What happens if all the illegal aliens were deported?

This is easy, take all the dumb-asses on welfare and government assistance and have them go pick strawberries, at least we will be getting something from our tax dollars.

american's won't pick tomatoes and strawberries. lol welcome to reality.
american's won't pick tomatoes and strawberries. lol welcome to reality.

-.- thats not true,thats like saying all blacks can only talk slang or all Mexicans are in gangs and sell cheese!?!?!?!? thats all stereotypical bullshit, if a white guy doesnt want to pick crops its not cause hes white, its cause he himself is lazy or just doesnt want to. its the persons train of thought and mentality that makes them who they are not the pigments on the skin or there race,and for anyone to say that is a true textbook dictionary example of a n*gger, ignorant.

now i want to hear whos going to bash on me and say im going to get my ass kicked and blah blah blah cause you think am a racist for saying n*gger even in its right context :bigthumbu
-.- thats not true,thats like saying all blacks can only talk slang or all Mexicans are in gangs and sell cheese!?!?!?!? thats all stereotypical bullshit, if a white guy doesnt want to pick crops its not cause hes white, its cause he himself is lazy or just doesnt want to. its the persons train of thought and mentality that makes them who they are not the pigments on the skin or there race,and for anyone to say that is a true textbook dictionary example of a n*gger, ignorant.

now i want to hear whos going to bash on me and say im going to get my ass kicked and blah blah blah cause you think am a racist for saying n*gger even in its right context :bigthumbu

That's not really true, because blacks and Mexicans are races, and Americans are citizens of a country, not a race. Americans tend to be educated and rich enough to not be forced to work in fields for 10 hours for the lowest wage possible. Also not all Americans are white, as you insinuated in your statement. So I believe his statement is true, Americans in general would rather work at McDonalds or Wendys then in the fields of Homestead.
yo fuck that this country is so fucked without illegal immgrants....i would like to see all those lazy crackaz work construction, or wash dishes, shit id like to see them mow there own fucken law, bitch *****z complain bout illegal immgrants fuken up our schools how bout da dumb ass white kids that dont know how to count???? Fuk that cant wait for the day when civil war start again over tryin to kick out the illegalz i got my arsenal ready :bigthumbu

Are you fucking retarded????

Who do you think built this country??? It was 90% Irish, Italians and Germans. All whitey-white crackaz you fool. And yes I do see the irony of banning immigrants when the country was built on immigration, however those were the laws back then, these are the laws today. Live with them and abide by them or leave. 100yrs ago I could have moved to Germany or England freely, today I can't. I'm not gonna go fucking cry in London or Berlin because they won't allow me a free work visa...

Once the decadence of the United States peaked in the 1950's the powers that be wisely sought to maintain the level of American wealth and the laws began changing.

So lazy crackaz huh??? You know what, after 29 years of listening to white people get bashed just because theyre on top I really have to say something. There is a fucking reason certain people are on top after millions of years on this planet and thousands of years of modern civilizations warring with each other! And this ain't vegas so it wasnt a roll of the goddamn dice.

Oh and when these lazy white folk you speak of built shit in the 1930's-40's, it actually got done. And done well!

As for mowing lawns, nearly every place I ever lived the cracka ass white people mowed their own lawn unless the man was away at work all the time, in which case he paid someone to do it. I don't give a fuck who that person is, if theyre illegal then they shoudnt be here. Oh boo-fucking-hoo no one to mow the lawn now you say??? BULLSHIT, someone will always step up to fill a need. Maybe since it's more in demand then the price goes up a few bucks. Good on 'em!

bitch *****z complain bout illegal immgrants fuken up our schools how bout da dumb ass white kids that dont know how to count????

Well dem white kidz cudnt possiblee be influinzed by da same dumbazz pop kulture, cool-kid social normz dat be makin u typez like dis rite????
Are you fucking retarded????

Who do you think built this country??? It was 90% Irish, Italians and Germans. All whitey-white crackaz you fool. And yes I do see the irony of banning immigrants when the country was built on immigration, however those were the laws back then, these are the laws today. Live with them and abide by them or leave. 100yrs ago I could have moved to Germany or England freely, today I can't. I'm not gonna go fucking cry in London or Berlin because they won't allow me a free work visa...

Once the decadence of the United States peaked in the 1950's the powers that be wisely sought to maintain the level of American wealth and the laws began changing.

So lazy crackaz huh??? You know what, after 29 years of listening to white people get bashed just because theyre on top I really have to say something. There is a fucking reason certain people are on top after millions of years on this planet and thousands of years of modern civilizations warring with each other! And this ain't vegas so it wasnt a roll of the goddamn dice.

Oh and when these lazy white folk you speak of built shit in the 1930's-40's, it actually got done. And done well!

As for mowing lawns, nearly every place I ever lived the cracka ass white people mowed their own lawn unless the man was away at work all the time, in which case he paid someone to do it. I don't give a fuck who that person is, if theyre illegal then they shoudnt be here. Oh boo-fucking-hoo no one to mow the lawn now you say??? BULLSHIT, someone will always step up to fill a need. Maybe since it's more in demand then the price goes up a few bucks. Good on 'em!

Well dem white kidz cudnt possiblee be influinzed by da same dumbazz pop kulture, cool-kid social normz dat be makin u typez like dis rite????

Yea i typez like this fgt go kill yourself......
I just like how finn had to say white people , if it wasn't really a racial discussion, why do people think only whites are legal or affected or have the right to kick people out and decide what to do? because they're a majority?.... i'll still be alive by 2050 hopefully to watch caucasians become a minority in this country , i wonder what kind of issues we'll have then , white immigrants fucking up everything???

don't put a color on an illegal immigrant and would (do) people still feel the same about them being here?

I like how you read me saying white people, and not Hektic and others saying crackaz etc. This is pointless. Want me to start saying racial stuff? I don't think you guys can handle it since your crying when I say different colors right now.

Yea i typez like this fgt go kill yourself......

See it's pointless. You have people like this with low IQ that just want to rile people up.
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That's not really true, because blacks and Mexicans are races, and Americans are citizens of a country, not a race. Americans tend to be educated and rich enough to not be forced to work in fields for 10 hours for the lowest wage possible. Also not all Americans are white, as you insinuated in your statement. So I believe his statement is true, Americans in general would rather work at McDonalds or Wendys then in the fields of Homestead.

i said whites,thats a race.and not all Americans and are rich and educated trust me on that (go to Louisville,ky and you'll see almost everyone there is a bum/junkie/drunk thats a real said place to be) and theres allways going to be some one with legal status that needs money and will work anything of course not for ever but nether do illegals want to work there for the rest of there lifes theres just alot of them to fill for the one who leaves cause theres a great needd for money,sso for sure if the illegals got deported life would go on.
Yea i typez like this fgt go kill yourself......

haha, now were getting somewhere!!! And yea you dont type as bad as I made it out but you missed the real point there.

You said: "bitch *****z complain bout illegal immgrants fuken up our schools how bout da dumb ass white kids that dont know how to count????"

Funny how you can say white kids but if I were to say black kids then I am a racist..... But it doesnt matter anyway, white people arent smarter than any other group of people as a whole, the onus is all on the individual. The problem is that regardless of intellect, there was once discipline in our schools, but ever since the system was forced to deal with the least common denominator, it started going to hell and the bad attitudes and unwillingness to put forth any effort to learn started rubbing off on all kids.

To be honest I dont give a fuck if America does fail because it never belonged to caucasians anyway and I'm not planning to be here to watch it go down in flames..... Trying to fix the issues in this country is worse than trying to ski uphill. There isn't a common enough national identity, to appease or motivate the people of America to give a shit and make this place better. If each state were goverened independently so the laws could be tailored to better suit each group of people, then we might make a couple steps in the right direction....
i have to agree with shane and sean on this one... no, im not white, but i personally am tired of hearing "ethnic" people saying "crackaaz" and "ghosts" and "whitey" and calling each other "ni**a" but if a white guy was to say "ni**er" or "sp*ck" or "wop" or "gook", oh shit, everybody better look the fuck out!!
i have to agree with shane and sean on this one... no, im not white, but i personally am tired of hearing "ethnic" people saying "crackaaz" and "ghosts" and "whitey" and calling each other "ni**a" but if a white guy was to say "ni**er" or "sp*ck" or "wop" or "gook", oh shit, everybody better look the fuck out!!
Thats because the white man is the oppressor! lol...
Thats because the white man is the oppressor! lol...

op·press : to crush or burden by abuse of power or authority

^this hasn't happened since may 17th 1954... according to the civil rights movement time line anyways... just sayin

luv u to chuck....(no homo dat is...)

Flyin fin go fuck yourself....also die in a fire! Better yet go puss out on da us army or where ever it is u went and couldnt handle it!!! Lmao and yea i am pullin out da childish comebacks.....

Yea i typez like this fgt go kill yourself......

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op·press : to crush or burden by abuse of power or authority

^this hasn't happened since may 17th 1954... according to the civil rights movement time line anyways... just sayin
Glad to see you can google definitions and dates ;)

I still feel oppressed... LOL
Glad to see you can google definitions and dates ;)

You cant tell me that i just didn't "one-up" like 90% of the forum, lol

i just dont see how anyone can feel oppressed by anyone anymore. We all have equal rights and your life is what you make it, not what the white man makes it for you...

my dad was an illegal immigrant here for years and barely speaks english to this day and still made enough money in his time here to buy a house in a nice "white" neighborhood, boats, cars, a 3 story house on the beach on an island in greece, a 10 room hotel in the same vicinity (that remains empty and is for friends and family to vacation) and another 2 story house up in the mountains of the same island (just in case he decides that he wants to go hunting)... tell me that you can't make greatness out of your life cuz the white man wont let you... thats just an excuse to be lazy.
You cant tell me that i just didn't "one-up" like 90% of the forum, lol

i just dont see how anyone can feel oppressed by anyone anymore. We all have equal rights and your life is what you make it, not what the white man makes it for you...

my dad was an illegal immigrant here for years and barely speaks english to this day and still made enough money in his time here to buy a house in a nice "white" neighborhood, boats, cars, a 3 story house on the beach on an island in greece, a 10 room hotel in the same vicinity (that remains empty and is for friends and family to vacation) and another 2 story house up in the mountains of the same island (just in case he decides that he wants to go hunting)... tell me that you can't make greatness out of your life cuz the white man wont let you... thats just an excuse to be lazy.

.....hi im alain i want to be your friend XD
You cant tell me that i just didn't "one-up" like 98.9% of the forum, lol

i just dont see how anyone can feel oppressed by anyone anymore. We all have equal rights and your life is what you make it, not what the white man makes it for you...

my dad was an illegal immigrant here for years and barely speaks english to this day and still made enough money in his time here to buy a house in a nice "white" neighborhood, boats, cars, a 3 story house on the beach on an island in greece, a 10 room hotel in the same vicinity (that remains empty and is for friends and family to vacation) and another 2 story house up in the mountains of the same island (just in case he decides that he wants to go hunting)... tell me that you can't make greatness out of your life cuz the white man wont let you... thats just an excuse to be lazy.

Fixed - and I was JK about the oppression... There truly isnt anyone or anything stopping anyone from being GREAT in this era we live in. Kudos to ur pops - he's living proof of this
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