Desoto Drift Practice - 10-10-10

i need to figure out if im riding dirty there or what. hopefully i can figure out a tow over there.

and ahmed better be going!!!! im trying to get jamie and my friend from jax to go.

who's your friend from jax? you have friends up here??? lol
^ maybe i can ride with him down there! just take off the hatch and sit on the fuel cell! lol if Lauren isn't going of course.
^ maybe i can ride with him down there! just take off the hatch and sit on the fuel cell! lol if Lauren isn't going of course.

lmao. hopefully. i highly doubt he'll drive it tho. he'll prob get a trailer.

and if HES driving YOUR driving sir. 2 car trailers cant be that much
what time you guys heading to the event? i think marco is coming the night before and spend the night down here and then go to the event
what time you guys heading to the event? i think marco is coming the night before and spend the night down here and then go to the event

whatchu mean homie?

i live next to i75 in lehigh.

if it starts at 10 we'll probably try for 830 and be late like always and leave at 930ish lol
yea, im down but before i go to another event i really need to get a radiator and thermostat. just so my shit doesn't start creepin like it always does when i go hard. lol
2 weeks left till this event and im already getting semi-nervous.

im gonna be noobin up somethin fierce out
whatchu mean homie?

i live next to i75 in lehigh.

if it starts at 10 we'll probably try for 830 and be late like always and leave at 930ish lol
i wanted to know so we can all meet up and head that way, and i was talking to Marco and hes gonna come down the night b4 and stay at my crib and then ride to the track with all of u, is oots driving this event?

---------- Post added at 10:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:38 PM ----------

whatchu mean homie?

i live next to i75 in lehigh.

if it starts at 10 we'll probably try for 830 and be late like always and leave at 930ish lol
i wanted to know so we can all meet up and head that way, and i was talking to Marco and hes gonna come down the night b4 and stay at my crib and then ride to the track with all of u, is oots driving this event?

im also nervous about driving with the new setup, but it will all just go away once i hit the first turn. cant wait...
Johan, I am getting my tires mounted TODAY in preparation for this event.
Hopefully car will look a little better then normal, after this event, cars getting a full makeover =).
Soooooooooooooooooo I have plans to kiss walls and other cars.
Driver's BEWARE!
was gonna come and help out but my sisters wedding is saturday and gonna have tons of family from round the country here... next time. you know in jax we made a car to make fun of you??!?!?

ive never met you. and i dont have any issues with you whatsoever. but you were the talk of the town at a couple 240 meets a few months back. soo.....we dedicated a coupe to be a thrasher and it was everyones track/practice whore. and we named it drift jebus.

lol :D

lolol... great, loved by few, hated by many, no other way i'd have it...

I'd loved to been able to drive the drift jebus car!

this event, i wont have a car, but i'm gonna get some seat time in a RB20 sil front coupe, so it should be fun... if i had my GTR right now, i'd throw some skinnys on the back and try that damn bank that killed 3rd gear the last time i was there, but i wont have it for another month or so, so i'm bummin' seat time from friends... ugh.
i wanted to know so we can all meet up and head that way, and i was talking to Marco and hes gonna come down the night b4 and stay at my crib and then ride to the track with all of u, is oots driving this event?

---------- Post added at 10:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:38 PM ----------

i wanted to know so we can all meet up and head that way, and i was talking to Marco and hes gonna come down the night b4 and stay at my crib and then ride to the track with all of u, is oots driving this event?

im also nervous about driving with the new setup, but it will all just go away once i hit the first turn. cant wait...
wait are you talking about marco tellez with the white coupe?

and i feel ya bro. i have no worries whatsoever about in field but im a little nervous about the banks
Johan, I am getting my tires mounted TODAY in preparation for this event.
Hopefully car will look a little better then normal, after this event, cars getting a full makeover =).
Soooooooooooooooooo I have plans to kiss walls and other cars.
Driver's BEWARE!

so....that means we're going to tandem??!?!?
was gonna come and help out but my sisters wedding is saturday and gonna have tons of family from round the country here... next time.

FUUU. ive been wanting a ride along in that car for a while now lol
I'd loved to been able to drive the drift jebus car!


it was legit. i learned on that car. they still have it but some idiot forgot to check the oil before we went sliding even tho we told him like 3000 times to check it.
wait are you talking about marco tellez with the white coupe?

and i feel ya bro. i have no worries whatsoever about in field but im a little nervous about the banks

so....that means we're going to tandem??!?!?

FUUU. ive been wanting a ride along in that car for a while now lol

it was legit. i learned on that car. they still have it but some idiot forgot to check the oil before we went sliding even tho we told him like 3000 times to check it.

Yeah that Marco, lol
Ahmed I was gonna call u today see what u were doing
i was mad confused there son. lol

so we're tandeming right?

i already kno i am with juan whther he likes it or not.
he can slide and ill just chase him around the track lmao
Just so everyone knows.....

1. We will have a course set up for this event - so everyone gets more runs. There won't be a free for all for a set amount of time. You do the course and get off track. Should help with overheating cars as well.
2. Course will be for beginners/intermediate with an advanced section as optional. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you do not do the advanced section until you can do the beginners/intermediate section perfectly. It takes more than balls to do the also takes skill. I'm not enforcing this rule for now.....but, I might for future events if people keep pushing this.
3. No tandems on the bank without cages.
4. Tandems will only be allowed for non caged cars on infield only and if you prove yourself to be able. Please talk to me at the track if you want to do this and I'll check you out.
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