What happens if all the illegal aliens were deported?

i know it sounds harsh but that moron had already had a dui and plus he had no license and no insurance, and my car got totalled with me footing the bill. Had we had that law in arizona here, he would have been deported after the first offense and this would have never happened

As for jackie, you know how girls take a long time to get ready, thankfully i was being an asshole that day, and left without her because she wasnt ready on time, had she been on time she would have been killed along with that moron.

Heres a pic of the accident and what happens when someone tbones you at close to 80mph.


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i know it sounds harsh but that moron had already had a dui and plus he had no license and no insurance, and my car got totalled with me footing the bill. Had we had that law in arizona here, he would have been deported after the first offense and this would have never happened

As for jackie, you know how girls take a long time to get ready, thankfully i was being an asshole that day, and left without her because she wasnt ready on time, had she been on time she would have been killed along with that moron.

Heres a pic of the accident and what happens when someone tbones you at close to 80mph.



FUCK.. I would normally say this happened because you where driving a Honduh but I'll refrain on the bashing of the car. On a more serious note its not always bad to be an asshole with your girl friend it could save their life… When it comes to Arizona’s law yeah I kinda agree with it, if you get caught doing something unlawful and you are an illegal immigrant you should get deported. We don't want you here if you’re breaking the law!
I love how anyone in this thread arguing the benefits of illegal aliens have to generalize and insult the opponents as being lazy ass racist crackers. How fucking dumb are you people?

This is a good point. This isn't a racial issue at all. Race has no point in this conversation.

If the borders are locked and secured, this issue would not be so large. If you aren't able to obtain a visa status, then you should not be allowed to work/visit this country. There are around 70 visa status' that those who wish to immigrate can apply for. Its a fairly simple idea, but of course with large, sensitive issues that the government can't seem to make a realistic decision on.
I see no mention of Haitians, Cubans, any carribean island, euro's? I doubt those numbers are anything to sneeze @

Cubans are granted citizenship the second they step foot on American soil. Haitians can file for Protection Status. "Euros" tend to come over legally as do most other cultures. The statistics can easily be found here: http://www.dhs.gov/files/statistics/immigration.shtm

For those curious how one is granted citizenship legally:
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i think we should let the hispanics stay because they do all the jobs we wont do LMAO but we really need to kick out all and i mean all of the hatians. they are like aids spreading acrossing florida no joke i hate all hatians you can call me a racist dont give a shit
This is a good point. This isn't a racial issue at all. Race has no point in this conversation.

If the borders are locked and secured, this issue would not be so large. If you aren't able to obtain a visa status, then you should not be allowed to work/visit this country. There are around 70 visa status' that those who wish to immigrate can apply for. Its a fairly simple idea, but of course with large, sensitive issues that the government can't seem to make a realistic decision on.

bullshit it aint bout race!!!! Thats bullshit about applying for a visa too...my momz has been here for 28 yrs every single one of us(her children) have also tried to get her citizenship since we turned 21 and they refused! she also works and pays taxes....fuck this country and all its bullshit btw im mexican
Cubans are granted citizenship the second they step foot on American soil. Haitians can file for Protection Status. "Euros" tend to come over legally as do most other cultures. The statistics can easily be found here: http://www.dhs.gov/files/statistics/immigration.shtm

For those curious how one is granted citizenship legally:

i also say this is fucked up too soon as they set foot there legal wtf??? like i said fuck this country!!!
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bullshit it aint bout race!!!! Thats bullshit about applying for a visa too...my momz has been here for 28 yrs every single one of us(her children) have also tried to get her citizenship since we turned 21 and they refused! she also works and pays taxes....fuck this country and all its bullshit btw im mexican

i also say this is fucked up too soon as they set foot there legal wtf??? like i said fuck this country!!!

There clearly is a reason they are denying her citizenship. Political asylum although still wrong is legal my friend. No offense, but If this country is such a piece of shit, have you thought about going back to mexico?
i also say this is fucked up too soon as they set foot there legal wtf??? like i said fuck this country!!!

Yes I agree its fucked up but if you've lived here 20+ years, you must have a reason for staying. If I hated the car I bought 20 years ago yet I kept it and continuously bashed it for being a POS and not suiting my tastes while I could easily get into another car, its me who deserves the criticism, not the car. Get it?
It is fucked up that your mom has to deal with that, I agree. We need to set an acceptable standard that all have to meet before entering the country to work and live. If those that wish to work in this country can not meet the standard, then they should not be naturalized or accepted for a working visa.
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trust me if i had the funds i would gtfo here....i really have no intension of bein here
trust me if i had the funds i would gtfo here....i really have no intension of bein here

Have you made any effort to leave? how much do you need to get up and go? as far as im concerned you just need a one way ticket to the city of your choice.
its funny cause me being 58% native american makes me one of the view that is really from here but i agree with hector this country is fucked up and i know me and tony mac have had this debate many times about why i hate this country. stop getting your panties in a bunch and man up this country will always have problems kill your self or get over it.
Have you made any effort to leave? how much do you need to get up and go? as far as im concerned you just need a one way ticket to the city of your choice.

lol no i also need the funds to live comfortable!!!!

its funny cause me being 58% native american makes me one of the view that is really from here but i agree with hector this country is fucked up and i know me and tony mac have had this debate many times about why i hate this country. stop getting your panties in a bunch and man up this country will always have problems kill your self or get over it.

good man sas like your thinkin....
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sell your car and everything else you can not take over there on the inital flight. Do you have family in mexico that can support you for a little while you find a job and a place to live on your own?
I cant believe people still say this stuff when the usa has one of the highest standards of living of all countrys.

I just laugh when people say what a piece of shit this place is yet, there are millions of people trying and wishing to get here everyday, clearly its not so bad.

Most of the people who want to leave just either dont want to work or are unhappy with there situations in life.
I cant believe people still say this stuff when the usa has one of the highest standards of living of all countrys.

I just laugh when people say what a piece of shit this place is yet, there are millions of people trying and wishing to get here everyday, clearly its not so bad.

Most of the people who want to leave just either dont want to work or are unhappy with there situations in life.

dat doesnt sound like me at all.....
I cant believe people still say this stuff when the usa has one of the highest standards of living of all countrys.

I just laugh when people say what a piece of shit this place is yet, there are millions of people trying and wishing to get here everyday, clearly its not so bad.

Most of the people who want to leave just either dont want to work or are unhappy with there situations in life.

I agree with you 100%
Then give me ten reasons why this country is fucked up... and ill counter each one with logical thoughts.
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