WPB People

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I had a good time but that shit is far. I would definetly ride up there again. Good to see all you wpb people. The cops were mad cool too.
whats wrong with weed??

it makes you not know how to work the interwebz apparently

im just sayin, i have no problem with a little weed, but when your out doing something that is GOING to attract the cops, it's best to just leave that shit home. And if the cops werent so cool, it could have caused problems for all of us that were just trying to get some seat time in.

when she's back up and ready i'll prob come out to play a little... turbo is still too big to be sliding all over.

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well the old tuner that use to be here is the cause of 3 or 4 motors to blow. this last one i take blame for i over heated the oil and spun some bearings. but ever since Roger and myself have retuned the car i haven't had any issuse with melting pistons like before.

when you say the "old tuner" are you refering to jack?
i just got outa work and i have a 102 fever again, and a really nasty cough, all this right before i go on my 7day cruise on monday.. SAWEET!
yo whered u go jeremy, was it the spot u told me about last night?

(as for anyone who wants to tell me just dont, keep this hot shit on the DL!)
lol this shit is funny i remember people were talking crap about me and my bro and no one knew us just a hand full of you guys did:D
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