Longest you've gone without sex

damn ive been on the friend ladder my whole fucking life

Man that might be enough to turn me into the bitter asshole I need to be to get laid lol
natariix said:
If a girl finds you attractive, she'll let you know. very true

we're not hard to figure out bullshit

we're just like you and want the same things you all do at times.depending on the person of course, but honestly men and women are so opposite its insane.

We're just more sensitive, and we smell better....agreed and agreed.... but i must say its pretty hot when a chick will be all sweaty and stinky from manuel labor....yeah

And we're smarter >_> i love you babe, bu i just can't agree on that one. i know there are really intelligent females out there, but they are so few far and inbetween, its sad. women are more concerned as to what celebrity did what with who or wore what where, and they need to sit back and watch cspan, or msnbc, fuck even some speed vision would e nice, then maybe they could be more of use at events and jive then just eye candy (but eye candy is always nice)

nat--- come to orlando so we can go to I.O.A the females here fail in life.
I'm not a big fan of Orlando, I've been there a few times and I think it's a shithole.
But for you, I might consider road tripping it up lol.

As for your counterpoint to my "we're smarter" thing, I agree with you but there has to be a balance. There has to be vapid, self absorbed girls to distract the men folk, while the intelligent girls take over the world >: )
natariix said:
If a girl finds you attractive, she'll let you know.

Rule number 8 guys.

If a girl str8 up hits on you.....

She's a whore. I'll bet my life on it everytime.

If she is very subtle about dropping hints. Thats a keeper!
DrumFunKen said:
Rule number 8 guys.

If a girl str8 up hits on you.....

She's a whore. I'll bet my life on it everytime.

If she is very subtle about dropping hints. Thats a keeper!

I don't know who you think you are, but if you just called me a whore, your really fucking mistaken.
DrumFunKen said:
Rule number 8 guys.

If a girl str8 up hits on you.....

She's a whore. I'll bet my life on it everytime.

If she is very subtle about dropping hints. Thats a keeper!

i have to disagree with you on that one rob, sorry.
natariix said:
I don't know who you think you are, but if you just called me a whore, your really fucking mistaken.

Some one alot older than you with alot more experience then you in relationships.


If you're the type of person to walk right up to someone and within 5 minutes of conversation hand over a phone number then I'm sorry. But then you would fit the description.

If you on the other hand like to drop subtle hints to someone you interested in to let them know. Thats a different story. Thats how it should be done.

Bottom line. Any girl i've met who with-in 5 minutes of introduction, were trying to get a number or give a number turned out to be whores.

So I stand by my opinion.
Nah I don't give out my number like that.
What I meant by letting them know you're interested, is not playing mind games and just being up front.

I like to get to know them, be around them see if we have common interests and if we agree on things, and then if I feel like we'd be good together I let them know.
um ... longest i've gone was prolly just 16 years if we're counting before the first time you've had sex! but if yer talking about after you've had it .... like ... 2 years! o___o that was a horrible 2 years! -_____-U
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DrumFunKen said:
Rule number 8 guys.

If a girl str8 up hits on you.....

She's a whore. I'll bet my life on it everytime.

If she is very subtle about dropping hints. Thats a keeper!

men are too stupid to figure out hints. apparently when i HINT that i am not interested. THEY STILL try and get my number. if i HINT that i find them annoying. they still dont leave.

and men still dont believe that there are good women out there. those poor suckers.. tsk tsk tsk... :(
DrumFunKen said:
Some one alot older than you with alot more experience then you in relationships.


If you're the type of person to walk right up to someone and within 5 minutes of conversation hand over a phone number then I'm sorry. But then you would fit the description.

If you on the other hand like to drop subtle hints to someone you interested in to let them know. Thats a different story. Thats how it should be done.

Bottom line. Any girl i've met who with-in 5 minutes of introduction, were trying to get a number or give a number turned out to be whores.

So I stand by my opinion.

well duh. within 5 minutes.
annazscandal0us said:
men are too stupid to figure out hints. apparently when i HINT that i am not interested. THEY STILL try and get my number. if i HINT that i find them annoying. they still dont leave.

and men still dont believe that there are good women out there. those poor suckers.. tsk tsk tsk... :(
is that a hint for me to ask for yer number???? <__>?

DrumFunKen said:
Some one alot older than you with alot more experience then you in relationships.


If you're the type of person to walk right up to someone and within 5 minutes of conversation hand over a phone number then I'm sorry. But then you would fit the description.

If you on the other hand like to drop subtle hints to someone you interested in to let them know. Thats a different story. Thats how it should be done.

Bottom line. Any girl i've met who with-in 5 minutes of introduction, were trying to get a number or give a number turned out to be whores.

So I stand by my opinion.

i agree for the most part. except the whole handing over her # quickly might not necessarily mean whore . . . it may also mean desperate.

on a lighter note . . . what if the # she hands over is fake? :laugh:
annazscandal0us said:
and men still dont believe that there are good women out there. those poor suckers.. tsk tsk tsk... :(

So whats a guy suppose to think when every girl hes met is oceans away (not miles but oceans) from being good?
Yeah hint never work with me Im so fucking dense I dont realize the girl is hitting on me till like 2 weeks later and I end up thinking about it lol

Yeah im hopeless haha

I actually remeber this hot chic in highschool like confessing to me or something and I thought she was fucking with me cause she was so out of my league so I laughed and walked away, was about a year that I realized hey that was really fucking stupid of me
You can create attraction with woman pretty easily. Natariix may disagree and so will most woman, but the truth shall set you free.
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