chest.
do pull ups too. i love doin them...i feel like a monkaaaaaay lol but i lackkk chest dude but back is all meee
nick you look werid i cant put my finger on it... and is that like a 4' tall door or something cause i know your not that big
I’ve been dieting for about 3 weeks and doing cardio 5 days a week and light weight high reps. I started out at 353 and am down to 332. I ride my stationary bike every day, 30 min in the mornings before work and about an hour +/- after dinner. I’ve also been Kayaking which I’ve noticed a big boost in upper body strength. I don’t want to start heavy lifting until I’ve gotten to about 275 or so, I want to get smaller and leaner first build up my endurance. I’ll try to get some pics soon from when I started to now.

little update im down to 326. starting to get compliments from a bunch of people and they are noticing a big difference.
lmao i havent touched that place in like 2 months.. mostly tuna, chicken breast and salads ooo and steak.. mm
it was going good untill sunday when i pulled teh shit out of my Quad.. i havent been able to do much exercise this week, but am still dropping them slowly.. once its healed back to spartan training mode.
well sometimes its good to take a week break, especially if you are injured. Just do some things to keep your metabolism running faster while you're recovering - don't rush back into exercising those muscles or you run the risk of aggravating the injury and making it worse (been there - hello hernia). You probably already realize all this but im bored so wahtever haha
lol yea im eating small amounts of protien every couple of hours and doing some upper body exercise. not much cardio right now.. yea i prob wont do any running or biking till hopefully this weekend.
Stats in this pics are 164.8lbs 13.4%BF and I'm still 5'11"

I'm now 13.8%BF and 171lbs. So I'm up 6lbs in 7 days. :D Everything is back to normal, I'm back to being able to lift the same weight as I could a few months ago. I'm happy again hah. Only thing is I dont look as big as I did before, but I can lift the same (and on some things more than) as before.

lol yea im eating small amounts of protien every couple of hours and doing some upper body exercise. not much cardio right now.. yea i prob wont do any running or biking till hopefully this weekend.

Cardio is the key to loose body fat. But it wont work until after 30min of cardio, thats when the body will start eating the fat. So maybe do biking for 30min, doesnt have to be hard biking either, just any cardio excersize for more than 30min and your good.:bigthumbu
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yea pulling my quad and having a big family reunion with the keg and countless 18 packs.. wasn't good for me lol I'm at 329.. but i have noticed some more definition in my arms and traps.. maybe muscle weight ? i hope.. I've been doing a lot of kayaking the passed week so hopefully that's where those 3 lbs came from.. lol
^^ lol, probably from the beer. But you should beable to shed that back down after a few workouts.

Update on me: 173lbs. now and rising.
well im weighing close to 160 and im 5' 9"
i started taking monster milk but i want to start a good diet. im not sure where to start off on the diet part so some insight would help. nothing TOO extreme but a pretty good diet that would help me out.

ive been hitting the gym 5 days a week
Monday - back and bicep
Tuesday - rest(nightschool)
Wensday - shoulders and traps
thursday - rest (nightschool)
friday - chest and triceps
saturday and sunday - i start the routine over but i have weight training in school so i work out my legs there. I do squats and i also do deadlifts and other leg work outs.
update.. wooot one good day of exercise and im back on track. last night i weighted myself and i was 324...
Seems like you have the routine down pretty much. Just keep the protein up, and workout hard. What are you trying to do?

update.. wooot one good day of exercise and im back on track. last night i weighted myself and i was 324...

W00t W00t!
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woot indeed.. im doing the same shit today well see what happens when i jump on the scale tonight.
Im trying to improve overall strength. Yea I got a routine goin but I wana eat right at the same time. I also wana know what I should stack the monster milk wit.
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