What happens if all the illegal aliens were deported?

WTF they were brought here to do the white mans work u dick - ever hear of slavery?

Nah bro, whats that? Last I checked the only shackles on you colored peoples feet are for house arrest. Could have swore the slavery thing was ended quite a while ago, and yet, nearly 200,000 Africans migrate to the US every year and for some reason can all bring up this slavery thing as theirs and talk shit. How about something more recent? Like the Holocaust?? I don't see Youtube vids and rants from these people that got it WAY WORSE, talking about the GERMAN MAN holding them down! No, they moved on and did even better than before, not hold this BS for this long like and whine constantly little babies.

yo fuck that this country is so fucked without illegal immgrants....i would like to see all those lazy crackaz work construction, or wash dishes, shit id like to see them mow there own fucken law, bitch *****z complain bout illegal immgrants fuken up our schools how bout da dumb ass white kids that dont know how to count???? Fuk that cant wait for the day when civil war start again over tryin to kick out the illegalz i got my arsenal ready :bigthumb:

Um its called Europe? Heard of it or has the school system "stoomped" you, as I'm sure you'd spell it. White people do EVERYTHING, every job has a person doing it. Sorry us white people can get better jobs than you in America. Guess what? You come here legally and you can do the same jobs as the WHITE MAN! Wait did I just say that? Yea! You too can goto school, college, etc and do great things! Why is it that you guys are so proud to say "White people would be fucked without us doing the shitty stuff! Yay us were really something! You white people better appreciate that we like doing the work that anyone can do with a back and two arms!" You act like the country would crumble because white people would go "OHH NO! How do I plant a tree!?! My lawn is getting SO HIGH that now I may get Claustrophobic in my OWN YARD AND DIEE!!" If all you illegals were kicked out then the white people would have to pay more for things to get done (lawn, construction, etc). Then the economy boosts and its better off as a country. Maybe then there wont be Mexican feces in the vegetables too!
yo fuck that this country is so fucked without illegal immgrants....i would like to see all those lazy crackaz work construction, or wash dishes, shit id like to see them mow there own fucken law, bitch *****z complain bout illegal immgrants fuken up our schools how bout da dumb ass white kids that dont know how to count???? Fuk that cant wait for the day when civil war start again over tryin to kick out the illegalz i got my arsenal ready :bigthumbu

Bro have you ever lived anywhere else besides Florida? I've lived in Wisconsin for many years, before I moved to Florida, and it functions fine with out illegal immigrants.
Nah bro, whats that? Last I checked the only shackles on you colored peoples feet are for house arrest.
LOL holy chet this guy is outta control :laugh:

I love you Caucasian folks and your "it was only slavery stop bitchin and get over it sense of humor"
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LOL holy chet this guy is outta control :laugh:

I love you Caucasian folks and your "it was only slavery stop bitchin and get over it sense of humor"

You have just as much to do with slavery as I, NOTHING. I have even less cause hey MY family is from Finland, which had absofuckinglutley nothing to do with the American slave trade. Yea, not all white people are THE SAME, your ignorant. You weren't there, I wasn't there. There is NOTHING for you to get over.
You have just as much to do with slavery as I, NOTHING. I have even less cause hey MY family is from Finland, which had absofuckinglutley nothing to do with the American slave trade. Yea, not all white people are THE SAME, your ignorant. You weren't there, I wasn't there. There is NOTHING for you to get over.

GTFO - im ignorant? Your still calling folks colored people and Im the ignorant one? Eat a cock and have a nice day ;) go add some more pieces to ur body kit
I like that calling people of color their obvious name is now ignorant somehow. I like how you read what I write, all legitimate discussion, and see in your head COLORED "oh now I got a comeback! fuck the rest what he said!". And when you lose you pull out some childish comments back to me. K.
I just like how finn had to say white people , if it wasn't really a racial discussion, why do people think only whites are legal or affected or have the right to kick people out and decide what to do? because they're a majority?.... i'll still be alive by 2050 hopefully to watch caucasians become a minority in this country , i wonder what kind of issues we'll have then , white immigrants fucking up everything???

don't put a color on an illegal immigrant and would (do) people still feel the same about them being here?
I like that calling people of color their obvious name is now ignorant somehow. I like how you read what I write, all legitimate discussion, and see in your head COLORED "oh now I got a comeback! fuck the rest what he said!". And when you lose you pull out some childish comments back to me. K.
Its not just ignorant now - shit doesnt change - I didnt see anyting "in my head" just the garbage that stood out the most from ur retarded post - either way back on topic - stay off that racial shit

I just like how finn had to say white people , if it wasn't really a racial discussion, why do people think only whites are legal or affected or have the right to kick people out and decide what to do? because they're a majority?.... i'll still be alive by 2050 hopefully to watch caucasians become a minority in this country , i wonder what kind of issues we'll have then , white immigrants fucking up everything???

don't put a color on an illegal immigrant and would (do) people still feel the same about them being here?

They are already damn near the minority! (watch someone whip out some numbers... lol)
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Flyin fin go fuck yourself....also die in a fire! Better yet go puss out on da us army or where ever it is u went and couldnt handle it!!! Lmao and yea i am pullin out da childish comebacks.....
You are an idiot because you type before you think and automatically assumed I was Hispanic because of my comment. You're also an idiot because you somehow think this has nothing to do with racism or social status.

I didn't assume you were Hispanic. To be honest with you I figured you were white. I don't think before I type. I type what I think.....hence them being my ideals. It has a lot to do with racism and social status but to generalize all White people as racist when you yourself are of the White race is a lot more idiotic than any of my statements. Thats why you deserved an infraction.
I didn't assume you were Hispanic. To be honest with you I figured you were white.

That would be like me coming in here and calling you a gang member criminal because you are probably Hispanic.

Yeah. You are a walking talking contradiction.

Honestly people who are illegally here in the US should be deported. They are just like people who come to your house eat your food, use up your electricity, and then take your money and go on their way. Free loading.

Those sound more like best friends then illegals.

We need to worry about ourselves before we can allow other people to come in.

No you need to worry about yourself and get off my nuts.
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