WPB People

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i need people there for moral supprt, if it doesnt run cuz i fucked somethin up lol

Well in that case have Jeremy come over. He understands what been a fuck up is all about. In addition, he's gay so you can just release all your fury in his booty hole.
This is true I'll be over tomorrow
matt ;)

This car is AIDS for the eyes.

Minitruck wheels aren't even cool on minitrucks. Plus you have like an sr or something, and you're running like old moped tires on those gay wheels.

Does it still haunt you? ^

or this

Man, seriously, those wheels are so fucking lame.

I dig what you're tryin to do, but you got wheels that were barely cool on a mini truck in 1998.

Wheels smaller than 17's on an s13 is like school on Saturday....... Noooo class.

or that?

Like, the fact that they are cheap junky wheels is what ruins em. To me they're silly either way, but if there were like rays, bbs, hre, like something real hood, that would be something goin for em, but still not cool.

I could get some 14x15 -87 craiger ss's, but the dood with 19x9 +20 hre's is gonna have a wheel that's infintley cooler.

I'm not sayin go out and stand in line to buy rotas or something like that. I'm just saying that my 1994 ford ranger would look about as cool as
your car with these on them.

....... just sayin..
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I heard drinking bleach makes you pee smell, but it also makes your urine clear. Yeay, but I pefer the Jim Jones Fruit Punch, 12oz please
Technically every time you drive down the road you are too. That compares no where even remotely close to spraying over things with paint. Another invalid argument.

Technically you are destroying private property by fucking up the pavement, ofcourse its not as harsh as spray paint but it can be expensive to remove also.
Your breaking the law which is called reckless or careless driving

lets all drink bleach
I will have mine on the rocks
WPB is not that bad. My mom lives in the Lox. Salvador and his fam in Wellington and my bro lives in on Northlake. I lived there for a year and a half and I liked it. Good looking women along downtown night life in city place. Shit I am going this weekend to ride the bros Harley and jet ski Sunday that is mother nature behaves.
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