Longest you've gone without sex

whiterabbit7500 said:
...and that is why you fail young padawan.

get out, enjoy life. Dont give a fuck what people think, just be yourself. It'll come to you
But now remember young jedi ;) , that doesnt always work....cus if your a fucking idiot...."being yourself" doesnt always work.
JeepsteR118 said:
But now remember young jedi ;) , that doesnt always work....cus if your a fucking idiot...."being yourself" doesnt always work.

Nah man, I agree with whiterabbit7500. I talk to every girl the same way I talk to every guy (albiet, better mannered but that's b/c my momma raised me well haha). The only way to be is real. I have known some pretty f'n stupid guys who've landed many a girlfriend.
Tonymac said:
Nah man, I agree with whiterabbit7500. I talk to every girl the same way I talk to every guy (albiet, better mannered but that's b/c my momma raised me well haha). The only way to be is real. I have known some pretty f'n stupid guys who've landed many a girlfriend.
yeah, good point and your right, you have to be at least well mannered lol. but everyone knows who i am talking aboutright? (if not they i know some retarded dumb fucks that suck at the game life lol)...its usually that one retarded fuck that you see every once in a while that the second you see him is already too much and you just want to get away lol. i meant in that kind of retarded way.
Im glad someone posted the ladder theory, its fairly dead on. Believe me, I go out, a lot, in fact probably more than anyone else on here, though not so much lately. Im talking at least once a week to a my favorite club, and sometimes 2-3x a week, but I dont drink.

I was in a nearly 6 year relationship, im wanting to get back into that again soon.
Mars said:
Im glad someone posted the ladder theory, its fairly dead on. Believe me, I go out, a lot, in fact probably more than anyone else on here, though not so much lately. Im talking at least once a week to a my favorite club, and sometimes 2-3x a week, but I dont drink.

I was in a nearly 6 year relationship, im wanting to get back into that again soon.

dude, after a 6 year relationship, you just need to get out and enjoy the single life for awhile!
JeepsteR118 said:
yeah, good point and your right, you have to be at least well mannered lol. but everyone knows who i am talking aboutright? (if not they i know some retarded dumb fucks that suck at the game life lol)...its usually that one retarded fuck that you see every once in a while that the second you see him is already too much and you just want to get away lol. i meant in that kind of retarded way.

whiterabbit7500 said:
dude, after a 6 year relationship, you just need to get out and enjoy the single life for awhile!

believe me it aint easy after so long hell me ladies man neked mike found it so0o0o0o0o hard after just a 2 year relationship to start dating again after such a long time u forget what its like i was like where the hell do i pickup women now its hard getting into it again dude i feel ya 100% i cant even imagine after 6 years goodluck if it just bout sex and what u really lookin is for a companion YOU HAVE TO APROACH WOMEN HAVE TO
seems some of yall are stuck in the friend zone. Pretty much the way out it to hint somehow off the bat that shes cute or something. If shes feeling you you will know. If not youll always fall in that zone and getting out of it is almost impossible.
If a girl finds you attractive, she'll let you know.

we're not hard to figure out, we're just like you and want the same things you all do at times.
We're just more sensitive, and we smell better....

And we're smarter >_>
I know, he'll say the whole womens brains are like 50% smaller or some shit.
He's not online, but when he gets on, he'll say the same shit he always does.
natariix said:
If a girl finds you attractive, she'll let you know.

we're not hard to figure out, we're just like you and want the same things you all do at times.
We're just more sensitive, and we smell better....

And we're smarter >_>

oh boi let the manny wrath out why dont you!
You know the mixture of this thread and watching the movie "dan in real life" is making me wanna kill myself even more and more. In my opinion, making love is way better than sex and fucking and if you dont know the difference go back inside yo papi's ballsack
natariix said:
If a girl finds you attractive, she'll let you know.

we're not hard to figure out, we're just like you and want the same things you all do at times.
We're just more sensitive, and we smell better....

And we're smarter >_>

Well I agree with the smell part... :D
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