What happens if all the illegal aliens were deported?

I laugh everytime someone talks about "oh fucking immigrants this and that my job bla bla" and their last name is Diaz or some other Cuban and Hispanic name...

Not even 100 years ago, Irish immigrants were treated like nothing worse than dogs when they came in massive waves of migration to this country, even though they were European.

Today, thousands of Hispanics come to this country for the same reason the Irish did 100 years ago. Want to solve crime problem? Then deport all those Mexican/Central American gang members who are the real scum and the problem, instead of targeting hard working, honest people. All those tattoos and shit? They aren't hard to miss....

And 95% of people complaining about English don't even know the difference between "Then" and "Than", "Would have" and "would of" or "their" and "there". How can you complain about language when you can't even spell your own at a goddamn 2nd grade level?

whoa whoa not all mexicans and central americans are gang members....just cuz they got tattoos...majority of mexicans and central americans are hard werkin ppls
whoa whoa not all mexicans and central americans are gang members....just cuz they got tattoos...majority of mexicans and central americans are hard werkin ppls

Im talking about people who are obviously gang members, with obvious gang tattoos...if you've seen 'em they aren't hard to miss lol
some of you say that we wont get the shitty lowly jobs done without mexicans here. thats bullshit, i dont care what you say. just because i wont mow your damn huge lawn for $5 bucks doesn’t mean that I wont do it, I just want to be paid a reasonable amount of money to do it. I have no problems with the Mexicans we have in this country who work hard and want to make an honest living and be a contributive part of our economy. However when you see Mexicans running around in gangs taking whatever they want and treating people like shit, loading up our prisons, dealing drugs in our country. Its bullshit man. And the fact that illegal aliens get better healthcare benefits than half the people in our country! Give me a damn break man! Honestly, if every illegal alien in our country was given the boot, we would be better off. Our government doesn’t look at peoples applications to come to our country and just throw them in the trash for no reason. Our cities are overpopulated, our economy is in the shitter, and we need to take care of ourselves before we help everybody else
What would happen if all the illegals were deported??

I laugh everytime someone talks about "oh fucking immigrants this and that my job bla bla" and their last name is Diaz or some other Cuban and Hispanic name...

Not even 100 years ago, Irish immigrants were treated like nothing worse than dogs when they came in massive waves of migration to this country, even though they were European.

Today, thousands of Hispanics come to this country for the same reason the Irish did 100 years ago. Want to solve the immigrant crime issue? Then deport all those Mexican/Central American gang members who are the real scum and the problem, instead of targeting hard working, honest people. All those tattoos and shit? They aren't hard to miss....

And 95% of people complaining about English don't even know the difference between "Then" and "Than", "Would have" and "would of" or "their" and "there". How can you complain about language when you can't even spell your own at a goddamn 2nd grade level?

Good grammar and speaking English are two different things. I will never back down from my belief that anyone seeking citizenship in this country must learn basic English.

The massive wave of Irish immigration took place in the 19th century - over 100 years ago - and they left for very different reasons. There was widespread disease, the potato famine (mold spores destroyed nearly all potato crops - the Irish were almost completely dependent on potatoes), and massive oppression from the English. There was also a great need for men in the US during the 19th century b/c it was the time of the Industrial Revolution. You are right about how they were treated, but this is a case of apples to oranges.
. from 1:32 to 1:38
Invest in human pontential regardless of nationalities.
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i dont care what you say. just because i wont mow your damn huge lawn for $5 bucks doesn’t mean that I wont do it, I just want to be paid a reasonable amount of money to do it.

And thats why, I would probably hire the mexican. OR I could outsource via work visas or even get a call center in India like Microsoft.

So how is it bullshit when it is reality? Agricultural job shortages exists, even with illegal immigrants here now.

However when you see Mexicans running around in gangs taking whatever they want and treating people like shit, loading up our prisons, dealing drugs in our country. Its bullshit man.

This doesn't apply to just mexicans OR illegal aliens. Every single ethnic group out there does this to their own. Whites, Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, nobody is exempt.

Honestly, if every illegal alien in our country was given the boot, we would be better off. Our government doesn’t look at peoples applications to come to our country and just throw them in the trash for no reason. Our cities are overpopulated, our economy is in the shitter, and we need to take care of ourselves before we help everybody else

I agree, we should boot every single illegal immigrant that came since 1492! Let's do it! Damn those illegal immigrants for using up our resources, stealing from us, and taking our women!

Ironic, isn't it?
that video puts the truth into words perfectly...

and you think the industries that source illegal immingrants for cheap labor want to use people that are lazy want higher wages , complain, issue lawsuits against them , waste labor time and are unreliable and untrustworthy ?


and if the u.s. government wanted to give people jobs they could , they could make companies hire people that are qualified, legal and don't cost them more time and money, but people form unions and the govenment is greedy and doesn't want industry to be super rich and powerful so that they are not a rival to the government....

so what do the companies do?

they move away , those jobs are not held by illegals , or immigrants or americans or anyone on this continent....they are in china and india , and eastern europe .... companies want to make money not friends .
if all the cheap labor leaves the country so will they.
that vid is bs,how can you blame that girl for any of that shit,how can you blame anyone for the past of there forefathers?
Yeah that black guy needs to get off his fucking high horse. Its one thing to acknowledge the past, but to think being black gives you some cookie points is fucking bullshit. Nation of Islam, black israelites and all that and black supremacist shit? In the same ignorant level as the KKK.

How fucking ironic is it for a black dude to be giving a jewish girl a lesson on racism and tell her "You are not human''? The first step in anti-semitism was to demonize your enemy (the jew) to the point he wasn't human. The first step towards the slavery model pursued in the U.S (very different from slavery in the ancient world, etc) was to make blacks be "not human" or 3/4ths human or something similar...
Hate and ignorance knows no race, ethnicity, or religion.
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that video puts the truth into words perfectly...

and you think the industries that source illegal immingrants for cheap labor want to use people that are lazy want higher wages , complain, issue lawsuits against them , waste labor time and are unreliable and untrustworthy ?


and if the u.s. government wanted to give people jobs they could , they could make companies hire people that are qualified, legal and don't cost them more time and money, but people form unions and the govenment is greedy and doesn't want industry to be super rich and powerful so that they are not a rival to the government....

so what do the companies do?

they move away , those jobs are not held by illegals , or immigrants or americans or anyone on this continent....they are in china and india , and eastern europe .... companies want to make money not friends .
if all the cheap labor leaves the country so will they.

That video was a load of shit for so many reasons as are many of these statements.

Again, the bigotry emerges again...saying Americans are lazy, complain, and file law suits. Well so are illegal immigrants. Migrant workers and illegals are constantly passing law suits...in fact, they've been the focus of a number of legal scams and frivolous suits in the past. As for complaining, well they did strike in 2006 and have a legal team fighting for their "right" to live here illegally, work illegally, and get paid higher wages while doing both. As for laziness, trustworthiness, and unreliability...I would disagree with that generalization for a multitude of reasons.

The government doesn't control industries. There are laws, obviously, but as much as the police can't sit at your front door and frisk you every time you enter/exit your house, the government can't police every company in every industry in the united states on a regular basis. That's just absurd. They also can't create jobs, even though Obama thought he could. Well if you listen to him, he'll tell you he created 450k jobs...but if you count the 411k jobs that were temporary census jobs, you're realize that number is complete bullshit.

As for corporations going global and outsourcing labor, I can tell you that afaik there is really only one profession that suffered greatly from this - computer programming. Look on craigslist or the newspaper on any given day and you will find 100's of telemarketing, phone sales, or other phone related jobs being offered. The turnover rates are so high b/c those jobs suck. Let india and china have them, the american people obviously don't care. Hey wait, there's another reason for illegals to learn english.
Black Power! Power to people who come into a country that isn't theirs and then complain about shit!! YES!!
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