Drifting at Homestead

AR said:
dude... we dont need 3 pit crew ppl for free. they can pay!

but everything else sounds good!!

keep us updated

If its a private track day I don't think its unreasonable to let a driver get 2 or 3 people in for free, its not like they are going to be using the track, they shouldn't have to pay to help out.
^^ thats a good point... and i like the previous idea...where you slide the paddock and that determins and quilifies who goes into the main trck the later part of the day.
I'm definitely down for this one as long as there is room for beginners. I live about a mile from there (if that). As stated in a previous post, at the May 2004 event there were plenty of noobs, just not on the main course.

i know someone here is not gonna go so i added myself!
rollordie said:
Oh snap !

drifting 10mins from my crib....and I just put together my new coupe.....Ill pay whatever, Im down for some seat time.

Im in...

1 Noah Hunt
2 MikE OtErO!
3 Sergio*miami 200sx.
4 me and 2 other team members..
5 javi drifter
6 fugeo drifter
7 Noel Garcia
8 Ralph Vidal ( jeepster118)
9 Rick Tavares
10 Michael rodriguez
11 Justin Mroczkowski
12 Jason Sink
13 Erick Mahle (rwdrift/FullOpp)
14 Alfredo Tognetti (XorZero)
15 Nick Byers (Blueberry)
16 TJ Gartenmayer (KwKouki/Genki Style)
17 scuba steve (penguin MP)
18 jeremy rice (penguin MP)
19 Charlie (aka CHUCK)
20 Gerald (gcliff)
21 / S.M.D.G / Aero K N.M.
22 Adrian Lemus ( ALemus3 )
23 Hasiel Mena ( nolsdneeded )
24 Robert Pelaez (dudocius)
25 Francisco X. Perez ( rollordie )
25 1/3 Luis Riera (etxxz)
for fucking sure!!!

1 Noah Hunt
2 MikE OtErO!
3 Sergio*miami 200sx.
4 me and 2 other team members..
5 javi drifter
6 fugeo drifter
7 Noel Garcia
8 Ralph Vidal ( jeepster118)
9 Rick Tavares
10 Michael rodriguez
11 Justin Mroczkowski
12 Jason Sink
13 Erick Mahle (rwdrift/FullOpp)
14 Alfredo Tognetti (XorZero)
15 Nick Byers (Blueberry)
16 TJ Gartenmayer (KwKouki/Genki Style)
17 scuba steve (penguin MP)
18 jeremy rice (penguin MP)
19 Charlie (aka CHUCK)
20 Gerald (gcliff)
21 / S.M.D.G / Aero K N.M.
22 Adrian Lemus ( ALemus3 )
23 Hasiel Mena ( nolsdneeded )
24 Robert Pelaez (dudocius)
25 Francisco X. Perez ( rollordie )
26 1/3 Luis Riera (etxxz)
27 Juan Henao (xero240)
wow how did i not see this...this is the first event ive seen even remotely close to home...very interesting :)

1 Noah Hunt
2 MikE OtErO!
3 Sergio*miami 200sx.
4 me and 2 other team members..
5 javi drifter
6 fugeo drifter
7 Noel Garcia
8 Ralph Vidal ( jeepster118)
9 Rick Tavares
10 Michael rodriguez
11 Justin Mroczkowski
12 Jason Sink
13 Erick Mahle (rwdrift/FullOpp)
14 Alfredo Tognetti (XorZero)
15 Nick Byers (Blueberry)
16 TJ Gartenmayer (KwKouki/Genki Style)
17 scuba steve (penguin MP)
18 jeremy rice (penguin MP)
19 Charlie (aka CHUCK)
20 Gerald (gcliff)
21 / S.M.D.G / Aero K N.M.
22 Adrian Lemus ( ALemus3 )
23 Hasiel Mena ( nolsdneeded )
24 Robert Pelaez (dudocius)
25 Francisco X. Perez ( rollordie )
26 1/3 Luis Riera (etxxz)
27 Juan Henao (xero240)
28 Vaughan Ling (kakapoopie)
BiG MiKE said:
i think we have enough support to get this thing goin... lets make it happen

+1 there is enough people to make the tickets under 100$ a day,

to be excact it would be $70 per day if all 35 peeps show up. :bigthumbu

lets make this happen like now!!!!!!
1 Noah Hunt
2 MikE OtErO!
3 Sergio*miami 200sx.
4 me and 2 other team members..
5 javi drifter
6 fugeo drifter
7 Noel Garcia
8 Ralph Vidal ( jeepster118)
9 Rick Tavares
10 Michael rodriguez
11 Justin Mroczkowski
12 Jason Sink
13 Erick Mahle (rwdrift/FullOpp)
14 Alfredo Tognetti (XorZero)
15 Nick Byers (Blueberry)
16 TJ Gartenmayer (KwKouki/Genki Style)
17 scuba steve (penguin MP)
18 jeremy rice (penguin MP)
19 Charlie (aka CHUCK)
20 Gerald (gcliff)
21 / S.M.D.G / Aero K N.M.
22 Adrian Lemus ( ALemus3 )
23 Hasiel Mena ( nolsdneeded )
24 Robert Pelaez (dudocius)
25 Francisco X. Perez ( rollordie )
26 1/3 Luis Riera (etxxz)
27 Juan Henao (xero240)
28 Vaughan Ling (kakapoopie)
29 Vince Garcia (Nunook)
1 Noah Hunt
2 MikE OtErO!
3 Sergio*miami 200sx.
4 me and 2 other team members..
5 javi drifter
6 fugeo drifter
7 Noel Garcia
8 Ralph Vidal ( jeepster118)
9 Rick Tavares
10 Michael rodriguez
11 Justin Mroczkowski
12 Jason Sink
13 Erick Mahle (rwdrift/FullOpp)
14 Alfredo Tognetti (XorZero)
15 Nick Byers (Blueberry)
16 TJ Gartenmayer (KwKouki/Genki Style)
17 scuba steve (penguin MP)
18 jeremy rice (penguin MP)
19 Charlie (aka CHUCK)
20 Gerald (gcliff)
21 / S.M.D.G / Aero K N.M.
22 Adrian Lemus ( ALemus3 )
23 Hasiel Mena ( nolsdneeded )
24 Robert Pelaez (dudocius)
25 Francisco X. Perez ( rollordie )
26 1/3 Luis Riera (etxxz)
27 Juan Henao (xero240)
28 Vaughan Ling (kakapoopie)
29 Vince Garcia (Nunook)
30 Dorian Cracolici (Choku_Dorian)
philip i dont think those pics of the paddlock are up anymore. have some 35mm that i need to develop from then ill just have to scan them.
1 Noah Hunt
2 MikE OtErO!
3 Sergio*miami 200sx.
4 me and 2 other team members..
5 javi drifter
6 fugeo drifter
7 Noel Garcia
8 Ralph Vidal ( jeepster118)
9 Rick Tavares
10 Michael rodriguez
11 Justin Mroczkowski
12 Jason Sink
13 Erick Mahle (rwdrift/FullOpp)
14 Alfredo Tognetti (XorZero)
15 Nick Byers (Blueberry)
16 TJ Gartenmayer (KwKouki/Genki Style)
17 scuba steve (penguin MP)
18 jeremy rice (penguin MP)
19 Charlie (aka CHUCK)
20 Gerald (gcliff)
21 / S.M.D.G / Aero K N.M.
22 Adrian Lemus ( ALemus3 )
23 Hasiel Mena ( nolsdneeded )
24 Robert Pelaez (dudocius)
25 Francisco X. Perez ( rollordie )
26 1/3 Luis Riera (etxxz)
27 Juan Henao (xero240)
28 Vaughan Ling (kakapoopie)
29 Vince Garcia (Nunook)
30 Dorian Cracolici (Choku_Dorian)
31 Justin Duncklee (Justin Duncklee)

I want to go!!! Yaaa!
1 Noah Hunt
2 MikE OtErO!
3 Sergio*miami 200sx.
4 me and 2 other team members..
5 javi drifter
6 fugeo drifter
7 Noel Garcia
8 Ralph Vidal ( jeepster118)
9 Rick Tavares
10 Michael rodriguez
11 Justin Mroczkowski
12 Jason Sink
13 Erick Mahle (rwdrift/FullOpp)
14 Alfredo Tognetti (XorZero)
15 Nick Byers (Blueberry)
16 TJ Gartenmayer (KwKouki/Genki Style)
17 scuba steve (penguin MP)
18 jeremy rice (penguin MP)
19 Charlie (aka CHUCK)
20 Gerald (gcliff)
21 / S.M.D.G / Aero K N.M.
22 Adrian Lemus ( ALemus3 )
23 Hasiel Mena ( nolsdneeded )
24 Robert Pelaez (dudocius)
25 Francisco X. Perez ( rollordie )
26 1/3 Luis Riera (etxxz)
27 Juan Henao (xero240)
28 Vaughan Ling (kakapoopie)
29 Vince Garcia (Nunook)
30 Dorian Cracolici (Choku_Dorian)
31 Justin Duncklee (Justin Duncklee)
32 Julius Robles (sittin-sideways)

hell ya if this event in june count me in
starion ready to action.
It's the parking lot where they hold the auto-x, not the actual track Sean. The title misleaded many -.-'
Nick Hogan said:
Well, bc Nopi is this coming weekend, and i have not driven the drift viper since early december, we figured it was time for some seat time, so I decided to rent some space at homestead so do some practice, anywho, we went down there and it turned out to be a track that i used to drive shifter karts on and was familiar with! w00t so i layed out a fun course with a great spot to build entry speed and make a wide entry sweeper in to some manji stuff and into a decreased raidius turn and back down for some wide right to left sweepers(technical and fun!) It was expensive (keep in mind, my dad helped me in the begining, but now im footin the bill from what vh1 pays me..not alot), so the shits expensive to me, but in order to be competitive i need the practice, so i pay...out the nose!

anyways, i got to thinkin that this would be a great space to hold an event, and would love to organize one for the locals to come and drift this badass course, the situation is, its $2500 a day from 9 to 5, so im talking to my sponsors to see if theyd help out to get this going and there would have to be an entry fee, but if everyone is in and down for it, i'll get this organized and try to make it work!

let me know your thoughts! :D

yo bro i dident get to meet you at nopi in miam cuz of the crowd folowing you but i and about twenty peaple i know who are local and good drivers that went with me to the nopi qulifeyer in port chearlet and had technical issues and just choked in qulifying like me would enjoy haveing a privat track day with a dude like you and wouldent have a problum with the whole mob folowing you durring your event just see if it can get done and most drivers i know would pay 100 just to get on a track for a day so that we can gain more seat time.. try and get it done man
AR said:
if us non formula D drivers need more then one pit crew person.. thats just being excessive..

but thats all "IF" this happens

whats the difference between a formula d driver and a regular driver?

both cars are gonna break, its drifting, and probably a shitty 240.
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