Ter-Tech 11-10-07 Night Event

I dont think i could even imagine trying to drift with one hand. Just let the wheel correct for you, a lot of times i dont even have to counter steer, I just let the wheel go and i catch it as its coming by. But thats me. There shouldnt be much of a need for you to have to go hand over hand while drifting.
slidewayz240sx said:
I dont think i could even imagine trying to drift with one hand. Just let the wheel correct for you, a lot of times i dont even have to counter steer, I just let the wheel go and i catch it as its coming by. But thats me. There shouldnt be much of a need for you to have to go hand over hand while drifting.

Yea I see what your saying. It was more of a right hand holds on to stuff thing and was slugish letting the wheel go. Its up there on the list of things to work on
slidewayz240sx said:
I dont think i could even imagine trying to drift with one hand. Just let the wheel correct for you, a lot of times i dont even have to counter steer, I just let the wheel go and i catch it as its coming by. But thats me. There shouldnt be much of a need for you to have to go hand over hand while drifting.

you should never cross over your hands while on a race track.
slidewayz240sx said:
I dont think i could even imagine trying to drift with one hand. Just let the wheel correct for you, a lot of times i dont even have to counter steer, I just let the wheel go and i catch it as its coming by. But thats me. There shouldnt be much of a need for you to have to go hand over hand while drifting.

I have to agree I can't imagine drifting the 86 with one hand, Ueo can barely can do it lol. I've done it before and it just doesn't feel right lol.

You can prevent the hand over technique with the "shuffle steering work" technique. I'm sure somone here can explain that in more detail on here. Its easier to show in person. I will say the 86 sometimes forces you to do the hand over technique at times but for cars that are more stable in drift(i.e. longer wheelbase) it shouldn't be too bad.
Well, if you want to see great steering work to learn off watch in-car footage of Kazama. He has to have one of the steering techniques in drifting.

Now back on topic, I guess for the next event I'll have to let someone borrow my camera mount for in-car footage ;) .
lmao no wonder bigmike was all like "WHERES YOUR FOOTAGE!?" im like huh? lol...
all i gotta say is... 2girls1cup.. no homo! hahahahahahaha..
i usually take pics n vids, but my camera is out of order
jdm nismo chik said:
lmao no wonder bigmike was all like "WHERES YOUR FOOTAGE!?" im like huh? lol...
all i gotta say is... 2girls1cup.. no homo! hahahahahahaha..
i usually take pics n vids, but my camera is out of order

right over your head little girl....vids of your pronz :laugh:
240SicknessX said:
how many people actually participated in the burnout ?

like 10 or 11 I know I was one there may have been a few more behind me I didnt know about
Shuffle steering. It amazes me how most drifters do not pay attention to driving technique. Shuffle steering heel toe etc etc. If alot of you guys held back the sidewaysness and actually went to a driver training program im positive you guys would become better drivers. Just cause you can get the ass out and hold a couple of slides does not mean your a good all around driver.
e30 gangsta said:
Shuffle steering. It amazes me how most drifters do not pay attention to driving technique. Shuffle steering heel toe etc etc. If alot of you guys held back the sidewaysness and actually went to a driver training program im positive you guys would become better drivers. Just cause you can get the ass out and hold a couple of slides does not mean your a good all around driver.

I've got a buddy of mine up here in Ocala that his father owns and he runs, a Porshe, BMW, VW dealership. Been trying to get him to get me in a drving school for super el cheapo pricing, he has done like 10 and gets to go to spain and europe what not for all the new releases.
e30 gangsta said:
Shuffle steering. It amazes me how most drifters do not pay attention to driving technique. Shuffle steering heel toe etc etc. If alot of you guys held back the sidewaysness and actually went to a driver training program im positive you guys would become better drivers. Just cause you can get the ass out and hold a couple of slides does not mean your a good all around driver.

This is true the shuffle is one of the techniques that your taught it road racing and most driving schools to be able to steer the car quickly without taking your hands off the wheel for.
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fc3sbmx said:
haha that's the first thing that I thought when I watched that video. Seriously, both hands on the wheel and you'll improve your driving immediately.

not realy it all depends onthe person reactions
e30 gangsta said:
Shuffle steering. It amazes me how most drifters do not pay attention to driving technique. Shuffle steering heel toe etc etc. If alot of you guys held back the sidewaysness and actually went to a driver training program im positive you guys would become better drivers. Just cause you can get the ass out and hold a couple of slides does not mean your a good all around driver.

very true... shuffle steering should be a must even while daily driving.... i big advise is to drive every day with both hands on the wheel... simple as that
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