Desoto Drift Practice - 10-10-10

one more question.. what kinda helmet is required???

i still have my helmet from when I used to do motocross , its DOT approved or something.. what does it need to be?
hell yes..

even though it was my first event and i had a few fuckups , i deff had fun and got a good feel for my car
I felt really off today. I guess thats what I get for getting only 5 hours of sleep and not eating anything all day. Today was definitely the worst I have done in a reallllyyyy long time. Kinda sucks. Oh well. CFRC on the 30th will hopefully be a better day haha
Today was awesomeness.

Yess! it was

hell yes..

i had a few fuckups , i deff had fun and got a good feel for my car

Today was definitely the worst I have done in a reallllyyyy long time. Kinda sucks. Oh well. CFRC on the 30th will hopefully be a better day haha

It's all about keeping it fun.

Today was fun met some new ppl and got to finally drive my car again in the track

i had a blast!! lots of seat time!!.

and this
I remember on my first run where I didn't suck so bad, that there was atleast one person with a camera on the 2nd sweeper taking pics of me. =/
I was on the last wide right turn before exiting , and spun out and there was a guy with a camera there right next to me, gave a little smokeshow, hoping hes either on here or TR cause it seems like itd be a nice
Just a taste.






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