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  1. P


    I can help you out as well. I do powder coating on the side.
  2. P

    Ka24E and KA24DE Valve Covers I powdercoated

    For valve covers I usually charge $15 per cylinder so $60 for 1 Stage Colors.
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    Ka24E and KA24DE Valve Covers I powdercoated

    Here are some covers a customer asked me to do.
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    Stephen Wiltshire draws Tokyo from memory

    He has Autism, some cases of Autism have shown people with extraordinary abilities that baffle people. For this guy he draws from memory so whatever he saw is exactly what he draws, so its 100% actual. But yea some peeps with autism pick something and they become prodigies at what they pick...
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    9/11 ripple effect, heard about it on the radio

    September 9 watch History Channel at 6pm they will show the episode again, they even show the dude that claimed explosions went off. Its not a conspiracy their are too many things that can go wrong, not to mention ALL the people you gotta keep hush is practically impossible. As for...
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    9/11 ripple effect, heard about it on the radio

    If any of you guys believe that bullshit u need to be shot. The whole plane hitting the Pentagon a myth? Well I know a friend of mine was their and saw the plane fly above him and saw it hit the pentagon. And why you dont see wing marks on the building and just a center hole. Simple wings are...
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    Private Paintball Session

    300fps is the legal limit at fields because of insurance companies only allowing that to be max limit. Reballs tend to behave differently above 260fps and are not recommended above that by the manufacture for reliability. The owner tested it at 240 on the field and they are perfect. I got...
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    Private Paintball Session

    240fps is recommended by the manufacture, after that it gets hay wire. Accuracy isnt based on speed in paintball, its based on barrel to paint match.
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    Private Paintball Session

    Hey guys I just got a new job as a Event Cordinator at this new paintball field. The place is probably one of the best fields I've ever played at, its indoors and extremly well maintained. The field is called Reball Madness and is located a few blocks north of the Sample Landfill off...
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    altima fans v.s. flex a lites

    just get yourself a Ford Taurus 3.8L fan, it flows alot more than Flexlites, Altima, Black Magic, FAL, even flows more than the Clutch Fan. Their about $27 at your local Junkyard, and they fit 240sx radiators perfectly with little trimming required.
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    S13 electric fans question

    wow thats definatly not the way to wire up a fan. The fan is suppose to turn on when the motor reaches operating temp.
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    car stalled on me today..

    when you do a compression test. Motor has to reach operating temp. Than you pull all the spark plugs out, insert compression tester. Push gas pedal all the way Wide Open Throttle, while cranking for about 5seconds or until gauge stops going up. Repeat on all cylinders.
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    VK56 swap!!!! on an S14

    Sorry bro but the VK56 doesnt even beat the LS1. The LS1 produces more hp and torque than that so how does the VK own the LS series? Not to mention the VK weighs a shitload more, dont forget a LS1, LS6, LS2 weigh a little less than a SR20DET. The VK56 becomes a worthless swap.
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    Please Need help... 180 blown motor

    thats not impressive, SR20's are bolt on affairs and wiring is a joke. If it was something like installing some big motors ok but not SR20's.
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    How to solder

    I build megasquirts, as well as the harness so I win.
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    Fuel problem?!?

    to answer your question about gas. Gas starts to break down 2 weeks after you put it into your tank. eventually after 3 months the gas wont be able to ignite. This is also depended on the quality of gas.
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    Idleing problem/ Octane?

    Wow you seriously didn't read what I said did you. LIKE I SAID a ECU has predetermined parameters. If you look at a map in the ecu you'll see the timing table it specifies what amount of timing will be at that parameter for example at idle you might get 1000rpms x 34kpa will have like 39*...
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    Idleing problem/ Octane?

    um buddy your ecu doesnt know when you put in a higher octane so it leaves the timing the way that its always been. Your ecu has set parameters so it doesnt constantly advance timing until it detects knock, the only people who do that are experienced tuners.Also your knock sensor is only...
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    Idleing problem/ Octane?

    Octane is the resistance of gasoline to ignite under compression. The higher the octane the less its likely to cause detonation aka pinging. N/A cars usually requires a lower Octane unless the motor has HIGH COMPRESSION pistons. The reason turbo cars need high octane fuel is because the...
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    Black Friday Shopping

    I got myself 2 22" Widescreen LCD by Westinghouse, 2 Pioneer DVD burners a 4 Handset AT&T 5.8GHZ phone system. I went Saturday at 9pm to pick up the 2nd LCD monitor as I had it hidden in the back.
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