What happens if all the illegal aliens were deported?

I read something in here that said, if they're breaking the law, then deport them.


Them being here is breaking the law.

I said something similar, and while I agree with you that its ridiculous since they're illegal to begin with; I'm a bleeding heart sometimes. I've worked with and made friends with "illegals," and they're just people like anyone else trying to make their way in the world. Yes, they do cost the taxpayer and I am a taxpayer. Yes, I think our border needs to be more controlled. But with millions of illegals already here, a roundup/deportation will never happen. And since they're already here (with many of them working), rather then have them continue collecting government benefits while earning a tax-free living and exporting US currency; it makes more sense to me from a economic and social aspect to simply tax their earnings and grant them some sort of leniency with regard to naturalization.
I know that sfldrifters is full of HS kids but some of you guys should think twice about posting. Most of you guys dont have a clue on the affects of the IMF (headquarters in good ol' Washington DC) on many third world country. If countries in central america were able to provide their people without economic restrictions of the U.S. and banks like the IMF you think they would still be coming over to grow the food that feed your families? l

ol at you kids thinking that illegal immigrants are an economic burden

and the fact that some of you kids would as far as to deny basic human rights just because someone is "illegally" in this country is just sad. I guess that the only thing good about threads like these is that the we get to see who the xenophobic closet-racist are...
I know that sfldrifters is full of HS kids but some of you guys should think twice about posting. Most of you guys dont have a clue on the affects of the IMF (headquarters in good ol' Washington DC) on many third world country. If countries in central america were able to provide their people without economic restrictions of the U.S. and banks like the IMF you think they would still be coming over to grow the food that feed your families? l

ol at you kids thinking that illegal immigrants are an economic burden

and the fact that some of you kids would as far as to deny basic human rights just because someone is "illegally" in this country is just sad. I guess that the only thing good about threads like these is that the we get to see who the xenophobic closet-racist are...

Im 27 years old, and know the economic burden illegals cost... personally. They have personally cost me almost my life and about 10,000 dollars.

I love how your post comes across all mature but you really dont know anything about anything.

And human rights seriously, there are thousands of hungry and homeless Americans here legally, wheres your bleeding heart for them. When everyone here legally has a full stomach and a job, then we can take more immigrants in. But until then GTFO!
Im 27 years old, and know the economic burden illegals cost... personally. They have personally cost me almost my life and about 10,000 dollars.

I love how your post comes across all mature but you really dont know anything about anything.

And human rights seriously, there are thousands of hungry and homeless Americans here legally, wheres your bleeding heart for them. When everyone here legally has a full stomach and a job, then we can take more immigrants in. But until then GTFO!

ok shut it down jerry just stomped the shit outa this yard!!!!

This guy is 22 years old, just joined the forum,talking down to us lol, i promise you i am way farther ahead in life than you are my friend, after all you where in highschool like 5 minutes ago.

Your post shows even further how ignorant you are, as most high school age kids these days skew so far to the liberal left its scary, and would completly be on your side.

But us kids have no idea what we are talking about.
Im 27 years old, and know the economic burden illegals cost... personally. They have personally cost me almost my life and about 10,000 dollars.

I love how your post comes across all mature but you really dont know anything about anything.

And human rights seriously, there are thousands of hungry and homeless Americans here legally, wheres your bleeding heart for them. When everyone here legally has a full stomach and a job, then we can take more immigrants in. But until then GTFO!

seriously if ur homeless n hungry and american u fail at life or are a fuckin drug addict/alcholic junkie.....u chose that life. I've done jobs i hated just to get by n pay my bills, so i dont wanna hear dat shit bout illegals takin all da jobs good ol america can offer!!!!
This guy is 22 years old, just joined the forum,talking down to us lol, i promise you i am way farther ahead in life than you are my friend, after all you where in highschool like 5 minutes ago.

Your post shows even further how ignorant you are, as most high school age kids these days skew so far to the liberal left its scary, and would completly be on your side.

But us kids have no idea what we are talking about.

Aren't you a son of cuban Immigrants?
Aren't you a son of cuban Immigrants?

I know that sfldrifters is full of HS kids but some of you guys should think twice about posting. Most of you guys dont have a clue on the affects of the IMF (headquarters in good ol' Washington DC) on many third world country. If countries in central america were able to provide their people without economic restrictions of the U.S. and banks like the IMF you think they would still be coming over to grow the food that feed your families? l

ol at you kids thinking that illegal immigrants are an economic burden

and the fact that some of you kids would as far as to deny basic human rights just because someone is "illegally" in this country is just sad. I guess that the only thing good about threads like these is that the we get to see who the xenophobic closet-racist are...

wat does that have to do with anything? arent we all something of immigrants???? the point is if your legal or not. and JoseBronX, wat the fuck are you talking about closet racist,no one here has said"i hate mexicans" or "i hate" anything(well except sas and Hektic,but thats different) how old are you??? and still have 12 yr ignorant comments(you think you would grow up for at least serious conversations ), cause the truth of the matter is if we were to deport all illegals (or even the ones with citizenship) that are in jail or have a record or even a DUI and made the citizenship process faster, that would be a GREAT economical boost,alot extra money and more tax payers but knowing our government that wont happen,sad to say but i think ppl will vote for deport :\
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seriously if ur homeless n hungry and american u fail at life or are a fuckin drug addict/alcholic junkie.....u chose that life. I've done jobs i hated just to get by n pay my bills, so i dont wanna hear dat shit bout illegals takin all da jobs good ol america can offer!!!!

Hector=my favorite Mexican
seriously if ur homeless n hungry and american u fail at life or are a fuckin drug addict/alcholic junkie.....u chose that life. I've done jobs i hated just to get by n pay my bills, so i dont wanna hear dat shit bout illegals takin all da jobs good ol america can offer!!!!

Gonna have to agree with this 100%
I know that sfldrifters is full of HS kids but some of you guys should think twice about posting. Most of you guys dont have a clue on the affects of the IMF (headquarters in good ol' Washington DC) on many third world country. If countries in central america were able to provide their people without economic restrictions of the U.S. and banks like the IMF you think they would still be coming over to grow the food that feed your families? l

ol at you kids thinking that illegal immigrants are an economic burden

and the fact that some of you kids would as far as to deny basic human rights just because someone is "illegally" in this country is just sad. I guess that the only thing good about threads like these is that the we get to see who the xenophobic closet-racist are...

Is the IMF HQ location in Washington some kind of conspiracy to you? Do you even realize that the United States is the largest single contributor to the IMF, at around 17% of its funds (runner up, Japan, contributes 6%)? That the governing agents behind the IMF consist of a representative from each member country (of which there are over 180)? Do you even know what the IMF is, what purpose it holds, or what it requires of borrowing countries?
Im sorry i just find it funny when people of immigrant decent get all homeland. Its like a black kkk member, or better yet an argentinian nazi.
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I said something similar, and while I agree with you that its ridiculous since they're illegal to begin with; I'm a bleeding heart sometimes. I've worked with and made friends with "illegals," and they're just people like anyone else trying to make their way in the world. Yes, they do cost the taxpayer and I am a taxpayer. Yes, I think our border needs to be more controlled. But with millions of illegals already here, a roundup/deportation will never happen. And since they're already here (with many of them working), rather then have them continue collecting government benefits while earning a tax-free living and exporting US currency; it makes more sense to me from a economic and social aspect to simply tax their earnings and grant them some sort of leniency with regard to naturalization.

I laugh everytime someone talks about "oh fucking immigrants this and that my job bla bla" and their last name is Diaz or some other Cuban and Hispanic name...

Not even 100 years ago, Irish immigrants were treated like nothing worse than dogs when they came in massive waves of migration to this country, even though they were European.

Today, thousands of Hispanics come to this country for the same reason the Irish did 100 years ago. Want to solve the immigrant crime issue? Then deport all those Mexican/Central American gang members who are the real scum and the problem, instead of targeting hard working, honest people. All those tattoos and shit? They aren't hard to miss....

And 95% of people complaining about English don't even know the difference between "Then" and "Than", "Would have" and "would of" or "their" and "there". How can you complain about language when you can't even spell your own at a goddamn 2nd grade level?
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