I hate it When...............(release your pent up aggretion here)

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i hate it when parents freak out about something that you have no control over
i hate that I'm still living at home and broke
i hate it when i'm wearing my "Surf Naked" shirt, and the fat black bus driver lady says to me "I would, but I can't swim"...

i've never been closer to barfing publicly in my life...
I tripped, stumbled, and had a great fall.........

Ever see your fingers fold backwards and stay there? I did!!! Then I thought it would be smart to grab them and straighten them back. Not a good idea that was. Hurt so bad I almost puked. Lesson to self. Drink way more jager before attempting to reset broken fingers.

anyways I also hate when I have to work for Britney Spears. Today is gonna suck.
i hate it when i realize my bonus for work won't be coming in for 6 months becasue i havent been with the company 90 days yet....even though i've been busting my balls 24/7 at work, and w/o the bonus, its gonna be forever until i get a car....raaawwwwrrrrrrr
I hate when there is a bunch of muffin tops at the pool........

Just Say no To

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