Sfl Drink Off!!!!!!


Me , Chris, Carlos, and few others were talking about it.. figure we would have a drink off at one of the local bars or at someone's house. if anyone is actually intrested in doing this let us know cause this will be EPIC !!!

Place of the drink off will be anounced when we find out who is actually down do doing this :)

forgot to mention loser will pay tab or something in that sense :)


1. Claude
2. Chris
3. Carlos
4. Jordan
5. Adam ?
6. FAL ?
7. Manny ?
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This just sounds like a bad idea. Becareful , I heard when Jackson drinks he like to show everyone his little monkey wrench........
I say we hold two

one at Tricky Dicks and one at Gabby's Lounge, one for you fags up north and one for the guys down here, they are both open to about 4 a.m. or later.

or we can go to the most trashy place ever and its kinda in the middle, Andy's lol open till 8a.m. I think
or jizz drinking I mean I know some of you tend to get pretty gay but a comp about who can swallow the most is not appropriate

haha jk I wanna see you guys get drunk better yet I wanna be DD

its fun to see drunk people freak out about the way you drive

1. Claude
2. Chris
3. Jordan

But we do this at Tijuana Taxi ... on University and Griffin. 1.69 Drafts and quite a few hotties. Way it should work is everyone throws 5 or 10 bucks as entry. Then we'll have various events; i.e. timed beer chug, most beers in 2 minutes, etc. First place takes 75% and their tab paid for by the last place person (keeps the people at the bottm more competitive this way), second place takes 15%, third place gets their money back.
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