Desoto Drift Practice - 10-10-10

Sooooo, Jen, how possible would it be to make this a night event?
Sadly I just found out that I have our grand opening on this date, and I will be busy until about 3 PM. if there is want from other drivers, and it isn't a huge issue for you or the track, would it be possible to change the event to like 5pm-11pm?
or something to that extent?
I know its a long shot, but I've been looking fwd to this event for quite some time.
I really doubt that'll happen since a lot of people have work/school on monday. And saturdays are a no-go for me =/
We can't change the times for this one... but, we will have a night event in mid-December. And, it will be a competition maybe with a car show... I'm working out the details now.

I'll try to get October's course out soon.
Just so everyone knows.....

1. We will have a course set up for this event - so everyone gets more runs. There won't be a free for all for a set amount of time. You do the course and get off track. Should help with overheating cars as well.
2. Course will be for beginners/intermediate with an advanced section as optional. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you do not do the advanced section until you can do the beginners/intermediate section perfectly. It takes more than balls to do the also takes skill. I'm not enforcing this rule for now.....but, I might for future events if people keep pushing this.
3. No tandems on the bank without cages.
4. Tandems will only be allowed for non caged cars on infield only and if you prove yourself to be able. Please talk to me at the track if you want to do this and I'll check you out.

awesome sounds good. i did the whole infield last time no problemo. im sooo down to get some practice tandem in.

I think you guys should start doing them monthly again. It seems to be working out for CFRC.

i would be down for that. i live like an hour away
non caged tandems? i'm stoked now

does anyone have an extra fuel pump laying around? i feel like mine is slowly taking a dump
I was only coming out to hang/help/instruct, car woulda been home anyways.

its all good man. im down for some lessons sometime.

i did all my tire changing today. might have a trailer to get me up there and maybe splitting the car with a friend at the event aka me saving monies!!!

so excited!!
^ nice.. im trying to find a full car trailer.. victors got me waiting... i actually think he forgot/ didnt even ask >:eek:
they dont rent those dollies unless you rent the box truck.

might have to hit n run one
secret ops!!! im down lol.

cant wait to crash...i mean uhh....tandem with you bromandude!!!

So u got a trailer? Good cuz if u "crash " wait hit something or I f up something I least there so
E to get back lol but we won't fuck up I don't think
I just wanna make sure you guys understand the deal with tandems before you show up next weekend. In order to Tandem, you have to be approved by the event coordinators, and then you will be identified accordingly. Do not try to bypass these rules, as doing so will get you kicked from the track. I'm by no means the rule maker, but that was how it was described to me.
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