I hate it When...............(release your pent up aggretion here)

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I hate it when I make some cup cakes and everyone east them all. Butt finally when i am going to eat mine. I drop it frosting down on the floor outside my crib.
whiterabbit7500 said:
i hate it when i finally hookup with a chick i've been after for a long time, and the sex is horrible :-(
ohhh dude fukin tell me about it!
i hate being having only a restricted and only 300 dollars in the bank.
i also hate not having a car!!!!!
i hate when my girl never stops calling me and makes a big deal out of nothing lol


....ok...im done lol :bigthumbu
I hate it when the girl you love turns out to be a huge lying whore. And then she doesnt care how it makes me feel cause she knows she just have some other idiot to lie to in no time and and a whole lot of friends to tell only part of the stories she wants them to hear so they won't look at her for what she really is.
ive been there bro....but the girl ive been with now (1 year and 2 months) is just too much lol. i love her to death but there is point where i cant take it anymore. and sorry everyone for going off topic lol please continue :bigthumbu
I hate those lil girls who drive around with those huge sunglasses on theirs faces like paris whoreton clones! why is it every girl i see on the road has them? are they that cool? :rolleyes: lol

I hate miami drivers, especially when its a dumb person who cuts me off over solid lines then when i bitch them out they pretend like im not there and just keep staring off into space, i guess to avoid confrontation? well then motherfuckers if your dumb ass didnt just drive like a stupid fuck and almost wreck the car ive been trying to clean up for the past 2 fucking years we wouldnt be having this problem would we?!?
Fairlady280z said:
I hate those lil girls who drive around with those huge sunglasses on theirs faces like paris whoreton clones! why is it every girl i see on the road has them? are they that cool? :rolleyes: lol

I hate miami drivers, especially when its a dumb person who cuts me off over solid lines then when i bitch them out they pretend like im not there and just keep staring off into space, i guess to avoid confrontation? well then motherfuckers if your dumb ass didnt just drive like a stupid fuck and almost wreck the car ive been trying to clean up for the past 2 fucking years we wouldnt be having this problem would we?!?

1 Hater Blockers are off the charts for Sun Blocking also.

2 They stare into space cause they are non english speakers and have no idea what you are saying.

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