Ter-Tech 11-10-07 Night Event

nice meetin ya Cobra! sorry to confuse ya, I like to test people on how much they know before I open my mouth....it's not an ego boost but delightful to hear how people respond.. bigthumbu. Thanks again bro!
suaknee said:
nice meetin ya Cobra! sorry to confuse ya, I like to test people on how much they know before I open my mouth....it's not an ego boost but delightful to hear how people respond.. bigthumbu. Thanks again bro!
lol.. it's all good.. and great meeting you too.
uploading about 6 vids to youtube now, finally getting them off my g/f's camera. will upload them here ASAP



small clip of the burnout


93drifter (i think?)

sorry for the crap quality guys...night event was great, but failed for media
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