What happens if all the illegal aliens were deported?

I guess the same can be said about anyone complaining about high insurance rates in Florida?

i dont complain.. i pay them... i have high insurance coz i deserve to have it high :ugh: lol.. is really easy to succeed here versus to other south american countries. how do i know because i have work overseas. i might not like my current job but pays the bills and the hobby. in other countries (not all of them) you will need at least 2 jobs minumum just to keep health insurance or a house...
I see it the same with my MAN, if HE treats me like shit or cheats on me time and time again and I'm not happy with that particular situation why do I stick with it? Again I'm just crious on to how someone could remain so unhappy for such a long time.

Fixed for ya hot stuff ;)
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I don't care what his reasons are. We don't know the whole story either, all you heard is they didn't get granted citizenship. Ever think there could possibly be a reason? I know 2 Mexican woman who were granted citizenship while I was working with them, its not like it doesn't happen. The fact is, if you loathe the USA, move to a place that will make you happy. I'm not even trying to be a dick about it, just realistic.

I'm sure all these undocumented immigrants love the USA, which is why they want to move here. Instead we don't care and just want to push them out. But it's okay if they work here :)

I know what you mean by saying if you don't like it here than leave. I only said that Hector's words had a different meaning behind them than what you thought. But as I said before - if you wish to take them word for word then so be it.

i dont complain.. i pay them... i have high insurance coz i deserve to have it high :ugh: lol.. is really easy to succeed here versus to other south american countries. how do i know because i have work overseas. i might not like my current job but pays the bills and the hobby. in other countries (not all of them) you will need at least 2 jobs minumum just to keep health insurance or a house...

But suprisingly I've heard of people moving back to their countries in South America. Hell I even hear about people going to South American for medical work. :shrug:
I don't care what his reasons are. We don't know the whole story either, all you heard is they didn't get granted citizenship. Ever think there could possibly be a reason? I know 2 Mexican woman who were granted citizenship while I was working with them, its not like it doesn't happen. The fact is, if you loathe the USA, move to a place that will make you happy. I'm not even trying to be a dick about it, just realistic.

i plan on leaving i just want to make sure i have enough money to live on for at least 6 months i already have a place to live and a car to drive. got my work visa lined up and a job. its just about money at this point.
I'm sure all these undocumented immigrants love the USA, which is why they want to move here. Instead we don't care and just want to push them out. But it's okay if they work here :)

I know what you mean by saying if you don't like it here than leave. I only said that Hector's words had a different meaning behind them than what you thought. But as I said before - if you wish to take them word for word then so be it.

But suprisingly I've heard of people moving back to their countries in South America. Hell I even hear about people going to South American for medical work. :shrug:
is great and afordable when you come from the USA with a US salary, but is not cheap when you live on a south american salary/.
i plan on leaving i just want to make sure i have enough money to live on for at least 6 months i already have a place to live and a car to drive. got my work visa lined up and a job. its just about money at this point.

thats awesome man and I hope you are happy in this new place. Where are you going if you dont mind me asking?
thats awesome man and I hope you are happy in this new place. Where are you going if you dont mind me asking?

austraila my cousin has a race shop over there. He drifts in the tassie pro drift series. ive been there a few times i like it better there then here.
thanks bonh for dat like i said i have my reasons, all im sayin is that this country would be assed out if all the immagrants were deported it would be a sight for sore eyes to see a white guy pickin them strawberrys.....
And to everyones question on who would do the lazy-ass jobs, probably the american people who are struggling in this economy to help themselves regain an income so they dont have to feed off the government's tax money.
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