Sfl Drink Off!!!!!!

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Like wise... I think Manny said it could go down at his house... now we need a time and losers I mean drinkers..
yeah... we got a spot...my house.... cmon throw some ideas out you cocksuckers... its a fucking PUBLIC FORUM lol
Drinking Challenge

Point of this challenge is to see who could consume the most amount of alcohol in a certain time period. Each contestant will have a judge to make sure they finish the drink before given another. The judge will be documenting how many drinks the contestant has consumed within that certain time period. The contestant will only be allowed to use the bathroom in-between drinks only to urinate; vomiting is an instant disqualification from the contest. All participants must have a designated driver or a safe means of transportation home. Drinking games are for college boys, this is a Mans challenge.

Rules and Disqualifications.

Vomiting is an instant disqualification.
Passing/blacking out is an instant disqualification.
Throwing out/spilling a drink on purpose is a penalty.
Restroom breaks are used in-between drinks for urinating only.

No tossing a drink because it’s to warm, that means your not drinking it fast enough. Every drink tossed out will be a penalty.

At the end of the time limit the remaining contestants will be asked a series of basic knowledge questions and will be awarded points based on correct answers, after the points have been tallied up all penalties will be deducted. At this point we shall crown a drinking champion.

Entry Fee & Pay out

All entry fees and pay outs will be determined at a later time.

Please make suggestions and give feed back.
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