What do you guys do all day?

i work for a logistics company in doral called Ocasa. i am the sr tech out of 3 in a department of 5 techs. we handle all PC, server, and network hardware as well as for software and configuration setups and installations for over 700+ employees in MIA, LAX, NYC, PTY, MEX, COL, MAD, UKL, IND, RUS, and AUS.

att.com/carrears send in your resume, if they like you and you have a CLEAN driving / criminal recrord, you will probably get hired.

Not only that once your in you can move to other jobs after a while, some att tech jobs pay as much as 32.00/hr

what do they pay for experienced network techs looking for higher pay?
start out i think... at 21.80, but they arent hiring network techs as a matter of fact they are firing some next month due to the econmy
look into being a male escort, easiest 5 grand a month ive ever made, especially for the older women late 30s early 40s they will eat you up.
nah, i do what i need, but lots of class time is down time for a teacher who needs to grade/make lessons... i dont have to do that shiz so i just forum rat it up
free lance artist and designer, shade tree mechanic, paint cars, and ref high school girls soccer games:bigthumbu
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