Offical After Countyline Thread

go be emo like the night before countyline when you were rambling about some armidillo fish
rwdrift said:
Vince.... why dont you ride along in my car? I swear I wasnt going to ask for the laptop. :D :rolleyes:

well because I know u suck, so I cant learn anything from u.

edit: just kiding, more props to the bimer plus i can ride in ur car anytime i want.
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I wanna thank all you guys for sticking with us for the past 3 years... is been as fun as a rollercoaster ride, we are one big family.... I want to thank my girlfriend Jenny for attending the event and helping with the BBQ (even Thought it was her Bday, HAPPY BDAY!!! sweetie) I also want to thank Diana Bladder's girl friend for all the food and the BBQ... Tim you are the man dude, it was the shit great event and i know you were going crazy but you kept your composure, Bladder I love you meng you are The main SEAMEN in my boat of love.. The guys that Tandem (Juan, Ryan, Shant, Erick, Kyle, Josh, Estie) You guys are the reason the rest of us keep on practicing to get to your level. Vince you rock dude... Dan I have your money i dont want it, thanks for helping out... Countyline Folks for allowing this event to happen... and Once again Thank to all of you for joining our site and helping us out. See you all next time... rock out with your cawck out.....
Thanks for everyone who helped put this on. Good times.... Could have done without the drag guys though but rain owns all.

Kyles dirt drop and a rock to my leg.. lol THANKS KYLE jk
Sorry about that one Meghz. I tried to not spray everyone with rocks but once a tire has been dropped all bets are off. I must also say that all the photographers standing in the middle were toatally insane. No barricades and wet roads could have had some severe consequences, glad nothing happened but I think photographers should at least have one k-rail put in the grass for protection.
kleen555 said:
I must also say that all the photographers standing in the middle were toatally insane. No barricades and wet roads could have had some severe consequences, glad nothing happened but I think photographers should at least have one k-rail put in the grass for protection.

Agreed. Kyle, as usual, sick job man. Next time I'm hoping to have a tandem with you :bigthumbu
I loved this event I finally got to meet some of you guys from the forums, finally drifted for the first time, finally attended my first drift event. I'm officially hooked! Thanks, Tim for letting me crash the night before and Catalyst. Thanks for the food. The ride-alongs. All the stuff you guys taught me. And now I need a lot of practice. I'll mos def be out there again next event spinning out at every turn until I get it.
Well the trip back to Jax was a LONG one. It was raining SIDEWAYS for like 10 miles with practicall ZERO visibility. It was like being stuck in a hurricane. Got home at 1am and crashed. Sorry I got there late. Thanks to Hachi for squaring away media for me, my other phtographer, and my lovely g/f umbrella girl *Coughs* I meant to say Spotter aznHIGHclass. Haha She takes "umbrella girl" as an offense. I'll be processing pics tonight after I get out of work at 7:30. I'll have some up tonight.

As far as photographers and K-Rails go. I've seen a car hit K-Rail and pick it up and land on feet. You always run perpendicular to whats coming for you. The object is to always know where your escape route is. I should know, lol estie almost ran into like 4 of us at Driftmasters United in Orlando. Hahaha Fun times. Luckily I got pics of Kleen555 spraying the other photographers while I was comfortably out of the way. Hahaha

Pics to come! Thanks to all the drifters, the promotors, and event planners that make a long trip from Jacksonville worth it. Hope to see you all soon.
Crazy Drift said:
I thought the event freakin sucked. :mad:
I only got 8 runs all day, and for 50 bucks this one was not worth it.

lol stfu...ive seen people pay double and triple that and get less than 5.
Crazy Drift said:
I thought the event freakin sucked. :mad:
I only got 8 runs all day, and for 50 bucks this one was not worth it.
shut up...this event was the FUNKDIDDLYGANSTERIFIC
Agreed. Kyle, as usual, sick job man. Next time I'm hoping to have a tandem with you
I would love nothing more. You, Ryan, Juan, Estie, Shant and a few others were really impressing me. I love when I go to events and I see all these drivers improving and laying down sick runs like it's nothing. The Juan/Ryan tandems were insane, Ryan is so quick in that little death trap of his...

Also, anyone know if the guy in the mustang was the same guy from the Nopi qualifyer at Charlotte? If so he improved so much I had a hard time believing it was the same person. I had alot of people telling me how good his runs were :bigthumbu
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