WPB People

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alright ima look out for ur health concern, and mine too, its official that i have the h1n1, other wise known as SWINE FLU. if any of u that have hung out with me in the past few days start to feel sick i suggest u see ur doctor. i wont be seeing u guys for a long while, and i may be moving out cuz of a grade in one of my classes. HOLLA! illl be on here day and night kid cudi style. good thing is i have a cough syrup with codiene, YESSIR! so hit me up on dat internet...
lol this shit is funny i remember people were talking crap about me and my bro and no one knew us just a hand full of you guys did:D

i still think your a fan boy, havent seen you slide and anything you said to those cops was to cover your own ass not to help the group. when asked if all the cars should be towed you replied "i just came here to tell them all to stop"
Dude, you have no clue... this guy is pretty tight with local cops and has gotten us out of more than 1 situation just from showing up. As a matter of fact, he even said that cops would be coming soon when he first got there. He and his brother are both super cool dudes and are willing to do pretty much anything to help out a fellow 240 owner/drifter, has even given me parts for FREE just to get my car up and going. Regardless of what he may have said, he got us out of some shit any way you look at it. I haven't seen either of them drift either, but they still build sicker cars, have better attitudes and have been in the scene longer than half the ppl on here, so for that, they do and will always have my respect.

Thank you.
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Dude, you have no clue... this guy is pretty tight with local cops and has gotten us out of more than 1 situation just from showing up. As a matter of fact, he even said that cops would be coming soon when he first got there. He and his brother are both super cool dudes and are willing to do pretty much anything to help out a fellow 240 owner/drifter, has even given me parts for FREE just to get my car up and going. Regardless of what he may have said, he got us out of some shit any way you look at it. I haven't seen either of them drift either, but they still build sicker cars, have better attitudes and have been in the scene longer than half the ppl on here, so for that, they do and will always have my respect.

Thank you.

guy sounds legit but it seems a lot of peeps dislike him... i like everyone right now, i have codeine cough syrup and that shit makes u feel soooo good.
Guy and Gary are both cool as fuck! I've been sliding with Gary before and he is GOOD! Gary you gotta get those inner buckets done so you can really slide son!

well the old tuner that use to be here is the cause of 3 or 4 motors to blow. this last one i take blame for i over heated the oil and spun some bearings. but ever since Roger and myself have retuned the car i haven't had any issuse with melting pistons like before.

HAHAHA!!! How in the hell are you gonna blame Jack? I've seen the maps, so don't gimme any BS. PM me how it's his fault unless you wanna keep digging yourself into a bigger hole.
yo i made sizzurp, with 2.5 ounces of cough syrup, and sprite, with some jolly ranchers in the bottom...it feels amazing

Guy and Gary are both cool as fuck! I've been sliding with Gary before and he is GOOD! Gary you gotta get those inner buckets done so you can really slide son!

HAHAHA!!! How in the hell are you gonna blame Jack? I've seen the maps, so don't gimme any BS. PM me how it's his fault unless you wanna keep digging yourself into a bigger hole.

yo u wanna upload those pics
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guy sounds legit but it seems a lot of peeps dislike him... i like everyone right now, i have codeine cough syrup and that shit makes u feel soooo good.

Thing is, a while ago, Bizspeed did this whole article on him and his brother proclaiming them to be West Palm Beach's "drift kings". Kind of lame. Everyone has hated them since then because they thought that the brothers gave themselves the name. BUT, Guy and his brother Gary never saw the article before it was published and in no way think that they are "drift kings". They just kinda caught a bad rep from that bs, but it wasn't their fault.
OMG.. I fucking hate bizspeed!!! their are probably the lamest shit in the world right before AIG and GM bailouts!! I swear if I ever see someone from bizspeed I will slap them dead in their shit. Let me see them at a wpb meet, oh boy....
OMG.. I fucking hate bizspeed!!! their are probably the lamest shit in the world right before AIG and GM bailouts!! I swear if I ever see someone from bizspeed I will slap them dead in their shit. Let me see them at a wpb meet, oh boy....

Im sure nothing of this manor will happen...

i mean, i agree, somewhat, but what have they done to you personally that infuriates you so much?
Im sure nothing of this manor will happen...

i mean, i agree, somewhat, but what have they done to you personally that infuriates you so much?

well i see plenty of smack talking about john and how he believe's he's the shit. I personally don't know him but he does indeed drive sick cars and i give that to him, however, if their's anybody who thinks their the shit it would have to be bizspeed. At the old hooters meet they would block off their own little section (gay) and believed they ran shit, hence that is why I started this whole wpb meet. They claimed that they slide but we all know thats b.s just like how they crowned guy and gary D.K's. I wipe my ass with their slow ass cars to be honest. Guy and Gary don't have to be D.K's, their cars do all the talking.
well i see plenty of smack talking about john and how he believe's he's the shit. I personally don't know him but he does indeed drive sick cars and i give that to him, however, if their's anybody who thinks their the shit it would have to be bizspeed. At the old hooters meet they would block off their own little section (gay) and believed they ran shit, hence that is why I started this whole wpb meet. They claimed that they slide but we all know thats b.s just like how they crowned guy and gary D.K's. I wipe my ass with their slow ass cars to be honest. Guy and Gary don't have to be D.K's, their cars do all the talking.

i see

again, this is one of those situations where 1. these guys have never done anything wrong to me. and 2. we have mutual friends and i hear nothing bad about them... aside from the D.K. story

so i can't really say anything about them
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