What happens if all the illegal aliens were deported?

And to everyones question on who would do the lazy-ass jobs, probably the american people who are struggling in this economy to help themselves regain an income so they dont have to feed off the government's tax money.

theres tons of people that are content on welfare they feel they are entitled to get money from the government which is fucked up but thats how it is. I doubt it would help anything
Fuck you. Don't come in this thread and generalize white people as racist. That would be like me coming in here and calling you a gang member criminal because you are probably Hispanic. Honestly people who are illegally here in the US should be deported. They are just like people who come to your house eat your food, use up your electricity, and then take your money and go on their way. Free loading. Unfortunately the government doesn't care about that and are care more about who they are going to make angry by kicking the people out. We need to worry about ourselves before we can allow other people to come in. Basically what the US is doing in a more extreme sense is like inviting friends over for dinner knowing that you have no food to cook, no money to order food and nowhere to eat. We are blowing money on shit that we could be saving on. Now do I think all people not of White American descent be kicked out? No. In all honesty we are immigrants, no white person on this forum is of 100% American descent. If we say we should kick all immigrants out then all the people who are not Native American Indians should leave because we don't belong here either. USA should close the borders for now until we get shit straight with the economy then maybe after we should allow people a chance to come to America. I am a firm believe though that if you are not helping fix the problem (i.e paying taxes, trying to get an education, doing shit a normal citizen of the US would do) you should get the fuck out.

You fucking idiot. I'm white. And I find it funny that all these rascist jokes are going on right? AND I GET A FUCKING INFRACTION FOR IT??? Fuck this site.
i was saying it to otis too.
its not like i wasnt jokin around

well now that you mention it.. where is otis?

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I have worked and gotten close with many illegals over the years doing a lot of the trades that I guess after reading through this thread I should not have been working at, since I'm white (didn't get the memo that I have to be racist and lazy).

All of them have been good people through and through and have more respect and love for our country than some of the people that were born and raised here who take it for granted and have no idea that they have been living in god damn Disney World their entire life, compared to other parts of the world.

I agree with what sthlthftr or w/e his name is. About legalizing those that do not have criminal backgrounds etc...
I have never been one for deportation with the exception of criminals since we have enough of our own already. But I don't think they deserve to be naturalized without taking all the steps the millions before them had to take. It would mean looking past their method of entry, however they should know and understand basic laws, english, etc IMO.
If you played portal you would get the reference to the government and how they dont deliver what they promise..

That is the inherent flaw in the argument, the promise of the united states is not provided by the government, instead it lies in the individual.

Succede or Fail, its on you.
as long as they r working and trying to do everything right then let em stay
if they r breaking the law

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You fucking idiot. I'm white. And I find it funny that all these rascist jokes are going on right? AND I GET A FUCKING INFRACTION FOR IT??? Fuck this site.

I am an idiot because I am defending my point of view. You are white yet you generalize white people as all being racist. Way to go fucktard. You sir are the fucking idiot.
Canada... what the fuck does that have to do with illegal aliens being deported?
the fact is that it has its gains and its downfalls.how we choose to look at it is only caused by influences others have had us. no point into turning this into a battle against why immigrants dont belong here or not. everyone has there own problems and should get a chance at a better way of life which is what a America is considered. ``the land with endless opportunities``
I am an idiot because I am defending my point of view. You are white yet you generalize white people as all being racist. Way to go fucktard. You sir are the fucking idiot.

You are an idiot because you type before you think and automatically assumed I was Hispanic because of my comment. You're also an idiot because you somehow think this has nothing to do with racism or social status.
You are an idiot because you type before you think and automatically assumed I was Hispanic because of my comment. You're also an idiot because you somehow think this has nothing to do with racism or social status.

OK he did say probably which is defined by "with considerable certainty" - in other words, not definitely. He assumed you could be hispanic, but not that you were.

And no this has nothing to do with racism or social status. Shame on anyone who actually thinks that way, you included. You will not find one country in this world that opens their arms to millions of illegal aliens, regardless of nationality.

And if this thread continues on as a pissing match of insults, I will lock it.
a lot of people that are born here waste the opportunities given to them , a lot of them sit home playing video games smoking pot.... and then they complain cus they can't get a job....

that summarize my thoughts..:bigthumbu
After how many generations is it okay to forget your a product of immigrants and turn against them? Its funny how the descendants of european Immigrants looking for a better future for their offspring tell people that are NATIVE TO THE CONTINENT they cant do the same.
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