9/11 ripple effect, heard about it on the radio

September 11, is my birthday(23) also. I dont know what EXACTLY happened, I wasnt there, but i did see the 2nd plane go threw the 2nd building, weither or not if its true i really dont know, I wasnt there.

Reaguardless i still hate bush, but i dont talk bad about him. I didnt vote, so its really not my right to say anything IMO.
Tonymac said:
Everybody loves to blame Bush. How would he know about the planned attacks with nobody else knowing? What was his motive for wanting to watch his own economy suffer and potentially fail? So he can give us all tax breaks and lower interest rates all while basking in the knowledge he just sentenced hundreds to their deaths? Makes no sense.

iraq...oil...$ from the defense contracts the carlyle group would win once war began (with his family being major shareholders)
Iraq and 9/11 are not the same. The war in Iraq was started b/c of supposed WMD's. Quite possibly the real reason was to secure a future oil source. IDK. With no WMD's found and no real evidence of Saddam Hussein having connections w/ Al Qaeda, I am not a supporter of this war. But you have NO evidence (nor does anybody else) that this war was started for personal gain and profit. Remember, there was more to this war than Bush.
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