Ter-Tech Drift qualifier Nov 1st, for Florida Drift series -09

The judging for licence was very simple you got 0 if you understeered more than twice, spun or dropped a tire, you got 1/2 point if you understeered once or twice or were of the clipping points more than 5 feet,but other wise had a clean run.
You got 1 if you did a clean run no understeer and staid close to clipping points. you needed minimum of 2 points to get the license so for example if you spun on one run you needed two clean runs, if you understeered once on all the runs your total was 1 1/2 points which put you into if section on the if section we looked at your entry speed and only one driver from the if section had high enough entry that we desided to give him the license and that was Sean Love his entry speeds were 1st 57mph 2nd 58mph and 3rd 60, for example chris jacksons runs were 1st 49 2nd 53 and 3rd 52. we wanted to see a 57 or higher on the entry to change the if into an yes and Sean was the only one from the if's that had higher rest were between 45 and 55mph.
Chris just needs to work on fixing the understeer issues and how to hit the clipping points, Most of the drivers had a lots of understeer issues which I rather see than a spin, but I do want to see that you know what to do when you experience the understeer and alot of drivers still didnt know instead of hitting ebrake or clutchkicking they just kept turning the wheel more and thats not how you fix it. Thats the biggest issue the non licenced drivers need to work on.

If you guys want to know your entry speeds rather than me posting them here for everyone to see PM me or I can post them here also if you guys want??

thank you thats much better advice than"u need practice"

well i had consistent 59s early in the day until i switched to clutch kick entry and dropped to 56-58.... accelerate longer and ebrake will get u about the same 'drift speed' as a little slower but clutch kick. im guessing thats how they got those speeds. also the traction off the line was hard to play with.

its a trade off on entry style tho, one usually will get you more excitement/style points though.

my 275s were spinning 3rd all the way to the first turn but i thought it was just me
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HAHAHAA you too??

Everytime I tried to stage deep somebody would tell me to move up. I'm like, "DUUUUUUUUDE, I only have a 155HP come onnnnn!!"


Still in the pack NAKA biotcheeezzzzzzzz!!

hahaha. Same problem different situation. hahaha. I was so fucking tired and stupid that it didnt make sence to me to take out some air pressure for grip. Someone told me to do that and I just gave them a retarded look and told them they were dumb. hahaha. I only really remember bits and peices of the day. Deff need to sleep next time.

Oh, and just so everyone know, you guys were on the absolute wrong line allllll day.

That was clearly the line they were looking for.

I had no idea what was goin on. I love my fuckin Australia spec ride height and lack of fender. Sorry for bein a retard and flying a million feet off the track and staying on the gas. haha.
Sean Love's entries were the best and the fastest all day. Even though others may have been "faster," I do remember people overshooting the turn and locking up the fronts. Sean's entries were fast and early. His car looks like a serious jam session.
The judging for licence was very simple you got 0 if you understeered more than twice, spun or dropped a tire, you got 1/2 point if you understeered once or twice or were of the clipping points more than 5 feet,but other wise had a clean run.
You got 1 if you did a clean run no understeer and staid close to clipping points. you needed minimum of 2 points to get the license so for example if you spun on one run you needed two clean runs, if you understeered once on all the runs your total was 1 1/2 points which put you into if section on the if section we looked at your entry speed and only one driver from the if section had high enough entry that we desided to give him the license and that was Sean Love his entry speeds were 1st 57mph 2nd 58mph and 3rd 60, for example chris jacksons runs were 1st 49 2nd 53 and 3rd 52. we wanted to see a 57 or higher on the entry to change the if into an yes and Sean was the only one from the if's that had higher rest were between 45 and 55mph.
Chris just needs to work on fixing the understeer issues and how to hit the clipping points, Most of the drivers had a lots of understeer issues which I rather see than a spin, but I do want to see that you know what to do when you experience the understeer and alot of drivers still didnt know instead of hitting ebrake or clutchkicking they just kept turning the wheel more and thats not how you fix it. Thats the biggest issue the non licenced drivers need to work on.

If you guys want to know your entry speeds rather than me posting them here for everyone to see PM me or I can post them here also if you guys want??

damn those were some nice judguing criteria... crap i wish i had the money, tires and time to go.. then again i cant drive and i normally understeer like a mad man..lol
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