I hate it When...............(release your pent up aggretion here)

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i hate it when people have hidden agendas
i hate it when people try to mindfuck you for giggles
i hate it when people are hypocritical
i hate it when people chose sides
i hate it when someone says the love you but it's a lie and just a game
i hate it when people try to make you look bad but they're the ones doing shit behind peoples backs
i hate it when i have no money
i hate it when people who i thought were my friends turn out to be fake
i hate it when people lie about having serious illnesses or disorders
i hate it when i forget passwords to all my sites
i hate it when people judge you but don't necessarily know you
i hate it when ......
I hate it when people do stupid things, like light their ass on fire and not realize the consequences behind it.......fucking idiot!

i hate it when nobody loves me and my dad never cares about me i hate how im so depressed i hate that i have to slit my wrist and watch the blood drip down the sink with my tears and all the darkness
jdmnismo300 said:
i hate it when nobody loves me and my dad never cares about me i hate how im so depressed i hate that i have to slit my wrist and watch the blood drip down the sink with my tears and all the darkness

wow that was some heavy duty emo right there man, i hope that you are joking.
i hate it when she speaks... but she can discize it well
i hate it when you cant live your own life
i hate it when you have to use peaple
i hate it when he lies
i hate it when she lies
i hate eeeehhhh all of you fucken peaple
.................not refering to any one in specific.................
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