9/11 ripple effect, heard about it on the radio

If any of you guys believe that bullshit u need to be shot.

The whole plane hitting the Pentagon a myth? Well I know a friend of mine was their and saw the plane fly above him and saw it hit the pentagon. And why you dont see wing marks on the building and just a center hole. Simple wings are weak on planes they shear right off.

As for demolition is extremly impossible as it takes Months to actually insert charges into the building at key points. Fire isnt what brought down the building, it helped a lot but it made the steel weak and the weight of the building and plane brought it down.

Go watch the History Channels 9/11 Conspiracies:Fact or Fiction

They disprove all the bullshit claims.
^that was a good show. People love conspiracy theory bs though. Especially on this site.
Wow...people who think it was the government, just leave. I am tired of reading about 9/11.

Oh to let you all know. 9/11 falls on a monday this year. :eek:
pumaking said:
If any of you guys believe that bullshit u need to be shot.

The whole plane hitting the Pentagon a myth? Well I know a friend of mine was their and saw the plane fly above him and saw it hit the pentagon. And why you dont see wing marks on the building and just a center hole. Simple wings are weak on planes they shear right off.

As for demolition is extremly impossible as it takes Months to actually insert charges into the building at key points. Fire isnt what brought down the building, it helped a lot but it made the steel weak and the weight of the building and plane brought it down.

Go watch the History Channels 9/11 Conspiracies:Fact or Fiction

They disprove all the bullshit claims.
well being as everyone is entitled to their own opinions i think you are the one that deserves to be shot for pure ignorance. There CAN be another explination other than the patriotic, dramatic mumbo bullshit that they feed us on the news. in MY opinion , there was something going on there. i feel it was just way too damn perfectly executed, it was too flawless. there is some many things that point to conspiracy. BUT i could be wrong, who knows, and as for the wings of the plane. these planes fly at well over 500 mph, can you imagine the amount of wind force being exerted on the plane and they do countless time a week and you gonna tell me that hitting a building knocked them off and made them disintegrate cartoon style, sorry buddy it doesn't make sense. theres reports and videos of planes hitting the ground at full speed and the wings get knocked off but the sure as shit find them, in pieces none the less but they find them. but whatever, no thread jacking.
MiaS13 said:
well being as everyone is entitled to their own opinions i think you are the one that deserves to be shot for pure ignorance.

Its ignorant to believe that the planes we all saw crash into the trade centers actually crashed into the trade centers? You think that's too perfectly executed yet you think maybe demolition experts rigged invisible bombs and wires in multiple buildings? Planes were swapped? Missiles lauched? Thermite explosions? Hundreds of people executed? Enormous cover-ups for the thousands of people it would take to accomplish all these tasks and the years of planning it would take without ever being noticed or leaked once? And of those thousands of people, not one has soul enough to confess, come forward, or offer ANY tangible evidence? You rule dude.
like i said, i COULD be wrong. but never rule out the possibility. im entitled to my opinion as if everyone else. im gonna believe what i want to believe whether its to your approval or not. your cool tonymac but ignorance is bliss in your case man. if you feel we should discuss this openly then so be it, start a thread and we can go all day, but dont call me ignorant because i have my own opinion. that would be the same as calling a jewish person ignorant because they dont believe as jesus christ as their savior or telling a catholic person their ignorant because they dont believe in the big bang? dont you thinK?
Tonymac said:
I didn't call you ignorant. Actually, you just called me ignorant.


When you complete all the lessons, we'll talk. :)

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

yo i dont know what happen that day but i was there on vacation and saw everything.....after the first plane hit we thought it was a fuck up so we watched it then when the second one hit i look at the building and start freaking out......(i was young) but theres one thing i remember and it was an explosion from the lower floors and thats when it fell ive always thought that it was a conspiracy but w/e everyones entitled to there own opinion but honestly i think this was alll bullshit to make money off war ive done my research and well i know my shit so ..... stay safe
Then you'd know the building started collapsing from the top, not the bottom and that there were no explosions. Plenty of audio and video for you watch/hear out there.
thats what they said but for some reason there was explosions from the bottom i was there bro this isnt somthing i would lie about but yea i have my own beliefs on what happen but all its gonna start is a stir up so im gonna leave it at that
September 9 watch History Channel at 6pm they will show the episode again, they even show the dude that claimed explosions went off.

Its not a conspiracy their are too many things that can go wrong, not to mention ALL the people you gotta keep hush is practically impossible.

As for planes going 500mph its called Aero dynamics buddy you ever see F1 cars go over 200mph and when they crash them bitches fly off with ease because they are designed too DUHHHH buddy. Thats the whole point of Aerodynamics cut through the air not to mention the way those wings are designed it reinforces the wing. Its one thing if it went through a barn but a Concrete building yea not gonna happen buddy.
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do i believe the buildings were blown up? no

government conspiracy? probably not

did bush know about the attack and do nothing? you bet your ass

/my $.02
Everybody loves to blame Bush. How would he know about the planned attacks with nobody else knowing? What was his motive for wanting to watch his own economy suffer and potentially fail? So he can give us all tax breaks and lower interest rates all while basking in the knowledge he just sentenced hundreds to their deaths? Makes no sense.
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