Ter-Tech 11-10-07 Night Event

but it all depends on where you are in the trackif two hands are beter than one... first turn one handed for me ahahahhahahhaa
youtube drift 2 this was my first event here are some clips my brother and friend took with their digital camera, some of them don't have sound :ugh: . I loved every minute of it, can't wait to get out there again and maybe hit the road course. I got invited, but i didn't wanna push my luck for my first time.




I have 2 more i will add when i get home. all pretty much the same. I love drifting, now i just need to be able to afford to do it more often. :bigthumbu

youtube drift1
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What you get out of a 1.23 MP RAZR...lol

Nothing spectacular since I wasn't walking around with a 12MP camera like the camera crew, but I got a couple of good shots while I was in the pit. I'll try to bring something a little bit better in the spring...








On-the-run half shaft change... lol





:D Harri's beamer...
wow thats was a pretty sick event maybe next time i'll have a car out there instead of my bike :'(
slidewayz240sx said:

this is true...at the last countyline event i forgot who said it to but someone came up to me and said they can see that doing autoX helped out with my entries and what not! i love all aspects of driving weither it be driftin,grip racing,etc! its all fun to me!
vr6wantsr20det that was really good, i still cant get over the fear of embarrassing myself infront of people. i hear whats in the crowd. well cuz im usually with them, but i will enter an event soon. should not have missed this one. from the looks of it
I aint going to say anything about if you should or shouldn't have 2 hands on the wheel. Me personally unless i know i got the slide down packed and its low speed ill have 1 hand. If im driving aggressively and actually pushing it i will always have 2 hands on the wheel no matter what.
Ricky Cash said:
vr6wantsr20det that was really good, i still cant get over the fear of embarrassing myself infront of people. i hear whats in the crowd. well cuz im usually with them, but i will enter an event soon. should not have missed this one. from the looks of it

Well, don't worry much about the people in the crowd. The ones who usually talk the most don't know what they are talking about lol. Its easy to be an arm-chair drifter. I always have tons of respect for people who actually drift and want to get better :bigthumbu .
The Redline 03 said:
Well, don't worry much about the people in the crowd. The ones who usually talk the most don't know what they are talking about lol. Its easy to be an arm-chair drifter. I always have tons of respect for people who actually drift and want to get better :bigthumbu .

absolutly! i hate it when people are talking crap about "o man this guy sucks blah blah blah"
as long as your having fun thats all that matter in my book . i give everyone props weather your killing it or spinning out, your out there to have fun, period.
nfs_emo_fag said:
absolutly! i hate it when people are talking crap about "o man this guy sucks blah blah blah"
as long as your having fun thats all that matter in my book . i give everyone props weather your killing it or spinning out, your out there to have fun, period.

+ 1

participation is worth way more than than anything any spectator could say against you. remeber you're driving not them. They don't matter.
And, if you are out driving, you can't hear what they are saying anyway!! So, get out there!

I'm glad I couldn't hear comments - I was spinning out all night..... but having a blast doing it.
jenfsu1 said:
And, if you are out driving, you can't hear what they are saying anyway!! So, get out there!

I'm glad I couldn't hear comments - I was spinning out all night..... but having a blast doing it.

i agree.....fuck what anyone say just go have fun!
hells yeah i know i didn't drive great but i had a blast. I now people in the crowd were talkin shit but fuck them. I have the balls to take a broken car out there and still do my thang. I do appreciate all of the positive comments i was getting from drivers. In my mind you guys are the only ones who matter. I now know alot more then i did before the event not only driving but setting up the car too -SAS
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