Ter-Tech Drift qualifier Nov 1st, for Florida Drift series -09

Tight work! Maybe I can make the second one if I get enough practice in before that date. I doubt I will be tandem ready though.
either way im still gonna slide i wanted to hit fairground for the longest but i really want to drive the road course at moroso. At lest ill have some time to get my car situated before this starts cause my car hasnt made more then 5 runs without breaking LMAO
Fuck yeah. I am hitting up the second qualifier. My car should be ready by then, maybe even with a cage for the qualifier. The cage will be in before March 28th for sure. 100 whp of motherfucking 4AGE fury!
i had a dream last night where this florida series got so crazy we had people showing up from the west coast to try to compete with us and we blew the fuck out of the water and showed them wus up.....and DA was their and they couldn't keep up!!!!

I see a prosperous future ahead for all comitted drivers!! Its my special 7th sense kicking in....hahahaha
I had a dream I shipped my car to Japan and I competed in D1 at Autopolis. I went up against Yoshioka. My car couldn't keep up on the straight, but once we initiated, I reeled him in hard using my "Never Lift" techniques. :D Tsuchiya was like, "UNDAPOWA HACHIROKU!!!!!!!!! Manabu Suzuki was pretty much just babbling like he always does.
I could have swore I clicked on the Ter-Tech Qualy Thread.... not the "I had a sweet dream" thread. lol
I had a dream once that when moroso was finished that it turned into a one way uphill touge. I was like WTF is this shit there are no mountains in FL? then I got to the end of the road then started rock climbing cause I was bored and I go up to a ledge and there was an old lady feeding the birds on a park bench. I was like how the fuck did you get up here old lady its a sheer cliff face I had to be all solid snake to get up here. I startled her and she jumped off the cliff and ripped her parachute open and gave me the finger.

yeah idk
Can we make it Nov 2nd? I work Saturdays. :(

I work sat too, take the day off. u have enough notice and a full day event is hard on the next day, its like drift hangover lol. I rather loose a day of pay than drag ass at work and perform poorly. and yes some people have to travel far to go home.
I work sat too, take the day off. u have enough notice and a full day event is hard on the next day, its like drift hangover lol. I rather loose a day of pay than drag ass at work and perform poorly. and yes some people have to travel far to go home.

x2 much rather slide sat rather than sun. Plus its easier for the people that are far away. Fuck work take the day off.
Eric always has something to complain about....lol

Its a longs way from now, 1 day won't hurt you....commit to it fool! :D
Raffi always has an ass to kiss too lol j/k

Guys, as I explained before... I make my commission on Saturdays... and I get paid on commission only. Today is a day that I make 1k plus.

Now... would you prefer to make 1000 or spend 300-400?

If I could make those 1000 any other weekday, I would gladly take the day off.... but right now? No thanks. I like money... it lets me drift.
Want to move to SFL? We're hiring. :)

Only thing is that your salary is all commission and your biggest sale days are Saturday and Sunday. (which kinda kills your weekends). Oh, and if you don't sell, you make zero dollars... so it's kinda "work or die" over here.

But I'm making more than before, so I'm good. :bigthumbu
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