*Official Fitness Thread*

Nice Tony, a lot people do not understand how important the Core is... i have dropped a good 25lbs in the past 7 weeks, i went from a size 34-36 to a 29. I am eating healthy and it feels great. I am planning to get to the low 140's by the middle of next month, so i can start lifting, this time i am going to go for a more define approach. My arms are huge at 16" so i am going to try to keep them around there, but bring my forearms to match it. For you guys who have bath tubs in your homes, a little trick a like to do is everytime i go to the bathroom, i plant my hands on the edge of the bath tub and do a set of 20 pushups.. I do this everytime i go into the bathroom, if i go in there 5 times thats 100 pushups right there, this has helped my front shoulders get huge, and my upper pectorials and lower tricep are defined and solid.
I just need to motivate my self to make breakfast in the AM instead of my usual Clif Bars.

Breakfast shakes are so easy man! Get a blender and mix:

8oz Milk (reduced fat or skim if that's your thing)
8oz Ice/water (depends on the consistency you like)
1 Banana
1-2 Tbs peanut butter
2 scoops of ON Pro Complex (chocolate for me)

If I'm in a big time rush (like this morning), I toast up some 100% whole wheat bread (i get cinnamon raisin) and spread some cottage cheese over it. Doesn't sound like a great combo but it is. Also down a simple whey shake for a protein boost and to get your metabolism jumping.

A good breakfast is so important though - if you're going to slack on any meal, don't let it be breakfast!!!
Well this week I am begining my diet. I'm packing lunch from now on.

What I am doing is buying Perdue Boneless Skinless breasts and cooking them Sunday night, make a pot of Brown Rice and a difference Veggie everyday. IT will get the Fast food out of my diet. I'm going to change up the meat every so often. I just need to motivate my self to make breakfast in the AM instead of my usual Clif Bars.

use egg whites, the ones that come in the milk carton thing. Also, there are some veggie sausage you can use (harvest delight).
(9 a.m) for breakfast i have a fiberOne power bar , a lowfat yogurt and a green apple.
(breakfast) on weekends i have some turkey bacon, egg white scramble, and veggie sausage .
(11 am Snack)then a QUAKER 90 calories snack bar,
(1 pm lunch) chicken breast salad or Tuna with whole wheat cracker or organic veggie soup.... etc nothing over 400 calories.
(3 pm) a small snack (green apple or 90 calories snack bar or 100 calories fun snack etc....)
(7pm dinner) Chicken Breast / salmon / Fish / Turkey any of these, all grilled in a George Foreman Grill, with only lemon, pepper, and garlic to give them a flavor. Some steam Veggies, or stir fried veggies using no oil, but no-calorie "I can't believe is not butter" spray and PAN spray, or salad. Sometimes brown rice or Uncle Ben's rice packs in a very small portion.
(9-10pm final snack) mainly a fruit: banana, apples, orranges, pear, peach etc, if the craving kicks in they sell 10 calories JELLOW, and 90 calories Chocolate puddings which can replace the fruits.

Lots of water through the entire day, i have been eating this for the past 7 weeks, i have dropped a lot of weight. You should eat something bad once every two weeks (applebees grilled steak, or a club sandwich) just to shock your metabolism. Doing so will prevent falling into a platou, where you will sit in one weight not being able to shed weight.

note that i eat at least 5 times a day, keep that metabolism going...
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I'm going to pick that book up tomorrow. A trainer at my gym(LA Fitness) recomended it. I read up on Men's Health a lot too anyways.

right now I'm trying to lean up. I'm 24, 6' 190lbs 15.4% BF. I'd like to drop under 9 or so. I'm also trying to get more strength, I don't want to be skinny. I want to be in great shape. Going for somewhere between Spartan and Tyler Durden in Fight Club.

At the Gym I do:
M-Chest & Triceps
W-Back and Biceps

Cardio every other day just light on the tread mill atleast 30 mins or so.

Breakfast 2-3 Eggs(or Whites), Glass of Low Fat Milk, Banana
Snack - ISOPure Protien Shake
Lunch- Lunch is hard I work out of my car so until I get into bringing a packed lunch I try to do:
BK Tendergrill Salad w/ Light Italian Dressing(only 360 Cal but 1100g sodium)
OR I try to find a Publix and get some chicken or something good.
Snack - IsoPure Shake
Work out
IsoPure Shake but w/ Banana, Spoon of Peanut Butter & Milk Blended

ISOPure is great protien ZERO Carb and tons of Vitamins.

White bread, Mayo, Regular Potatoes, Rice ETC

Whole grain carbs before the gym are great I.E.:
Whole Wheat bread or Pasta
Sweet Potato
Brown Rice Etc
The complex Carbs burn slower to get you through the work out better. Simpe Carbs burn fast and you fall off.

I usually spend bout 3 - 4 hours at the gym.

I would stongly recomend:
NOT SKIPPING you LEG work out. Your Legs and Back are your largest muscle groups. When you work them your body releases more testosterone and helps build larger and strong muscle mass.

Concentrate on the lift and make sure you use proper form. I can throw up a lot of weight but if you do it sloppy it is not beneficial. Use lighter weight until you know the motion/form

Try to find a work out buddy. There is nothing like having someone there to push you to do your best.

For leaning up Cardio is great and 3 - 4 Sets of high Reps(12-16)

To go for Larger muscle I do A Pyramid. I lift as much as I can do properly 10-12 Reps. Next Set add 5 LBS and drop 2 Reps. Last Set add 5 LBS drop 2 reps.

I'll add more as I learn more. I'll post some pics of my progress to. I lost 12 LBS in the last 2 months. I'll be interest to see others workouts and diets and progress. Good luck everyone. Fitness is a life long thing. You might as well start now and enjoy it.

I had a book but i lost it....said that instead of doing cardio on a treadmill or jogging 5 miles you would get better results mixing the cardio (run full speed, jog, walk, jog, run, etc) throwing those curve balls at ur body makes it continually burn body fat....if i can find the book i'll pass it on to u
Yea I don't think Anthony is trying to burn fat though. :)

Since everyone is giving their meal plans, I might as well give mine. I do things simple, I want to gain weight while getting stronger/bigger. I focuse mainly on Calories. Since the normal person is on a 2,000 calorie diet. If your body can only take in 2,000 calories a day before gaining weight, get in more calories. I think it was for every 200 calories extra you take in, it equals about a lb. gained.

Wake up, make 4 eggs with the yolk (70cal each= 280cal total). 2 whole bagels (400cal total) with cream cheese (2tbsp= 80 cals, 160cal total). Drink 2 big glasses of milk (6cups= 660cal). Large Banana (100cal). And thats Breakfast. Total 1,600calories, only 400away from a normal 2,000 calorie diet.

Lunch is usually where I get my vegetables in mainly. Usually eat 2 lean cuisine type things (approx 300cal each, so 600cal) (Im home right now, no job, cant really go out and get what I usually get when I work, which is a simple sub with all veggies on it or a salad). 2-3 Big Glasses of Milk (approx700cal). So total 1300calories. Daily total so far= 2900calories.

---Run 4 miles hard/fast. Work out for an hour, then drink 14oz Whey protien (600 Cal w/milk) daily total= 3500calories.

Then Dinner is whatever my family cooks. My family are health nuts, they run Boston Marathons, and other marathons like every month. So it's usually Salmon or some type of chicken with a salad (approx 500cal). 2-3 Big Glasses of Milk (approx 700cal). Daily total so far= 4700cal.

Snacks and meals in between usually consist of left overs from dinner, and I eat them like real meals. I usually get at least 5 big meals in a day. So add on another 1200 cal.

Daily total Approx= 5900calories. But dont think that all just sits there and I get fat. You have to actually be working out and running for you to burn down any of that.

Just sharing cause I'm bored and maybe someone with a fast matabolism like me that wants to gain weight needs something to look at. I personally focuse on the Calories, always have, and thats what seems to help me gain weight. Started from 148 to 175. Shrunk from being sick and not working out. Went back down to 160, now after a few weeks, up to 167lbs following the schedual above. I'm ONLY eating like this untill I get to 170lbs. Then go back down to eating normal calorie amounts.
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I was just letting dacocoprince know what it is that he was talking about.

I got a little guy though. :(

Heh, yea I'm gaining some belly fat but that can be expected. Just want to get to my 170. Then burn it all off with harder running and training.
and sodium... if you are using those healthy choice type of things... funny shane is gaining and i am cutting...

Yea its funny how that works, lol. The sodium im not worried about. I drink 2 gallons of water a day now. Pissing every 45min is getting annoying though.

I would really worry about the cholesterol though. Clogged arteries are no joke.

Im only doing it until I hit 170lbs. Then its back down to normal. I had my blood work done about 2-3weeks ago and I'm good with blood pressure and cholesterol. So a few weeks of it shouldnt be too much of a problem.
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I'm just trying to maintain my current weight and shed the excess Fat. I used the BF Machine at the gym the other day and I was at 13.9% Which I feel is decent but I just need to drop the gut so diet time here I come.
I'm just trying to maintain my current weight and shed the excess Fat. I used the BF Machine at the gym the other day and I was at 13.9% Which I feel is decent but I just need to drop the gut so diet time here I come.

I'm exactly 13.9% right now too.... thats weird. lol
I'm exactly 13.9% right now too.... thats weird. lol

damn you skiny guys.. lmao when i did the blood work and got checked out by the DR. he told me i was at 26% he was kinda shocked he thought it was going to be higher.
I've been having chest pains after eating. Heart burn? My skinny ass must have clogged arteries. I'm down for the turn around.
well for my update its been 4 months i started my diet now i have shed a total of 110 lbs :bigthumbu my waist is like a 29 or 28 chest is like a 32 i go to the gym 5 times a week give the weekend to relax i eat super healthy and im getting more and more cut i havent checked my bmi yet but shyt where i am at now is fine for me 148-150 lbs since im like 6 ft im just doing alot of running to practice since im leaving for the army in april :D
well for my update its been 4 months i started my diet now i have shed a total of 110 lbs

Holy shit. 110lbs in 4 months is extreme. Congratulations on the loss, but I really hope you're doing it safely. I'd schedule a dr appointment and have a physical to make sure everything is ok.
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