*Official Fitness Thread*

Thats where I go. But probably not for much longer. $34 a month vs $10 or $15 at Planet Fitness or somewhere smaller. Thats a lot of $$$ to save. Just need to make sure they got the right equipment.

lemme know what you find.. I want something local. I was going to go to metamorphosis but ehh it’s kinda small.
Just a small update. I hit 180lbs. last night wewt! And now bench 225 six times, for 3 sets. Curling 115lbs 6 for 3. Triceps 115lbs 6 for 3. etc etc. Feeling good.
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Just updating since I can. Still staying around 180, not gaining lbs as much as before but I'm going up in strength everyday. Now bench 235 six times for 3 reps. It's fun to see (2) 45lb plates on each side... and then add to it. =)
good work, at my peak i used to bench around 305-5x, curl 140-8x... i was around 140lbs, the crazy shit was; that in decline bench i was able to press 325lbs. But i pretty much lived in the gym, you can ask bladder i was like a small tank, but i looke retarded i am way to short to be walking around with 19" arms. So this time around i am doing things different, as of right now i am sitting at around 146lbs, not concetrating on strenght/muscle as i am cycling.... I am doing around 8.5 miles a day w/ an average speed of 10-11mph. I am also doing around 300 push ups a day, with 80 reps on the AB-wheel, and around 200 crunches/ reverse crunches. My goal is to hit 140lbs and stay around there, and i also want to compete in a tri, and a cycling race.
Thats badass man, so your going for an endurance type training now. I used to do track back in highschool, ran 8-10miles per day along with sprint training etc. My event was the 800meter (a sprint for 2 laps around the track non stop), in which I got 3rd place in SFL in my senior year. But I was around 140 something with just big legs. I was tired of being like that, so now I'm doing the opposite of you lol.
Thats badass man, so your going for an endurance type training now. I used to do track back in highschool, ran 8-10miles per day along with sprint training etc. My event was the 800meter (a sprint for 2 laps around the track non stop), in which I got 3rd place in SFL in my senior year. But I was around 140 something with just big legs. I was tired of being like that, so now I'm doing the opposite of you lol.

nice, lol.. yea man i am going for more endurance...so far so good, i am planning to ride 20miles this saturday, if it doesnt rain..lol
292 here. got stuck at a hump for a week or two. im back on track and playing racket ball and doing weights..
Well i haven't updated in a while. My strength is up everywhere except my bench b/c my left shoulder is borked for some reason. Going to see a dr soon. Oddly, im down to 145 though. My arms are a hair under 16" though so I'm not complaining. New year's resolution was to have a visible 6 pack...i have a 4 pack atm haha. I just started workin out at fau's gym and that's motivating me to go back into major gainer mode and get back to the 160's. I already started ordering some shit to help get me there (elephant testosterone and the usual). Kidding but i did order some new gainer shakes since i feel like can throw up eating any more than i already do. I hate being an ectomorph.
so im about to start fire fighting school so i thought i might hit the gym. i lay marble for a living and i used to surf all the time for 10 years so that has kept me in shape. but since i moved to tx i cant surf anymore so , i have to go to a gym like everyone else. im like 5'8 170. i tried i want to stay around 170 , just get stonger, not bigger, well maybe a little but not much. any tips on what type of weights i should be using? last night was my first night working out ever and i was doing 140 on the bench 10 times for 4 reps. i maxed out at 190 and i did 2 in a row. any suggestions?
Yea. Use as heavy weights as possible to do 5-6x3 sets. That always helped me get stronger. But I think its always different for ea person so try one thign for a month, if it works, keep at it. When it stops working (and it will), try a new technique.
so im about to start fire fighting school so i thought i might hit the gym. i lay marble for a living and i used to surf all the time for 10 years so that has kept me in shape. but since i moved to tx i cant surf anymore so , i have to go to a gym like everyone else. im like 5'8 170. i tried i want to stay around 170 , just get stonger, not bigger, well maybe a little but not much. any tips on what type of weights i should be using? last night was my first night working out ever and i was doing 140 on the bench 10 times for 4 reps. i maxed out at 190 and i did 2 in a row. any suggestions?

If you want to get endurance, rep 10+ times, want to be big and strong, do about 5-6 reps like Anthony said (all x3 sets). Spend your first week figuring out your max you can do in sets, your last 2 reps of the 6 should be near impossible to do. After that just go at it and just aim to put on 2.5-5lbs of weights a week (thats what I try doing). If you can keep a routine for a month, your set, you'll want to work out, but its about a one month hump that makes alot of people quit. Good luck have fun.
anyone got a good workout plan for traps and shoulders? i wanna get on this guys status..
All These Supplement Are There To Help, They Wont Cure Or Give You Miracle Growth... I Recomend To Always Lift And Exercise W/o Taking Nothing At First... Once Your Body Gets Used To Your Exercise Routine Is When You Introduce Supplements To Help....

Creatine owns my stomach. i started out nothing but good eating and a lil bit of protein at 160lbs and then introduced test boosters, Creatine, and sizeon. im now about 183lbs and leveling out at 4weeks now. ive leveled out now and need to eat more and start uping everything. i wanna get to 200lbs. "shane whos ur dealer?"jk


183....its was 80's night...hahaha
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292 here. got stuck at a hump for a week or two. im back on track and playing racket ball and doing weights..

seriously congrats man!!

so im about to start fire fighting school so i thought i might hit the gym. i lay marble for a living and i used to surf all the time for 10 years so that has kept me in shape. but since i moved to tx i cant surf anymore so , i have to go to a gym like everyone else. im like 5'8 170. i tried i want to stay around 170 , just get stonger, not bigger, well maybe a little but not much. any tips on what type of weights i should be using? last night was my first night working out ever and i was doing 140 on the bench 10 times for 4 reps. i maxed out at 190 and i did 2 in a row. any suggestions?

I finished up fire school in decemeber, if you need any tips give me a shout brother

anyone got a good workout plan for traps and shoulders? i wanna get on this guys status..

one of the best trap builders are dead lifts and shrugs.. check out bodybuilding.com

i started a 12 week program.. with the goal of losing 50lbs in 12 weeks and being able to run 2 miles non stop in under 15 mins
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seriously congrats man!!

I finished up fire school in decemeber, if you need any tips give me a shout brother

one of the best trap builders are dead lifts and shrugs.. check out bodybuilding.com

i started a 12 week program.. with the goal of losing 50lbs in 12 weeks and being able to run 2 miles non stop in under 15 mins

Thanks man.. 60 lbs so far.. i have been doing shoulder shrugs and dead lifts.. isee some results but i coudltn find many more exercises for Traps.. w.e i guess ill keep doing them..
Thanks man.. 60 lbs so far.. i have been doing shoulder shrugs and dead lifts.. isee some results but i coudltn find many more exercises for Traps.. w.e i guess ill keep doing them..

traps.. theirs shrugs straight up and then also straight back. dont do the circular motion crap.. theirs military press theirs the military press but starting the weights right in front of ur chest like ur putting up ur dukes.. you can do the chicken wing flys lol arched over and keeping ur arms bent so ur hands dont go higher then ur elbows and basically doing the chicken wing motion.. theirs lifts where you hold the weights at ur side and keep ur arm straight and lift up right in front of u.. depending on if ur wrists are pointing down or in will either make your shoulders wider or thicker.. so mix it up.. good core workouts help ur body a lot toooo flipping tires is kickass

60 lbs is awesome man.. I've been in your shoes and If i remember you've lost a lot before as well.. just dont let yourself slip back to being real big
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traps.. theirs shrugs straight up and then also straight back. dont do the circular motion crap.. theirs military press theirs the military press but starting the weights right in front of ur chest like ur putting up ur dukes.. you can do the chicken wing flys lol arched over and keeping ur arms bent so ur hands dont go higher then ur elbows and basically doing the chicken wing motion.. theirs lifts where you hold the weights at ur side and keep ur arm straight and lift up right in front of u.. depending on if ur wrists are pointing down or in will either make your shoulders wider or thicker.. so mix it up.. good core workouts help ur body a lot toooo flipping tires is kickass

60 lbs is awesome man.. I've been in your shoes and If i remember you've lost a lot before as well.. just dont let yourself slip back to being real big

yea i lost about 100 lbs or so and gained all of it back and then some when i started a dating my current ex. shes out of the picture right now an im focusing on getting back on track and becoming more of an animal than what i was. thanks for the tips to ill try some out today after racketball.
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