What happens if all the illegal aliens were deported?

Clearly the cake is not a lie, whether or not you make it in this country is directly related to how hard you want to work. Most people want to get by as easy as possible, to quote you sas

And then people have the audacity to say that the promise this country has to offer is not real, lol, granted its easier for some because of natuaral ability, its still possible for anyone to make it in this country


see your reading too deep into shit its nothing more then a statement cause if you knew anything you would know that the cake isnt a lie you are!
bro play portal then youll understand LMAO its then ending to the game im not saying you yourself are a lie LMAO

slaps forehead , this is what i get for trying to have an intelectual conversation on sfldrifters.
slaps forehead , this is what i get for trying to have an intelectual conversation on sfldrifters.

If you played portal you would get the reference to the government and how they dont deliver what they promise. this has nothing to do with how hard you work to get the cake the point is you cant get the cake. im two classes away from having a masters degree does that help you realize that i havent givin up on the cake but i know the truth behind the cake. Some people think they have the cake yet no one really does.
Simply put, this debate is way too complicated to have one single proper solution that everyone can agree to. As far as racism goes, I don't think everyone opposed to it is racist, but I am not going to deny that a large handful of people are opposed because of it.

I think the whole thing about trying to tell Hector to leave the country if he doesn't like the country is a bit harsh. He never said he hated living here but he's opposed to the results of what has happened to him.

In all of this the irony that I see is that while the undocumented immigrants are costing us money, they also work and consume as u.s citizens do. Corporations employ these illegal immigrants to pick those apples and strawberries you eat.

So with that said, it seems as though America approves of undocumented immigrants working and slaving away with cheap labor for these corporations, but when it comes down to asking for the same rights as U.S citizens there is an issue. Why?
I guess the same can be said about anyone complaining about high insurance rates in Florida?

Nobody said the US is without flaws or that there's nothing worth changing. Personally I love FL. Yeah the insurance rates suck, but I deal b/c I love FL. If I hated FL b/c of the insurance rates, I'd leave and find another state. Make sense?
Nobody said the US is without flaws or that there's nothing worth changing. Personally I love FL. Yeah the insurance rates suck, but I deal b/c I love FL. If I hated FL b/c of the insurance rates, I'd leave and find another state. Make sense?

OMG tony mac admitted the US isnt perfect the world is gonna end:eek:

just fuckin with you bro LMAO
Nobody said the US is without flaws or that there's nothing worth changing. Personally I love FL. Yeah the insurance rates suck, but I deal b/c I love FL. If I hated FL b/c of the insurance rates, I'd leave and find another state. Make sense?

That makes sense. My comment wasn't so much directed at you in that sense but towards people telling others to leave for complaining.

Hector's complaint was directed in the same manner as your statements.
That makes sense. My comment wasn't so much directed at you in that sense but towards people telling others to leave for complaining.

Hector's complaint was directed in the same manner as your statements.

Wrong. He clearly stated "fuck the united states." Very different than someone disliking an aspect of the United States.
Wrong. He clearly stated "fuck the united states." Very different than someone disliking an aspect of the United States.

You're right, but after he explained his reasoning behind it. So one would draw the conclusion of what he meant by saying it.

But if you want to take him literally, then proceed - however I simply just understand his frustrations and opinion in the matter.
OMG tony mac admitted the US isnt perfect the world is gonna end:eek:

just fuckin with you bro LMAO

Come on now, I've always approached these discussions with an open state of mind and I've never claimed that all we do, as a country, is right. There's a lot I'd like to see changed, but I still take pride in my country which is why I take hatred towards it personally.
cuz i havent left yet! ill make sure i give u a memo once im out the door....:bigthumbu

Dude I'm not saying to leave of GTFO out of my country I bleed red, white & blue but I dont get if someone is so unhappy with something why continue with it? Tony had a good example of the whole car thing.. I see it the same with a woman, if she treats you like shit or cheats on you time and time again and you arent happy with that particular situation why do you stick with it? Again I'm just crious on to how someone could remain so unhappy for such a long time.
Dude I'm not saying to leave of GTFO out of my country I bleed red, white & blue but I dont get if someone is so unhappy with something why continue with it? Tony had a good example of the whole car thing.. I see it the same with a woman, if she treats you like shit or cheats on you time and time again and you arent happy with that particular situation why do you stick with it? Again I'm just crious on to how someone could remain so unhappy for such a long time.

Well literally, you did. :p
You're right, but after he explained his reasoning behind it. So one would draw the conclusion of what he meant by saying it.

But if you want to take him literally, then proceed - however I simply just understand his frustrations and opinion in the matter.

I don't care what his reasons are. We don't know the whole story either, all you heard is they didn't get granted citizenship. Ever think there could possibly be a reason? I know 2 Mexican woman who were granted citizenship while I was working with them, its not like it doesn't happen. The fact is, if you loathe the USA, move to a place that will make you happy. I'm not even trying to be a dick about it, just realistic.
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