What happens if all the illegal aliens were deported?

i agree..
that is completely wrong because most of the people that formed this country are or where inmigrants at one point. most tend to keep their accents or language , not everyone can easily learn a second language.
I do agree Illegal inmigration is wrong and im against it. there are other means by which you can legally come to this country. (lottery visas etc.) but it is bs to say that because of the illegal inmigrants that we have gangs, overcroweded prisons etc..

that is the epiphany of the US

WHOA, i was gunna read through all of this but i had to reply to this, the fact that you think my family, ITALIANS, and GERMANS came to this country and didnt make it a goal to learn english is ridiculous... before my grandmother even applied for a job she had to take an english test in order to get her license. and for previous generations coming to america, we did it LEGALLY SO AS FOR THE HAITIANS, AND HISPANICS lets stop doing it the wrong way!!!! get your visa, or your green card, whatever and do it right!
get your visa, or your green card, whatever and do it right!
Coming from a super poor 3rd world country (these days - not 100 years ago) and being asked to pay an assload of money (USD @ that - compared to their currency)... yeah im sure thats gonna happen
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I read something in here that said, if they're breaking the law, then deport them.


Them being here is breaking the law.
They need to leave. They don't need to be here illegally.
The old statement about how they take all the jobs we don't want...... I'm sure 80+% of the unemployed right now, would take ANY job.
Get reallll y'all. They are ILLEGAL aliens.
Isn't it kinda funny that they have to sneak the fuck into the contry and hide, but if they army doing anything wrong, they should stay. Seems like their entire existence here is illegal.
Coming from a super poor 3rd world country (these days - not 100 years ago) and being asked to pay an assload of money (USD @ that - compared to their currency)... yeah im sure thats gonna happen

still doesnt take away the fact that most of them dont want to learn the dominate language! learn our language and treat our country with some respect, if you dont like our country swim your ass back home!!!
still doesnt take away the fact that most of them dont want to learn the dominate language! learn our language and treat our country with some respect, if you dont like our country swim your ass back home!!!

thats only hatians i actually had a hatian guy gets pissed and start screaming crazy shit in my store cause non of my employees spoke that fake ass french shit. needless to say he got arrested. LMAO
still doesnt take away the fact that most of them dont want to learn the dominate language! learn our language and treat our country with some respect, if you dont like our country swim your ass back home!!!

U mean the dominant language? Sure I agree that yeah folks should learn the language to better communicate and get by - to say that most of them DONT want to learn the language is not true. Respect... lol no one respects this country and chill wit those "swim ur ass back home" comments - not necessary (some of us climb fences, use tunnels, or fly here ;) )

SAS lol i KNOW deep down u love hatians stop frontin - stop bashin em every chance u get - damn rednecks ;)

This thread shouldnt be about certain folks - but immigrants in general keep it on topic girls
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U mean the dominant language? Sure I agree that yeah folks should learn the language to better communicate and get by - to say that most of them DONT want to learn the language is not true. Respect... lol no one respects this country and chill wit those "swim ur ass back home" comments - not necessary (some of us climb fences, use tunnels, or fly here ;) )

SAS lol i KNOW deep down u love hatians stop frontin - stop bashin em every chance u get - damn rednecks ;)

This thread shouldnt be about certain folks - but immigrants in general keep it on topic girls

mr. "dont quote me i am an engineer major" lol... i gotcha, but im done posting here, this thread remains useless to me, and we can post our opinions all we want but nothing will happen!
the way i see it,the reason the government hasn't done anything about the topic is NOT because its a touchie subject(cause that didn't stop them in WWII when the rounded up all the japs) but because there looking out for there "associates" like lobbyist for the big company,in this case it would be agricultural, construction company and possibly industrial company's. these company's benefit from illegal immigrants in payments, benefits and health. they'll hire illegals to cut corners and just put it as a tax deduction or some other tax loop hole that the government appoints to them and in exchange the government receives quick cash that doesn't have to be accounted for, but like always (and history goes to show) our government only thinks 2 steps ahead (if even) instead of 10, cause all this(economy) is really long term effects that they've bin doing for years,that's why its so hard for illegals, especially from 3 word country's to get papers. if the government would have thought ahead PROPERLY i ensure you times would have bin different, but greed is one of the biggest faults in humans, and sadly this isn't just greed for money this is also greed for modern slavery. I don't think this has to do with racialism but more almost like egotism, were our government sees them self supreme above these third world country's so the feel like the have the right to take advantage of that but keep it under warps cause the know others dont share there same ideals.And im not 100% but the reason Cubans and Haitians have it easier in regards to getting papers is because they live under a dictatorship, everywhere else has some form of democracy(the corruption of its government is beside the fact).but all this is just my 2 cents:bigthumbu
the way i see it,the reason the government hasn't done anything about the topic is NOT because its a touchie subject(cause that didn't stop them in WWII when the rounded up all the japs) but because there looking out for there "associates" like lobbyist for the big company,in this case it would be agricultural, construction company and possibly industrial company's. these company's benefit from illegal immigrants in payments, benefits and health. they'll hire illegals to cut corners and just put it as a tax deduction or some other tax loop hole that the government appoints to them and in exchange the government receives quick cash that doesn't have to be accounted for, but like always (and history goes to show) our government only thinks 2 steps ahead (if even) instead of 10, cause all this(economy) is really long term effects that they've bin doing for years,that's why its so hard for illegals, especially from 3 word country's to get papers. if the government would have thought ahead PROPERLY i ensure you times would have bin different, but greed is one of the biggest faults in humans, and sadly this isn't just greed for money this is also greed for modern slavery. I don't think this has to do with racialism but more almost like egotism, were our government sees them self supreme above these third world country's so the feel like the have the right to take advantage of that but keep it under warps cause the know others dont share there same ideals.And im not 100% but the reason Cubans and Haitians have it easier in regards to getting papers is because they live under a dictatorship, everywhere else has some form of democracy(the corruption of its government is beside the fact).but all this is just my 2 cents:bigthumbu

proofread much?
the way i see it,the reason the government hasn't done anything about the topic is NOT because its a touchie subject(cause that didn't stop them in WWII when the rounded up all the japs) but because there looking out for there "associates" like lobbyist for the big company,in this case it would be agricultural, construction company and possibly industrial company's. these company's benefit from illegal immigrants in payments, benefits and health. they'll hire illegals to cut corners and just put it as a tax deduction or some other tax loop hole that the government appoints to them and in exchange the government receives quick cash that doesn't have to be accounted for, but like always (and history goes to show) our government only thinks 2 steps ahead (if even) instead of 10, cause all this(economy) is really long term effects that they've bin doing for years,that's why its so hard for illegals, especially from 3 word country's to get papers. if the government would have thought ahead PROPERLY i ensure you times would have bin different, but greed is one of the biggest faults in humans, and sadly this isn't just greed for money this is also greed for modern slavery. I don't think this has to do with racialism but more almost like egotism, were our government sees them self supreme above these third world country's so the feel like the have the right to take advantage of that but keep it under warps cause the know others dont share there same ideals.And im not 100% but the reason Cubans and Haitians have it easier in regards to getting papers is because they live under a dictatorship, everywhere else has some form of democracy(the corruption of its government is beside the fact).but all this is just my 2 cents:bigthumbu

proofread much?

Please stop using the reason that deporting them would provide more jobs for unemployed Americans.

Undocumented immigrants did not force guns to the heads of these businesses to get hired. Nor did they tell our government to offer work visas to them because the agriculture industry is short of workers.
Please stop using the reason that deporting them would provide more jobs for unemployed Americans.

Undocumented immigrants did not force guns to the heads of these businesses to get hired. Nor did they tell our government to offer work visas to them because the agriculture industry is short of workers.

i never said nether? the those businesses basicly hire illegals,tell them were giving you 5 bucks an hour and if you give use any shit im calling immigration and like i said i didnt say it but if 20 million ppl left i think there'd be just a few more jobs out there but like i said thats just 2 cents lol
the way i see it,the reason the government hasn't done anything about the topic is NOT because its a touchie subject(cause that didn't stop them in WWII when the rounded up all the japs) but because there looking out for there "associates" like lobbyist for the big company,in this case it would be agricultural, construction company and possibly industrial company's. these company's benefit from illegal immigrants in payments, benefits and health. they'll hire illegals to cut corners and just put it as a tax deduction or some other tax loop hole that the government appoints to them and in exchange the government receives quick cash that doesn't have to be accounted for, but like always (and history goes to show) our government only thinks 2 steps ahead (if even) instead of 10, cause all this(economy) is really long term effects that they've bin doing for years,that's why its so hard for illegals, especially from 3 word country's to get papers. if the government would have thought ahead PROPERLY i ensure you times would have bin different, but greed is one of the biggest faults in humans, and sadly this isn't just greed for money this is also greed for modern slavery. I don't think this has to do with racialism but more almost like egotism, were our government sees them self supreme above these third world country's so the feel like the have the right to take advantage of that but keep it under warps cause the know others dont share there same ideals.And im not 100% but the reason Cubans and Haitians have it easier in regards to getting papers is because they live under a dictatorship, everywhere else has some form of democracy(the corruption of its government is beside the fact).but all this is just my 2 cents:bigthumbu

proofread much?

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