Longest you've gone without sex

JTNismo said:
Poll time: who will go longer, Mars not getting laid or Dolphins not winning a game this year?
J/K mars all just fun. I think Dolphins will go longer!
i think mars will go longer
just pay $150 and u can do what ever the fuck u want for an hour.... skeet on her face and tell her to get the fuck out......

other than that.... drifting is my sex.... but for me, my last time was in june =( i need to get laid.....
hopefully Nevada would have some horny bitches wanting some drifter dick....
AKsamuraiS14 said:
just pay $150 and u can do what ever the fuck u want for an hour.... skeet on her face and tell her to get the fuck out......

other than that.... drifting is my sex.... but for me, my last time was in june =( i need to get laid.....
hopefully Nevada would have some horny bitches wanting some drifter dick....

I'm shocked and appalled LOL!!!
Mars said:
Ive gone almost 2 years before and that ended winter last year. Right now its like 7-8 months, and man im horny as fuck lately. And I dont buy that bullshit that men peak around 18ish. Im old and ive never been this horny in my life. And yet ive also never had a girlfriend with a decent sex drive. Once a week was lucky.

im gonna go jerk off again for the third time today, is gonna be amateur porn, or some sex stories and work up a visual


im sorry. i feel ya, i think three weeks was max for me and my guy, i was irritated for the longest.

i guess im just one of those girls. :p

i seriously think you should go somewhere and meet new people. like the clubs lol

natariix said:
I'm shocked and appalled LOL!!!

lol me too.
Tonymac said:
Grow a mustache. Chicks dig it.

A man mustache that is.

Im sporting some hugh jackman/wolverinze chops right now. Chicks do seem to sig them since I grew them earlier in the year. Moustache? I look like a molester with one.

This thread was put up for more comical puposes anyway, though yea its been since like march since I had some, I sorta dont care even though I wanna fuck. I could go fuck if I wanted too, but I want another relationship, so im holding out for that again.

And no such thing as TMI with me, maybe if I told after I was done I had to take a dump..... and I did it on their chest...... but just once, just once I want to have a dump taken on my chest.

And $150? I could do for free from some chicks that do wanna do me, or if I just wanna get my cock wet with some random corner worker, it be like $30. Though the area known for hookers here in tampa is being taken over by tranny hookers. So I guess I get a bonus, pounding a little ass and I can do a little reach around action.
Mars said:
And $150? I could do for free from some chicks that do wanna do me, or if I just wanna get my cock wet with some random corner worker, it be like $30. Though the area known for hookers here in tampa is being taken over by tranny hookers. So I guess I get a bonus, pounding a little ass and I can do a little reach around action.

well, of course id let a girl do it for free.... but even in reality, when u want to sleep with a girl, u need to wine and dine her, so either way ur spending money.....

and $30 dollar hookers would worry me....especially the ones in tampa u speak off lol
Guys I have the answers to all your problems.

1. Trip to amsterdamn and the redlight district................ I'm good in the sex dept but there are other reasons for me to visit. Anyone want to set up a trip??????

2. http://www.fleshlight.com ----- also works well to hide your stash.
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