Longest you've gone without sex

annazscandal0us said:
men are too stupid to figure out hints. apparently when i HINT that i am not interested. THEY STILL try and get my number. if i HINT that i find them annoying. they still dont leave.

and men still dont believe that there are good women out there. those poor suckers.. tsk tsk tsk... :(

Why not just say go away? Simple enough.
its a wideley known fact men dont take well to hints, you have to be blantant and to the point. I mean I went over to some chicks house and didnt get the signals she wanted to fuck
Mars said:
its a wideley known fact men dont take well to hints, you have to be blantant and to the point. I mean I went over to some chicks house and didnt get the signals she wanted to fuck

hahaha yeah I know exactly what you mean
whiterabbit7500 said:

you serious though? if so...pics of the wifey...NOW!!! :bigthumbu

Why would you want a shot of my wife? :laugh: Its all the damn 3 somes i get. :bigthumbu

Oh and she picks out some hot ones.
Tonymac said:
That guy was a tool but the core of his teachings were real.

Yea man. Like.... check it. I wear Leather Airplane Pilot Glasses on top of my head and OH MY GOD DUDE Every chick that looks my way wants to fuck me like bow chica wow wow for serious. Try it, 100percent guarenteed at least head.
KaZ_7 said:
^^see hes proof!!!!!!!!!

Yea dude its crazy. Like, I was hungry after work and I went to Publix and was feeling some sex and shit too, so like, I whipped out the goggles and put them on and this bitch fucking dropped her eggs on the ground and knocked the whole riceroony shelf ON THE GROUND just to come and pleasure me. Im a changed man.
see who says celeb reality tv is fake, geez if just watched more tv all would be right in the world!
FlyinFINN said:
Yea dude its crazy. Like, I was hungry after work and I went to Publix and was feeling some sex and shit too, so like, I whipped out the goggles and put them on and this bitch fucking dropped her eggs on the ground and knocked the whole riceroony shelf ON THE GROUND just to come and pleasure me. Im a changed man.

LOl hahaha :laugh:
Tonymac said:
You can create attraction with woman pretty easily. Natariix may disagree and so will most woman, but the truth shall set you free.

I have no idea what your talking about.. so I can't really agree or disagree lol.
FlyinFINN said:
Yea dude its crazy. Like, I was hungry after work and I went to Publix and was feeling some sex and shit too, so like, I whipped out the goggles and put them on and this bitch fucking dropped her eggs on the ground and knocked the whole riceroony shelf ON THE GROUND just to come and pleasure me. Im a changed man.

Publix where shopping is a PLEASURE :laugh:
natariix said:
I have no idea what your talking about.. so I can't really agree or disagree lol.

You had mentioned earlier about knowing right away whether or not you're attracted to a guy. Well I'm saying there's a right and wrong way for a man to act depending on whether he's trying to build attraction or not. Attraction is formed from many levels - not just uncontrollable attributes like looks and/or money.
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