What happens if all the illegal aliens were deported?

And to everyones question on who would do the lazy-ass jobs, probably the american people who are struggling in this economy to help themselves regain an income so they dont have to feed off the government's tax money.

Ha! You mean work? Why? When they can sit back, collect a check, and work off the books?
i was only looking at the first page
and i dont like black girls at all.. but she is pretty damn hot

Im not into the black girls either but something about her makes me wonder about dipping my banana in the chocolate fondue..
if u dont like the u.s. just leave n go where ever u want, talking about not having enough money is just an excuse, if you really worked for a couple of months and really saved money instead of spending on ur car or w/e it is u like, you would have enough until u got a job where ever u wanna go.

when i was young i lived in spain, my parents were unhappy so we came here legally with bearly any money, we lived 4 ppl in a 2 bedroom apartment, my dad had 2 jobs at the flea market in the morning and fisher island as a waiter at night, and my mom was a secretary. and now we own our own company and are doing better than ever

so if you really wanted to leave, then just go
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if u dont like the u.s. just leave n go where ever u want, talking about not having enough money is just an excuse, if you really worked for a couple of months and really saved money instead of spending on ur car or w/e it is u like, you would have enough until u got a job where ever u wanna go.

when i was young i lived in spain, my parents were unhappy so we came here legally with bearly any money, we lived 4 ppl in a 2 bedroom apartment, my dad had 2 jobs at the flea market in the morning and fisher island as a waiter at night, and my mom was a secretary. and now we own our own company and are doing better than ever

so if you really wanted to leave, then just go

+1. You don't like it. Leave simple as that.
I know what you mean by saying if you don't like it here than leave. I only said that Hector's words had a different meaning behind them than what you thought. But as I said before - if you wish to take them word for word then so be it.

What? An excuse (however justified) doesn't change the simple fact that if he (or anyone else) feels like his home country is a pile of shit, they can easily move somewhere they'd be happy living.
thanks bonh for dat like i said i have my reasons, all im sayin is that this country would be assed out if all the immagrants were deported it would be a sight for sore eyes to see a white guy pickin them strawberrys.....

The country would be nowhere near assed out as you put it. Illegals cost far more than they contribute, they don't pay taxes, and they export billions back to their home countries.
I like how people complain when the idea of asking if they're legal comes up. At least we don't capture you and throw your ass in jail for 10 months accusing you of being a spy like they do in Iraq.

I'm all for it. My mom came here from the Philippines with a visa and applied for citizenship when she was established. If that little old lady who can barely drive do it, I'm sure these "illegals" can.
ok i'm gonna have an opinion and a comparative story from the inside of being an immingrant living in this country , i'm 24 mexican and i moved here when i was 11 , my dad has lived here since he was 17 end came into the country illegaly , he applied for residency back in the late 80's amnesty , and he became a u.s. resident , lived here and traveled back at least twice a yar to see us , my mom and two sisters , my mom is a teacher , my grandparents were higher middle class on my dad's side and lower middle class on my mom's side , I or the were never needy or hungry , we worked our asses of since i could walk , i know how to plant , harvest milk cows , tend animals, do stuff you'd never encounter in the u.s. like cleaning pig stalls...
We moved here legally on a tourist visa , my mom applied for a work visa , we went to school , my dad applied for citizenship and got approved , then he applied for us and we also became u.s. citizens , we all graduated high school , my sister is in japan right now as a member of the navy , i was in the marine corps , college and work with my dad , my youngest sister attends the university of florida , my mom still goes to college and works as a special needs teacher , my dad owns his own business , we all pay taxes , insurance , rent(mortgage) and car pyments by working our asses off ,

My wife is white , she was born in this town her whole famillt was born in miami , she's a single child , her mom raised her by herself , working her ass off as a cook , her brothers worked in the automotive industry for a while , but....they are all drug users , ( not my wife lol) they all smoke pot and do pills , they all live off the government checks , non of them work , her cousin has no job and she was recently shot in her home because they tried to steal the drugs her and her boyfriend were selling ( they later moved out cus it was a bad neighborhod...go figure)

two familes,different races living in the same space both from working backgrounds but both live in the u.s. in a very different manner .

Not everyone is the same , i have family in mexico that is well to do because they went to school and don't need to come to this country.
no one ever thinks about how it would be if they needed to move somewhere else , emphasis on needed , even when it's to a different town you're always going to talk about the good stuff wherever u came from , does that mean you want to go back or even can ? probably not .

have you ever wondered what woukld happen if the u.s. legalized the people that are illegal with no criminal background and a job? a lot of problems would dissapear like no insurance, tax evaders , etc
i'm all for deporting criminals and getting jails emptier ,

a lot of people that are born here waste the opportunities given to them , a lot of them sit home playing video games smoking pot.... and then they complain cus they can't get a job....

one thing that does bother me is how they always pin all the problems on hispanic minorities ok....MEXICANS .... seriously c'mon if you want to sound at all smart and like you have a clue whenever you talk about illegal immigrants leave out the mexican part...at least if you're talking to me.

and you know who are the most racist towards mexicans? ....other hispanics especially mexicans born in the u.s. , some of them call themselves texans...

and i don't care what anyone says about the deportation laws not being about race....they are about race , we are all racist i don't care what you say.
The country would be nowhere near assed out as you put it. Illegals cost far more than they contribute, they don't pay taxes, and they export billions back to their home countries.

This is very true. I couldnt tell you the amount of times I hear my aunt telling my mom about the amount of money her maids are getting from their kids or other family memebers that live in the US.
I didnt read this long ass thread and I am going to keep this short and simple.

I have plenty of white friends who bust their backs in construction and they get paid relatively shit, not nearly enough to make it on their own, they need their wives and girlfriends to even afford to rent a one bedroom apt. One is even a foreman on his job sites. Illegals undercut legal citizens pure and simple. You know what though. I dont blame the illegals, they just want a better life and will subject themselves to poor treatment because it is better then their home country. I blame the scumbag companies that hire and abuse the illegals with lower then dirt wages for the work they do just to improve their bottom lines a little bit better.
ok i'm gonna have an opinion and a comparative story from the inside of being an immingrant living in this country , i'm 24 mexican and i moved here when i was 11 , my dad has lived here since he was 17 end came into the country illegaly , he applied for residency back in the late 80's amnesty , and he became a u.s. resident , lived here and traveled back at least twice a yar to see us , my mom and two sisters , my mom is a teacher , my grandparents were higher middle class on my dad's side and lower middle class on my mom's side , I or the were never needy or hungry , we worked our asses of since i could walk , i know how to plant , harvest milk cows , tend animals, do stuff you'd never encounter in the u.s. like cleaning pig stalls...
We moved here legally on a tourist visa , my mom applied for a work visa , we went to school , my dad applied for citizenship and got approved , then he applied for us and we also became u.s. citizens , we all graduated high school , my sister is in japan right now as a member of the navy , i was in the marine corps , college and work with my dad , my youngest sister attends the university of florida , my mom still goes to college and works as a special needs teacher , my dad owns his own business , we all pay taxes , insurance , rent(mortgage) and car pyments by working our asses off ,

My wife is white , she was born in this town her whole famillt was born in miami , she's a single child , her mom raised her by herself , working her ass off as a cook , her brothers worked in the automotive industry for a while , but....they are all drug users , ( not my wife lol) they all smoke pot and do pills , they all live off the government checks , non of them work , her cousin has no job and she was recently shot in her home because they tried to steal the drugs her and her boyfriend were selling ( they later moved out cus it was a bad neighborhod...go figure)

two familes,different races living in the same space both from working backgrounds but both live in the u.s. in a very different manner .

Not everyone is the same , i have family in mexico that is well to do because they went to school and don't need to come to this country.
no one ever thinks about how it would be if they needed to move somewhere else , emphasis on needed , even when it's to a different town you're always going to talk about the good stuff wherever u came from , does that mean you want to go back or even can ? probably not .

have you ever wondered what woukld happen if the u.s. legalized the people that are illegal with no criminal background and a job? a lot of problems would dissapear like no insurance, tax evaders , etc
i'm all for deporting criminals and getting jails emptier ,

a lot of people that are born here waste the opportunities given to them , a lot of them sit home playing video games smoking pot.... and then they complain cus they can't get a job....

one thing that does bother me is how they always pin all the problems on hispanic minorities ok....MEXICANS .... seriously c'mon if you want to sound at all smart and like you have a clue whenever you talk about illegal immigrants leave out the mexican part...at least if you're talking to me.

and you know who are the most racist towards mexicans? ....other hispanics especially mexicans born in the u.s. , some of them call themselves texans...

and i don't care what anyone says about the deportation laws not being about race....they are about race , we are all racist i don't care what you say.

yo that wuz beautiful....lol seriously tho not all mexican-americans are racist to other mexicans i am a texican(born in texas) i luv my pplz.....good shit tho i like ur post
What? An excuse (however justified) doesn't change the simple fact that if he (or anyone else) feels like his home country is a pile of shit, they can easily move somewhere they'd be happy living.

Good to know he has options!

I like how people complain when the idea of asking if they're legal comes up. At least we don't capture you and throw your ass in jail for 10 months accusing you of being a spy like they do in Iraq.

I'm all for it. My mom came here from the Philippines with a visa and applied for citizenship when she was established. If that little old lady who can barely drive do it, I'm sure these "illegals" can.

There's just a lot more to it than how you're putting it. If the Philippines was connected to the United States you can bet that people would be trying to hop the border to get here especially with how things are there.

The requirements and VERY LIMITED visas available to Mexicans can make it almost near impossible to get here and stay here long enough for naturalization especially in the time frame that they want. That combined with the living conditions can make them impatient. But this is where I agree with Tonymac in saying that instead of trying to deport everyone more needs to be done to secure the borders.

I didnt read this long ass thread and I am going to keep this short and simple.

I have plenty of white friends who bust their backs in construction and they get paid relatively shit, not nearly enough to make it on their own, they need their wives and girlfriends to even afford to rent a one bedroom apt. One is even a foreman on his job sites. Illegals undercut legal citizens pure and simple. You know what though. I dont blame the illegals, they just want a better life and will subject themselves to poor treatment because it is better then their home country. I blame the scumbag companies that hire and abuse the illegals with lower then dirt wages for the work they do just to improve their bottom lines a little bit better.

I'm glad that you see the truth behind it. I really am. :bigthumbu
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The requirements and VERY LIMITED visas available to Mexicans can make it almost near impossible to get here and stay here long enough for naturalization especially in the time frame that they want. That combined with the living conditions can make them impatient.

this is very true , governments like mexico are very pressured by the U.S. to make it near impossible for their citizens to leave the country legaly , thus making it worse for both governments as they leave one country and enter another illegaly , in mexico they also have border patrols trying to control flow in or out but just like the border patrols in the u.s. they are overwhelmed by the numbers of people trying especially since a part of the ones jumping the border must be sent back to south america as well since they too look for a way into the u.s. though mexico.
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